I found this a while back. I had posted something on the forums but never got any feedback. Anyway, I'm not one into really writing fanfiction. Yet there was this one idea I had for a poke'mon one. :3 I dunno if I'll continue it on here, but I'm at least going to put up the prologue. ^^

Poke'mon belongs to gamefreak/nintendo. I own no rights to the character of the franchise, just my own made up ones. This is all for innocent fun. smile

Dark Matter

The Forsaken Rocket

A world where people live alongside strange creatures. These 'Creatures', are found in all places. It's our job as Poke'mon Trainers is to capture, tame, and train these Poke'mon. They're mostly kept as pets, but there are those out there with more serious ambitions. These Trainers take what's called the 'Poke'mon League Challenge..."
A television screen portrays a show by Professor Oak. Well known for his vast knowledge about Poke'mon he's reveared all around the world.

".....Each Poke'mon is consisted up of various types. For example here's a Squirtle..." the show continues. A tiny aqua blue turtle with large adorable red eyes and a tan shell is suddenly displayed upon the television.

It's midnight within Alverazz Prison. Located upon Sky Leaf Island it's one of the largest, most impenitrable prisons in the world. Criminals who are often rejected, or chosen because they're too violent or well known, are usually sent to Alverazz. It can hold up to over a thousand prisoners and there are a few cells within the Head Prison Chief's office as well. Those prisons are for criminals who need to have an 'eye' kept upon them.

As the Professor's show continues to broadcast his lecture, the Chief, Barry Walter happily snacks upon a simple bag of chips.

"Amazing isn't it? These 'Poke'mon' are so different yet still so much the same eh?" He says to a shadowed jail cell. The cell itself gave no answer, yet the prisoner inside watches the stout officer in silence. Crimson eyes take notice of Barry's sleeping Growlithe, now upon it's back apparantly having a 'chasing' dream.

What a fool...Poke'mon are nothing but abominations, things that mindlessly follow an order no matter who's controlling their actions... the prisoner thinks as a flashlight is suddenly shined upon him. "Do you mind..." the youth says coldly now focusing his attention to Barry. "Sorry Grex, just wanted to make sure you hadn't escaped. It's a job I've got to do." replies the prison officer as he turns back to the television.

Grex Flint, this twenty-two year old man is known for his ruthless tortureing of various Poke'mon, bruital battling style, and stone cold heart. Once an infamous Team Rocket Executive, he's been rotting away within Alverazz for three years. Grex was caught after being decieved by Giovanni and, even though his record is rough this young man just quietly sits within his cell letting his life rot away.

"Heh, where would I go Barry? You know that this place is made out of stone and iron. I don't...have any Poke'mon either...yet I really don't care..." he replies leaning up against one of the cell's walls. Turning around the prison Captian smirks.

"Oh really? Heh, well I'll tell you something Grex Flint! H.Q. rarely cares about the prisoners we get, yet you were requested to remain in my care. You must have made quite the impression."


"Going to be silent eh?" Barry shrugs still smirking, "Oh come on you know that keeping in emotions isn't a good thing. Sometimes you have to let them out!"


"Oh well, good night then!"

Just as the Professor in the television was about to give a very long lecture about Technical Machines, Barry cuts the power. Reclineing in his large desk chair, it wasn't long before he's asleep. Alone within the darkness Grex looks out the tiny prison window, reflecting just a tiny bit of light.

What's the point of my exhistance now? I have no where to go...it was all because I freed that Suicune. I-I couldn't help it, there was something about It's eyes that turned something in my soul! I-I had to let it go! I just had to... He thought laying upon his bed. Quietly, in the distance, the melody of several Kricketune lulls him into slumber.

Suddenly Grex is standing within a clearing of some unknown forest. All around him, Poke'mon of all shapes and sizes stare at him. "So this is the Human! The one that's abused our kind countless time!?" states a Rattata to an Onix. "Seems like it. I hope 'He' gives this fool a proper punishment!" Replies the Onix. At First, Grex just stares unable to think. Are these poke'mon...talking? W-What's going on here!? I can..understand these monsters!?

"Ha ha Hey!! Look at the silly Human, he looks so confused!" Muses a Treeko. "Well I would be too if you were suddenly surrounded by our kind and able to understand our language!" A Butterfree hums flying around impatiently. This is odd, how can I understand them? Ugh, this is one strange dream. I hope it ends soon...

Out of nowhere, a rock smacks him upon the leg. "Ouch!!!" He cries turning his attention to where the rock came from. A Pikachu glares at him. "Hey Torturer! You harmed my brother!!! I hope Entei punishes you good!!" It yells. Entei!? Wait a minute does that monster mean- All of a sudden there's silence. All eyes are upon three stumps sitting before the human.

Standing upon the center, more taller, one a tan furred gigantic dog-like beast gazes down upon him. White hair dances in the wind at it peers down upon Grex through it's gold and red mask. In the silence all the poke'mon seem to sit down, court apparantly was now in session.

