User ImageAmi:
A princess that seemed to take traits of her grandmother in disguise, while looking gentile and surreal. Like the true stereotype of a princess. She studied everyday- long and hard and worked in the grounds or observed to learn the physical aspect of each and every part of the pride. Around this time, she would be sent out in to the world soon, or so rumor had it. The feeling of being tossed in to the real world beyond these crater walls was frightening. But it was now a tradition her mother set in to place for her children to learn- and fully understand the world. For now, after studies- she would be up in the edges of the crater- watching. She had heard that her grandmother did it quite often. When not there she would be watching entertainers- learning their dances- steps and teachings.

Today, was a studying day. Her tutor and her had started to drill on how she was suppose to talk during a debate with a different pride. How to mediate between many. This lasted a few hours before she tired out- and sent them away. For the past few days she hoped that Djinni was well. She heard that he hadn't been eating- hadn't been enjoying his time alone and hoped to see him rather sooner then later. To this she started singing..

"Like a tree waiting to grow,
Hundreds of years can show,
But still no growth~"


"Maybe it's the winds,
Maybe its the sun is not strong enough yet,
Maybe not enough rain to get me by...
How long do I have to weight to touch the sky.."

Her ears went back, her mane was long, braided and with bangs flowing down in a curl. She was beautiful like her mother- surreal like her grandmother and the sense of attraction like her father and dedicated like her grandfather. A perfect mixture of a perfect leader. Not completely knowing it but at the same time, didn't question it. Something about her, just radiated- like the glow in her pelt.. She was lonely- with her twin being her only salvation to that loneliness yet she didn't understand why she felt so alone. It felt like an infection, as a juvenile- she watched a dancer dance.. and his smile, for some reason had attracted her. The way he danced, she admired. Something- a feeling of happiness swelled in her. It felt like ...she wasn't alone. Looking down her private spring at her own reflection, singing.. She hated being alone..

User ImageDjinni:
Ruff still damp from his bath, Djinni stopped several paces away from the young princess, listening to her sing. Such a pity, a pretty voice and a pretty lady with such an ugly soul. It wasn't really fair of him to hate her, the punishment might not have been her order, just the guards taking it too far. But... no, that didn't make sense, did it? The guards couldn't just go around beating up whomever they wanted. They took orders. His heart darkened and throbbed, aching for what he'd caused. If he had just bent to her will, none of this would have happened. Damn her... and damn him, too.

"Forgive me for interrupting, your highness. You have a lovely voice." He didn't even bother trying to smile, he hurt too much in too many ways to try. He just raised his eyebrows slightly in polite interest.

Her head rose, surprised. He was here.. she smiled widely and rose up, but as soon as she let her eyes scan him over. Her eyes softened with concern. "Djinni..Ente-" She shook her head and trotted and ended up quickly striding towards him. "What is wrong..." Her soft tone, she had heard of the troubles she had costed him, all that she did to help- she didn't know would backfire. Feeling the aura he had given off to her, these vibes she would soon learn about to come an ability in the future. "Such compliments coming from you mean a lot." But her smile had disappeared, just the look of worry all over her face. Serious came over her.

"Away with you~" The Guard looked surprised- then retreated rather soundly and slowly.

"Did you enjoy your break?" Saying it as if it were a good thing, he looked over work- everyone needed a break but the break did more damage than good. Soon she would come to understand this. The dirty secrets underground of the guards. The ones that ached for torture. Greed. "I heard you have not been eating well- are you ok? Should I call in a doctor?" All things she didn't know would peeve him off. No- she was genuinely worried. But like Janja'Nyoka she would hurt the very thing she craved for.

What was wrong? Everything was wrong. He ached, he'd hurt the most important individual in his life, and here he was, sitting before the girl who had caused all his recent problems. But, hey, it couldn't really get any worse, right? No, that was wrong. There were so many ways this could get worse and he wasn't about to let that happen. But perhaps... Perhaps he could make this better.

