User ImageAmi:
Ami , the princess of the pride had grown in to her young adult years. She was being groomed along with her twin to take forth the pride. Many were their fans and a yawn escaped her. Kindness? What could rule with an iron fist like her grandmother once did, she was told stories by the story tellers of her grandmothers' triumph. Like grandma, she was already showing signs of being a major player in the game of politics. Showing attention to some of the reigning powers. Oh, she was almost the spitting image of her grandmother. Her mother though- continued to keep a strict paw on her though. Her father tried to keep her at ends reach of her making any kind of mistakes that could hurt Emi.

"Oh.... look who the world brought in.." Smirking. Seeing the dark blue male almost fly past her. She had a THING for blue. Lifting herself up with all sorts of robes flowing behind her. Adorned with the best jewelry the pride had. It was because she was training in with the Geisha's and Merchants. Even dappled on the fighters training. Her schedule was full of the grooming of the throne but she was always partying it up in the entertainers den but there had been a male she had a crush on sense long ago and that had left for so long.. that he didn't see her grow in to the woman she was becoming.

Finally he came back and she was excited to see he did all in one piece. Seeing him pass one of the tunnels. Because of the underground world they had to live when she was little, she knew the tunnels better than most adults. "Dijinni~~~~~?" Her voice was so soft, so tender- it masked that hidden mischievous nature of hers. Gracefully finding her way to where she had last saw him.. His den. She gasped, she hadn't once entered it.. Well that was a lie. She stole one of his trinkets at a young tender age but since then she hadn't. Slowly she peaked her head in but kept most of her body out of sight. "Hello..?"

User ImageDjinni:
Djinni's head jerked up at the sound of someone at his den's entrance and he immediately pushed what he was looking at back into the crack in the wall where he kept it. He turned, a small smile of greeting on his face, but that was all it was. It certainly wasn't a happy one.

"Ah, hello princess," he replied with a small dip of his head. He didn't want company, especially not a virtual stranger, but what could he do? Simply turn her away? If she had been a nobody, he doubt he would have been able to, much less one of the royal family.
This day just kept going from bad to worse.

"Did you need me for something?" Something simple, perhaps he could manage, but then again, she'd probably be better off with another entertainer to pass her time.

The sweet and innocent looking cheetah princess smiled ever so gently to her warmest content as she flexed her paws in to dim lighting of his den. "My dear, you are the entertainer I have been waiting quite a long time for." She continued stepping forward til she made it in the middle and gently sat down on her hunches. "I am Ami, Princess of the Kuroi'Nera- Your pride. I seek to indulge in your presence dear entertainer, or should I called you by name. Dijinni. With you, much has been spoken of... And such a successful mission I thought I'd congratulate your personally for your services to my pride." How she presented and held herself was powerful and drawing yet with a touch of graceful innocence.

"But yet your not with your fellow members to celebrate, your instead. Sweet Dijinni... I've come to celebrate with you.." She took a step closer to him and softly rubbed her snout under his chin. "Such a prized entertainer shouldn't be in the glooms of the darkness. They should be celebrated in the lightseagreen light and that is what I am here to do....." Lifting her eyes to meet his. There was a glow to them, like the color of her markings. A glow, and something about her just seeped to attract others. Her jewelry shined in the dimmest of light, and with her touches they were tender. Bringing a paw to his cheek and brushing the fur back.. Creating with her a tender moment...

Djinni's head dipped again when she introduced herself. Oh, he had known her for who she was, not her name exactly, but he had seen her before, when he was younger. His mother's connection to the queen and all that.
"Djinni is fine, your highness. I am honored that you would think me worthy of your thanks and praise." He didn't much care for being called by his title. Made him feel... more like an object than an individual.

Discomfort swelled in him the more she spoke, stepping close and rubbing under his jaw and touching his cheek. Her scent filled his head and his senses couldn't help but rebel slightly. This wasn't the female he wanted near, tell her to go away, they said. But he couldn't do that. It was his place in the pride to entertain others and most of all she was a princess.
Still, he took a step away from her, breaking the contact, but catching her gaze, hoping that his actions were read as wanting a better look at her rather than simply wanting to get away.