"Grex Flint! Terror of all my breatheren! You are here before us tonight to stand trial for all the terrible ways you tortured many Poke'mon!" Entei's strong and solid voice bellows. Before Grex could say a thing a flash of golden sparks flickers upon the eastern stump.

"Entei! You're waisting your time! Just give the punishment upon this stupid Human and be done with it!" Roars Raikou as he glares down upon the human with disgust. "Raikou we need to be fair..." A gentle serene feminie voice interrupts, "After all we Poke'mon have our dignity to uphold. Or else the 'Pure Ones' won't learn to trust us!"

"Suicune! The 'Pure Ones' are a different matter entirely! You're too soft on these fleshly beings!" Raikou roars unpleasantly. Grex's eyes are widened, fixated upon Suicune he's frozen in fear. Her opal eyes stare back into his as Entei bows gracefully. "Ahh Suicune! I'm so glad you could join us tonight!"

"Likewise Entei. Thank you for waiting for me before giving out the punishment." She replies smiling at the Legendary before returning her attention back to the human before them. Wasteing no time, Entei looks down upon Grex once more and roars. "For Nineteen years you tortured many of my breatheren in the purpose of empty power and false gain! How do you plead?"

"How do I plead...? How do I plead!?" He could feel a sudden anger flare up within his soul. Glareing up at the Legendary he points. "This is one pointless dream! I-I had no choice in the matter! I was forced to torture the Poke'mon I aquired! If not I would have lost my-" "PAH!! Listen to him speak Entei! Just give him the punishment! Or else I'm going to do it myself!"

Electricity surges around Raikou as he roars violently. If it weren't for this trial, he would have killed the pathetic human by now! "Silence Raikou!", Suicune steps in once more, "Let Entei take care of this matter!" She barks. The sparks dessipate as Raikou sighs. "Water types...You're a lucky Human tonight! Your fate would have already been settled if we weren't holding this pathetic trial!"

"Raikou! Suicune! That's enough! Now then, weather or not you had a choice still doesn't hide the fact that you harmed so many innocent Poke'mon!" All these emotions flickering around him, this oddly felt too real to be a dream. The next thing Grex knew, he was upon his knees paralyzed with fear. "But I didn't...d-didn't have a choice!" He shouts looking up at Entei in tears, "I-I had no where else to go in this world! Team Rocket destroyed my hometown when I was a child! I was forced to join! I had no choice...I..I..."

Entei shakes his head, "Grex Flint you are hearby punished upon the account of Poke'mon Abuse! I hearby punish you with a cur-" "WAIT!!" All the other poke'mon gasp as Suicune steps down and stands infront of the human. Looking up at Entei she bows. "What is the meaning of this Suicune! This Human is guilty! We can't turn a blind eye to his behavior! You were even tortured by him yet you still defend him?"

She looks up, serene eyes seem to douse the flames burning within Entei's soul. "Can't you see that this Human's stone heart has finally began to crack..", she says with another bow. "Forgive me Entei yet is it fair to punish one who's heart is beginning to open? Perhaps we were wrong about this human after all! He also was the one who freed me. I saw his ice cold eyes change the day he did so..." The air is filled with the sounds of poke'mon conversing with one another.

Entei is silent, eyes closed listening to Suicune and the other poke'mon. "This is madness!! Entei, she's gone mad! All Humans are the same, including these 'Pure Ones' the Legendaries defend so much! Why should we overlook the deeds of this human and release him? How do we not know that He'll go right back to tortureing our kind again!? Entei, don't tell me that you're siding with this pathetic being and Suicune that softhearted-" "That's enough Raikou!" Entei roars focusing his attention to the Legendary Thunder Poke'mon.

That roar silences the other Poke'mon as well, causing them to pay attention. "Fine, on behalf of Suicune I will expunge this matter and give this human, Grex Flint, another chance! Suicune, it will be your responsibility to keep an eye upon this one. If he fails there won't be any more chances and his punishment will be doubled! Do you understand...?" Once again she bows. "Thank you Entei..."

Raikou growls, looking at the sobbing mess of a human he vanishes in a golden rage. Soon only Grex and Suicune are alone. He looks up and notices that all the poke'mon, Entei, and Raikou have vanished. Looking into her eyes Grex frowns. "Why did you do that...? I deserve everything I get...punishment is the only way I can maybe obtain forgiveness one day..." She is silent for a while, yet as she fades off into the wind her voice echos.

"No one, Poke'mon or Human, deserves to be punished unfairly....."

Gasping for air, Grex sits up in a cold sweat. Placing a hand upon his face he could feel it shaking. T-That felt too real to be a dream... As he lays down to try and calm his nerves, he remains awake. A mixture of fear and regret prevent him from falling back asleep. Yet in the silence, a faint wisper in the wind seems to tickle his ears.

"No one, Poke'mon or Human, deserves to be punished unfairly...." Gazing up at the moon he let's out a sigh. Do I really...deserve a second chance?