The guard was gone and her questions continued. Break, is that what she thought it was? More like punishment. And for some reason, he couldn't stop himself from opening his stupid mouth.
"A break, your highness? I'm sorry, I don't understand. I thought I was being punished." Or had she really, truly not believed him when he said he liked being with others and making them happy? If that was the case, well, then of course she would think his forced solitude was pleasurable. When in all actuality, it had been a living hell. When his guards had spoken to him, rarely at best, the words had been far from kind. He missed his clients, and damn if he didn't miss Lulu. He'd been gone so long, only to come back and be forced away from her again. It just wasn't fair.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't been feeling well. I wasn't really concerned about it, I've had it happen before, but I'm not sure if it was contagious or not. I had a doctor come see me, but..." Djinni paused, a small frown making its way over his features. "My guards found out and took her to the slave dens as punishment. I didn't mean to cross your orders, and it wasn't her fault."
Should he tell her the doctor was his friend? No, there was no need, at least not right now. If she asked, he would tell the truth, but if she didn't there was no reason to add it.

She shook her head and sighed. "Of course it wasn't- I was upset but I knew it was because you came back from a mission, so that is why I said to give you some time without others around so you could regroup. I could imagen all your customers are eager to hear from you but no. Never to punish." She smiled and started to groom herself. Which was a rare sight, as others did the grooming for her. "Took a doctor to the slave's den?!" Her eyes shot a look at him, then pulled back her body in a reserved motion. "..." Getting quiet as she didn't exactly know what she should do- of course get the doctor out but someone who is going to help her precious Dijinni and they take the doctor away!? No- She should have specified, that wasn't what she meant. Hearing the words she spoke, she finally looked away. Taking in the fact that someone could have been condemned because for her decision- her orders were too strong for such petty things.

Looking up at him. "Thank you- I will get her out at once. Guard!" She called out at the end of her sentence. The guard reared his head. "I want the doctor in which was sent to come back to the surface, I also want whoever that doctor is to take the day off. Grant her immunity for the day for the troubles they had to go through. Make sure they are set up for today, and to thank them for coming to see Entertainer Dijinni and aiding him." Of course, the guard was surprised- a bit pissed off and angry and turned to complete the order until she stopped him. "One more thing- I want to know who put the order to punish a doctor. It is forbidden." The guard looked at her- then bowed. "Yes Princess Ami." Then proceeded to complete the order.

Sighing, she looked at Dijinni. "I am glad you told me. I ......say to protect you and not let anyone bother you and all this happens. I sorry for the troubles. I- didn't know.." Assuming others knew what she meant but of course. Her words were orders- black and white with no grey area and now that she learned that she could only shake her head with the heaviness to her chest. "I didn't know.." Looking away from him. "By the looks of it- seems I am some evil leader..Maybe leaving would be for the best.." She whispered, almost sounding defeated.

In the blink of an eye, the princess changed in his eyes. Djinni no longer saw the spoiled, demanding little b***h. She was just a child who didn't understand her power. He supposed that earned a bit of honesty from him. Perhaps she would react better to it.
His shoulders sagged a bit as if a weight had been taken from them and he sighed when she ordered the guard to release Lulu.
"Honestly? I don't think the guards like me very much. They were probably overzealous on purpose," he replied with a shake of his head. He frowned when he caught her hushed words.

"Princess, it was a mistake. If I may... you didn't know. You have such power, even at your age. It's easy for anyone to say something without thinking, it's hard on you because your words have power. That doesn't make you evil-" He paused with a bit of a half-smile and shrug. "Just learning."

Some things didn't change. He still wasn't her friend, he didn't want her cuddling up to him, he didn't want to share his worries and stress with her. But at least, in that moment, he didn't hate her. No, he only hated the guards that beat his heart and mocked him when he tried to stop it.