She didn't understand and he wouldn't tell her, ah but he was tired. The journey had been long and a part of him just wanted to lie down and sleep. And moreover, his heart ached. He didn't want to celebrate a damn thing, coming home wasn't important if Lulu wasn't there. But he couldn't sleep, couldn't curl into a ball and hope for oblivion to soothe the pain in his chest, not when someone wanted his company.
... Maybe he should start letting them call him "entertainer." He didn't feel very much like an individual right now.

"What would you like, Princess? A song, a story?" He didn't have the energy for a dance or his little tricks, didn't have the mirth for comedy. In fact, if she insisted on spending time with him, he was afraid that the mood of his art would be rather melancholy. Already soft, sad songs and somewhat tragic stories were flitting through his mind; it was difficult to sift through them to find something pleasant.

When he moved away, she was too absorbed in him to really think it was illed towards her. It was like a game of cat and mouse in her eyes as she fluttered them and turned around. Almost looking pouty then slowly circled and made herself a nice position to lay in. Yawning slightly then looking at the soothing sight of his complexion. From the way he moved and spoke, she thought maybe celebrating wasn't the course of action she should take. Maybe something more subtle. "You are a type worth praise." Her voice was direct in her flirt with a seemingly divine nature. "You look tired, why not lay with me. Seems something has been troubling you, and since I have to master every art why don't you relax and get yourself comfortable." She smiled softly. "I would love to hear about the mission.. not a story.. maybe what it is Dijinni is. Who is he.. what he feels. That would be something I am interested in. Not the flutter that I hear from other entertainers. It bores me."

Damn. Did she have to lie down? Did she have to ask him to join her? If she knew anything about him, about his reputation, she should know that was something he didn't do. He was always polite, respectful in his ways. Comical, yes, but still respectful. Despite his jovial attitude, though, his habit of distancing himself from others could be read as almost aloof, if one really looked at it. Usually he was just far too skilled at distracting from that fact.

He sat down where he was, close but not too close, enough that she was full in his view, rather than having to turn his eyes even slightly. He should thank her again for the compliment, but he'd already done that, now hadn't he?
"I'm fine, Princess, I assure you." Only he wasn't fine. He gave her a smile and let out a small chuckle, neither of which he felt. Lulu was right, he was a fake. And at this moment he wasn't sure what riled him more, the fact that he had become what he'd hoped to never be or the female who drove him to it.

"I'm just a simple artist, your highness. A silly boy who likes making others smile," he replied, his smile never wavering. Djinni didn't want to talk about his mission. It had been his own, there was no need to recount it, and it wasn't like he enjoyed doing it. All that mattered was that he was successful and that he was home, safe and sound.
Well, perhaps not necessarily safe at the moment and certainly not sound after his talk with Lulu... At least he was home, that was a good thing, he supposed.

"A simple artist hm.." She thought on this and looked up and away. He didn't lay like she had told him to. A point was taken off. He was distant. Another point was taken off. He wasn't acting like an entertainer. Another point was taken off but she at least leaned back and finally looked back at him again. She was examining everything about him. She had been, for some time now. "This isn't the Dijinni I knew." Plain and blunt did her words sound exasperatingly bored of his attitude. Noting that her sister was the kinder one than she. Complete twins except she stood out because of her added glow. "So let me guess...a simple artist was able to steal, kill and play the part of seducing to get whatever they want. To achieve and get to a gold without really using any strength. Just skill and wit. " Her eyes were piercing now with seriousness.

"You haven't made me smile yet. Your soon to be queen- and you have not laid next to me, nor listened to any of my commands. Do you believe this is fair to treat someone you owe your life to? I hate to show you this side of me, but it seems you are treating your soon to be queen rather unfairly. I have graced you with my presence and this is what I get. Disobidiance. " Relaxing her shoulders and sighing. "I want to hear about my people and you are certainly apart of them."

He blinked in confusion.
"I haven't changed-" But then she went on, reminding him of what he was supposed to be. No, no that wasn't him, he hadn't done any of that. His ears flicked back, smile fled, one paw rose as if he intended to retreat. Yes, he'd tricked to get what he'd been sent for, but no seduction, certainly no killing. He'd played the harmless fool, which for him wasn't hard to do. They'd liked him, thought him amusing, didn't see the harm in him being around. A little bit of Lulu's herbs to let them sleep deeply and that was all it took. He could never kill someone, never.

"Your highness, I fear you have the wrong enter-" Good gods, had he just started to correct her? What was the matter with him?!
Without a second thought, he bowed his head low, eyes averted respectfully.
"I'm sorry, your highness, I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Perhaps the journey took its toll on me after all," Djinni sighed, flinching as she pressed royal power down on him.
"I.... would prefer to sit, please." I'm not that kind of entertainer... "What is it you wish to know about me?"

She examined him, the world in which he lived would be hers soon and she needed to know about every aspect of it. But most importantly, she had taken a liking upon him from when they were little. Only one birth cycle between them, she watched all his shows- astounded. Being the quiet and calculating twin, the one that was very sure of every step she made. Not reckless, nor kind but she acted the part quite well. Just like Grandmother Janja'nyoka, the best ruler of the pride. Their bloods were both rooted from this land. Hers more than his, and she would see to it that he understood it soon enough. Thinking him funny in the way he acted, strange.

As soon as he started to correct her, she drew back just ever so slightly in almost a shock but he knew quickly of his mistake. Which got her to calm down slightly.

While they were there-

User ImageLúhuì'Huā:
Lulu had been on a hunt for the flowers in which brought upon poisons. Her most deadly specialty. Paw- picked by Lady Emi, the most fair queen of their time. She respected her, she even showed kindness and forgiveness- she would be forever the sweet princess but times were hard and it had changed her. Emi embraced her blood line, and understood what her pride did but she put the pride's orders in good use. They did things differently. They would no longer help destroy prides- but help rebuild them. Entertainers had freedoms to retire after their geisha years, and new ranks were placed so all could have a place. Spirits, and Gods were respected. These are the things that made Lulu stay in the pride. Although her family's situation was hard, Emi granted them access to leave the pride with their aunt- when before they would either be bound and killed. All of Lin's care was for her protection and she was treated well- as well as one could, when being restrained. Any comfort she needed, all the support, Emi gave their family freely.

Lulu contemplated how everything had boiled down- and realized that she was here for the right causes. She had a good leader- she had to be thankful that it wasn't like how the pride was run in the old days. The only draw back was she could not leave her adoring Queen. She trusted very little- yet she trusted Lulu and took care of her when her mother could not. Gave her the tools she needed to survive this pride. She closed her eyes.... The outside... she so desperately wanted her chains to be freed still. Their taring of her heart and where it should lead her. "Dijinni..." Remembering when they were put to pick flowers together, and had done it more often as they grew in ranks together. He showed her how it was to dance and be happy. She showed him how to eat greens and learn poisonous plants he should stay away from. But he didn't know the outside like she did, and certainly didn't know her. She missed him.. she could at least admit that, her friend.. maybe they were never met to understand each other. Maybe it was better they not be friends anymore... she should keep to her own kind. But who was her kind... Suki?

Suki couldn't leave the pride without Lulu, her rank far surpassed him and his leveling had been taking a while to process but he heard he was speeding through the ranks. Worrying wasn't an issue. As long as she came back unharmed- he would be happy. Living in this new pride, he'd grown comfortable and filled with ease. Everything came fluently. But the grand prize- Lulu... How he was in love with her back when they were cubs. After all the partying and at the end of the night- he thought of her the chance to be with her, even if she had grown in to a very strong cheetah in a pride. He'd forgive her and even joined.. With boredom in decorating Lulu's den- he left to the entertainers dens- back to his den. Slipping through the tunnels in which he'd gotten lost now plenty of times. Only to hear whispers... His ears perked up and he lowered his body in a stalking mode.