"A mistake can cost someone their life." Her tone got more serious, and had turned the anger towards herself. She thought that her words were clear enough but no. One had to place every detail in the right order- and her face looked stressed. These were the worries of the heirs. How every single move they make can judge them, and everyone sees it. She already heard a couple of her advisers about learning to be an entertainer and watching entertainers for the bulk of her free time. "My mother is putting a place in new rule." She looked to Dijinni. "Someone can buy out an entertainer- completely. They would need to care for them and make sure their life conditions stay at least the same or better. I'm excited for this rule... it gives entertainers the chance to be ...normal." A soft smile. "I think it gives an opportunity to many to seek out other professions. I also tried to ask for everyone to have the ability to choose their own path. My mother is asking us to put our necks out to the council. New rules, the normal problems and diplomacy is a stressful life. You just.. get absorbed and all eyes go to you. When you make a mistake- like this it echos throughout. I just didn't want our first meeting, I didn't imagen it would go so bad." Sighing, then she bowed. "Forgive me." Then looking up at him. "They will learn to respect you though. That much I can assure you." Softly she smiled, but it looked to mature for it.

"I hope the doctor can forgive me- I would like for them to look you over if you trust their words. Doctors should be untouched- and it seems common sense to not condemn them to punishment over such circumstances." She was indeed mature for her age, This was all her teachings coming out in to the front line of her. She was serious, and passionate and knew a common goal. "I'm sorry- I said I was going to hear you- not you hear me.." Chuckling awkwardly as she blushed a little.

"Anyhow, if you have rested enough, we will have the doctor look you over and then ..." She trailed off for a moment, gulped. "Would.. you be able to spend some time .. you know. Um.." She was asking.. a Princess to ask!? It was her birth right- she owned everything but it was different. Dijinni looked the most honest- she admired him so that she cared what he thought of her. Regretting for having upset him in the first place.

"That's true," he agreed with another sigh. "But you've learned from it, and thankfully it didn't."
Djinni's mouth closed when he realized he was more or less instructing her. It wasn't his place... or was it? She was supposed to be learning from the entertainers, from everyone, and while the current lesson was certainly not one in entertainment, it was just as important as any others. It was just odd that it was coming from him.

He listened intently while she talked about this new rule. It was interesting, but he wasn't sure how he really felt about it. Entertainers weren't supposed to mate, he knew this, he'd give anything to take back his choice if he thought he could be with Lulu. He doubted she'd ever have him, though. Still, he imagined he would miss being the comfort, the amusement, and the ear to others. It hurt that he couldn't have both.
And what worried him most was the fact that someone, anyone, could completely buy an entertainer. Would said entertainer have a choice?

She was so young, he'd hate to be in her position.
"I do what I do, highness. If the guards don't respect me now, odds are they won't later. Respect and trust are given, only fear can be taken."

Djinni glanced away considering. In his heart he felt there would be no forgiveness in this, not for the guards, the princess, not even for himself. He'd been a fool to think her being a doctor would mean anything against the decree, that he could have done a damn thing to stop it. But he couldn't tell the princess that.
"I'm sure she'll understand that it was the guards' doing, and not yours directly. And there's no need to worry, it was just some aches and pains. Don't need to call any more doctors to look in on me." Not to mention there was only one doctor he really ever went to.
She wanted to hear him, but honestly there wasn't much to talk about, and even less that he would be willing to share.

Her hesitancy confused him.
"To spend some time...?" He let the question trail off, prompting her to finish the thought. Talk, fine. Actually, at this point, he'd almost just rather curl up and listen to her talk or sing. At least her voice was soothing, when her words weren't putting him on edge. And if all she wanted to do was help him relax, that would be a step in the right direction. He listened to others, but he also gave what advice he could. Sitting and not having to think wouldn't be terrible. Sure, it was nothing compared to the thought of curling up with Lulu and hearing, saying nothing at all, but perhaps it would help.
And he wouldn't so much have to worry about Ami stepping over his rules. He hoped.

Her garments flew as she stepped closer to him, and softly gave him a smile. Tender, yet still rather regal- and subdued. As if bashful or shy. "I would just like to start over again... Can we?" Lifting her right paw gently. "Princess Ami..Daughter of Boss Buluu and Lady Emi. Heir in training." Bowing her head. "Like I said before, I had seen you dance when I- 'we'- we younger. In practices when my mother was having meetings and you were doing your training. I.. admired you from afar. I always wanted to meet you- now that I had received order to pursue the knowledge of the pride- I thought I would be able to get a chance, but once granted- you were already gone for a mission. I wished you safe trip- even sent a scout to see if you were alright..I wo-" Sighing. "Rambling.." Ears went back as she looked up at Dijinni.. He was like her idol and everything that wanted.. How he danced so freely- as they grew he became more enchanted... But in his absence she had met the more sultry entertainers therefore corrupted her mind of them. Slightly.

The stories of her grandmother and her male escorts. Her being an escort- she knew it all, so she thought. Her attributes had definitely worn in to her. "They will respect you. I am backing you, and thus I demand they do." Getting 'slightly' serious then sighing. Getting up and slowly taking in from their personal spring in the den. Her cave- her den was enchanted with furs- shinies- she had it all. Although a tiny shiny stood out. A crystal- looking way to similar to the crystals found where Lulu and Dijinni had connected. Sitting next to a layer of furs- that so happened to be her bed.

"I wish no member to hate me- If I am to be a Boss Lady one day- I must listen to the members. Hear their concerns. Things of that nature- to think I made this mistake." Shaking her head. "Yes.. a learning experience. One I should have known.-Um.. If you don't.. have anything to do. Would.. you maybe like to accompany me here for a little bit. Maybe... maybe you can.. critic my voice?" Anything to spend the time with him.

Her wanting to start over again made him want to laugh. Was it cynical that he just couldn't grant her that request? She had demanded that he confide in her, called him a liar, wanted... more than he could give. Nothing could erase those memories from his mind. But he supposed in a way he could forgive her. She just didn't understand. Not to mention if she had been training with other entertainers, she wouldn't even more so. He wasn't like the norm. He didn't do this because he was good at it - though he was. No, he did it because he wanted to. He could have been almost anything, born royal and his mother a seer, he could have become a fighter like his brother, a merchant, anything. But no, he had chosen to be an entertainer, because that's what he wanted to do, entertain.
Just not in that way.
But, he supposed the least he could do was humor her.

"Djinni, son of Iseult and Teo. Entertainer," he replied with a half-grin. He let his paw slip under her offered one and bowed his head over it. It still hurt, the throbbing in his head and the emptiness everywhere else, but he was doing a good job of ignoring it.
He stood and obediently followed her into her den, pausing slightly when his gaze fell to the crystal. It couldn't be... He wrote it off for the moment.

"Don't worry about rambling, your highness. I'll let you in on a secret, I'm a very good listener and I do my best to help." He paused for a moment, shaking his head with that same half-grin. "Okay, so perhaps not a secret, I'm not sure how much my clients talk."

A smile crossed her maw, and the genuine joy was confined in just a smile, like one of a Geisha's- a refined entertainer. Like her grandmother. "I see... well there is not much to say, unless you are helping me with my studies." Nodding. "It is nice to meet you Dijinni..." A soft blush came over her features. It was apparent that these things were taken notice of easily- these would be the things that would haunt her when she would be sent out in to the wild. "I am due to be released outside of the walls of our pride- It is tradition, or so my mother implanted. To survive in the roguelands- learn from them. I have yet to pick my right hand. How would I survive- I am unsure- and it ... scares me." Looking at Dijinni as soon as she circled and coiled around a rock that hung over her personal spring. Looking at the water, and posed to perfection. "The worries if my rules are not followed- or if they will hate me. If I hadn't studied enough- I have." Looking at him, and rubbing her paw over her face. "I'm sorry- I am saying my problems again.." Propping up but still in a laid out position. "How about a song-?" Offering with genuine interest.