"Entertainer Dijinni..." Her voice calm, as she became more royal in her gestures and showing power without needing to try. "I must confess, I have seen all of your shows. I have heard quite many things of you. As we grew up... I have admired you from afar. So for that, and my confession and time. I would like to get supplemented with knowing the face behind the dancer.. So many times you have heard others.. I would like to hear of you. Your likes- dislikes- your problems because from them you get to know the true spirit of one's soul. I- your princess, am extending my paw... As from the way you are acting is quite different from what I remember. Your mission looks as though it tired your very being and I want to help by granting an ear like you have done to so many. A wish to befriend one of the most sweetest entertainers this pride has to offer." Seeming genuine in her words. "To hear you, I can escape my own tiring life.." Filled with working in every section to learn the ways of her pride. Having to work with the slaves up to the high generals of the pride. When she was out, like many others- she would watch entertainers but far more than that, wished that her days were awaken by Dijinni...

Inwardly, Djinni cringed at her words, but showed none of it in his posture. It was despicable, selfish and cruel what she was doing. To use a position of power to demand what needed trust to give, would that he could stand up to this, would that he could send her away. He was older, and clearly far more mature. He would never ask this of someone, only offer. His customers, he never asked them to tell him their worries, merely established that his ears were open should they ever need it.

"My lady, there isn't much to tell, I promise you. Really, some of my favorite things in the world are hearing others laugh at my jokes and tricks, singing songs, and dancing. Making others happy while doing so is all the better." Well, those weren't his absolute favorite thing, they hadn't been in a very long time. But the last thing he wanted to tell some controlling little princess intent on his company for her pleasure was that he was so deeply in love with a plague doctor-in-training.

"And I don't like birds very much, but I'm not sure I know anyone that does. Too many feathers, so much work and all that. Actually, I think I might be a little lazy... Huh, never really considered that," he rambled a bit, such harmless information. He didn't like to see someone crying, somewhat common knowledge among his private clients, but he wasn't about to tell her that, either. If she would use her position against him, he wouldn't give her something like that to add to her arsenal. He hated this kind of deception as well, a few knew that, too. But she would not, not from his maw.

"I... don't seem to have much more to talk about, Princess. Perhaps another time?" Please leave, I'm tired and my heart aches, but I will not rest until you're gone. Would that any god listened to his silent, heartfelt prayer. Perhaps he should go to his mother, stay with her. She would protect him from unwanted callers, who wanted to bother an entertainer when he was staying with his seer and friend-of-the-queen mother?

Lulu was slipping away from him. She could feel the separation already starting to form, maybe Suki was right. The only ones that could be trusted were those of family. He- was considered her family once. He was now, as well. She opened her eyes to watch a screen shot of her memories play before her. Her paws in the tall grass- still as she heard the old foot steps of the memories. Her running and both her and Dijinni learning how to hunt on their own. Things that entertainers didn't have to do- things that plague seekers didn't have to do, but they did it. Had they broken the rules together? She laughed at his failed attempts- well a chuckle all the same. "We're....just... so different." His life as sheltered as it could be. How she almost even got excited when he asked for one of her potions to complete missions. It was like she was helping him, and right there with him like when they went out in the vast world beyond these walls. But could it compare to when she could freely leave her family and play in the water. Examine the life source in the greenery around her? How she could speak to Suki about everything, and him follow- tackle her and play when she was almost always uninterested. Now she wished she could take him up on those offers, she doubted he would object. Then the images of Dijinni started to fade and replaced with the tiny paws of her running away from Suki. "Get away you stalker!" "HA! I knew you could speak!" "I hate you!" ....Did she really?