Djinni listened quietly, one of the things he did best despite his otherwise gregarious nature. His heart went out to her, especially since he had no idea what to tell her. The thought crossed his mind to suggest his brother, his twin, as an escort. Jafar was strong and capable, and far more ambitious than he would ever be. If there was anyone who would kill to have the chance to protect the heir to the pride, well, no doubt it would be his twin.
And that thought scared the hell out of him. The lengths his brother might go to to achieve his goals... he didn't want to think about that.

It was far too much for her to be thinking about at her age, but then again she had no choice in the matter. As much as he was inclined to help, there was nothing he could do but offer a distraction from her troubles.
"Did you wish to sing, or for me to?" he asked when she once more suggested a song. She had mused about getting him to critique her singing, that he could do. But in case she changed her mind and wanted him to sing, he wracked his brain for a song, which really only served to worsen his headache.

"I need the critique. But I would love for you to sing.. but.. you looked like you had a rough day, I can sing." A soft smile crossed her maw. Then she started.

"Our smiles are secrets to us,
Our touch is in sync and rough,
Bite our lips cause it's us,
Love it cause it's fun,
It's natural because we're the naked truth,
We know the us- that no one else does,
The bad the ugly we know too well- It's funny cause we think that's the beauty of ours,

But we love,
We loss-
I'll be your fun,
But your kiss is irony,

Known your destined to meet,
Kindred souls because we're twins- right,
I'll finish your sentence like yours to mine,
Got exotic sparks,

But we love baby,
We lost~
I'll be good to you-
But I'm bad enough~

Hold each other like it's a virtuous sin,
Holding on because the fear of letting go of the possibility,
As such destiny is to be,"

Her voice dedicated in her tone, Soft and gentle, but emotional enough as if she found a love and lost it,
Or love and trying to hold it so desperately. Her eyes closed- and all but absorbed in the song and when she ended... It was as if something lifted from her and transparenting her emotions in to it. Then she lifted her eyes, angelicly and looked back at him... Then a smile. "What do you think..?"

Djinni listened, watching her intently as she sang. Probably not the song he would have chosen to brighten a moment, but that was just him. There were generally two types of singers, those that sang with the mood and those that sang to change it. Typically, he was both. When he was happy, he sang uplifting songs, when the mood was sad, he did his best to lift it. Only in his heart lay songs and stories of despair and heartache.

"I'm impressed. You have a good ear for the emotions in a song, There are those that still can't quite manage to put a soul so firmly in their music." He considered it again, going over the song in his head, closing his eyes for a moment to concentrate past the dull throbbing in his brain, tilting his head in thought. His nod started off slow and minute before increasing quickly to a few more pronounced, certain nods.
"It felt a bit sharp a couple of times, but I'm not sure if you did that on purpose. Singing to show skill, that's not exactly desired. But with a song like that, it adds more of the emotion. It's okay to make mistakes if it's on purpose. Like one of mine where I constantly go off-key. It's to make others laugh. Does that make sense?"

This continued on.. Her singing as to her, listening to his critics and other whimsical advice. This was what she wanted, something sincere, something she knew could be hers. She softly sang, yet had no urge to dance. Really, she just didn't know how to. When she was done with her song sets, and she had done her last with the advice he gave her, she stopped. Looking over the spring and absorbing the talks they had. Even just hearing his advice. "I can't believe this is happening..." She looked up at him with starry eyes. "To get advice from one ... of my heroes. It's silly I know, but when I saw you dance when I was younger.. I remember. Feeling... Happy. Something- like a joy come over me that I couldn't control. I wanted to be able to do that, but I know my time here was shortening now, and well.. I wanted to try everything to know you before I left. Is that selfish?" Her ears went down as the conversation took the turn. "Dijinni.... you being here as made me the happiest, and I will never forget it." Softly she leaned against his shoulder. Just a lean, and nothing more the tinest affections were easy to show. To her family, Emi was affectionate yet told by many that Nyoka was not affectionate. There fore even the smallest brush of a tail meant the world and that was what Ami wanted to portray. Only her and her doted on would know of these small affections. Wanting to somehow replay the past of her beloved grandmother Nyoka- and make Dijinni her Dysi..