"Nmm." Nodding her head softly.. Understanding and hearing him out. To her, every detail of him was amazing.. it was like putting pieces to a puzzle. She calmly looked away. She could see the entertainer in him coming out slightly but it didn't seem right. Everything about his movements she had learned and he was off. Maybe it was the wrong time to approach him. Was she too bold, non sense. Her grandmother was bold- and it got her this pride. She knew about her grandmother's interest in an entertainer, and she wanted to walk those foot steps. "You lie so beautifully that I can not be mad at you..." Looking slightly upset and rubbed the wrong way but trying desperately to hide it, unlike her grandmother, she hadn't mastered the art of being icy and serene- hiding one's feelings. She- was transparent but only in her emotions and not intentions. Those she kept to well. "I wish your presence when you have regained enough rest. You are to take a few days off and report to my den." The directness was so tender yet showed sadness... "It does pain me that you would lie to your future queen. But that is what our kind does the best....You are merely doing your job." Lowering her ears down.

His ears perked up. The voices, one he could identify, the other... she announced herself quite clear. "Dijinni....." That new clientele of Lulu's. His ears swiveled. The princess!? He must be something to get her attention, such high statuses- even if he never been to a pride, he could sense the massive respect for royalty here. One could have their head cut off in a moment's notice if they got looked at wrong. He met Lady Emi, the queen upon entering. She seemed like a fair leader. To imagen that her daughter was asking an entertainer to be in her quarters. On top of that, so direct- she sensed his lies? This surprised her but he was different. He loved giving others attention, and that wasn't fake at all.... He was a partyboy.. He'd have to learn more about this dijinni. The one that made his Lulu act differently.

He couldn't stop himself, it was the one accusation he couldn't, had never been able to stand. When the little tart called him a liar, his smile fled and his fur bristled slightly.
"Forgive me for not living up to your expectations, your highness. I wish you would tell me what you would like me to say, since you ask for the truth and when given it call me a liar," he replied, his tone still as polite as ever, though certainly not jolly. Djinni stood and moved past her to his den's entrance. Yes, as much as he wanted to be alone, time with his mother was definitely due.

He sighed and shook his head slightly. When next he spoke, he sounded tired.
"If you knew me so well, you should know I never lie and in all I have gone outside of these lands have never killed. Not even a prey-beast, sadly I'm completely inept at both. Forgive me, I had forgotten to tell my mother I've come home. I don't want to worry her." But he didn't leave, he knew he couldn't yet. It would him dismissing her, a slight that could mean his life no matter how connected his family might be, no matter how others liked him.

"You don't understand... how long I waited..." Her voice was low. When he passed her, she was about to raise her voice but didn't as she heard his foot steps stop. He was different. This wasn't how she had imagened this to be like. Her paws tightened and her talons dug in to the ground slightly. She was upset and she wanted to cry... Her voice had broken slightly. She wanted ever so much to stay in his den, and have them talk the night through but he didn't give her the time of day! She was a princess! "How can you speak to me like this?!" The way he presented this was much to her dismay of how she felt. She rose more quickly than she had anticipated. The glory of youth. "I will talk to the guards. You will not be seeing anyone else other than your family til I have seen you first." Stood there behind him.. about to cry. Sensitive for a princess, weren't they all like this? Had her grandmother not once fallen in love and had yearned for? "Get out of my sight." That wasn't what she wanted to say.. this wasn't how this was suppose to be like... Standing there and having to watch him walk away broke her inners..

Quickly the male slinked in to the shadows, and rose his ears. This wasn't the type of conversation he had thought would go down. Did Dijinni just diss the princess??? OOOOOOOOOO, he didn't know what he was in for. Covering his maw with his pad to try to not outright laugh. But he had to admit, the princess- whichever one it was, was beautiful. He met them all, briefly but did. They were gorgeous, just like their queen, Emi. But Lulu- his eyes were only for her, but praying on beautiful others well was something entirely different. This perked Suki's want to know Dijinni even more, and thus. Opted to probably make foot notes of his every move... Every will.