Okaaaaay first of all sorry if this is in the wrong place sweatdrop heheh.

So recently I've been constantly meaning to get back into the spiritual swing of things and I've been attempting to read up on things (but bloody hell is it hard to stay focused and find the right things xp ) especially to do with familiars, because I find them really interesting right now. On a skype chat the other day with one of the groups of friends I'm in we happened to talk briefly about familiars, totem animals and animals we like and stuff, when I mentioned that I seem to be getting a link with crows, a friend in that group who I seem to have quite a few things in common with suddenly piped up that she has a "pet" crow that follows her around. She named him Lucifer and he often flies to her garden, eats out of her hands, follows her down the street etc and sometimes flies straight to her when she calls. I think it's the coolest thing in the world and I'm kinda jealous, but I found it interesting that we shared that love for crows and after talking with her, it seems we have more in common than I thought, especially when it comes to spiritual things. In fact another thing I'm almost jealous of is her family comes from gypsy travellers and they're all very into magic(k?), are very good with animals and love to go travelling in a caravan to some of the nicest parts of the UK for nature (that last thing is actually something my family do too to some extent).

Here's where it gets a little strange, we found it awesome that we've got so much in common and we're getting a lot closer, but one day she mentioned how each member of her family has a simple little quartz necklace as a sort of protection/faith symbol, amulet etc whatever you want to call it. I thought this was cool, and then two days ago when we were at an anime convention together she happened to be wearing hers to show me. I literally stood for ages in stunned silence when I saw it. I HAVE THE EXACT SAME NECKLACE. Hers was a gift from her mother and mine was from one of those cheap little crystal dispenser things in a science museum in Edinburgh but these necklaces were absolutely identical. We couldn't stop laughing about it.

There were a number of other things that seem to bring us together, one of them being when we were out with friends once and I was about to pass out she was the only one to notice and caught me. She was the one to point out how close we seem to be, and I just wonder if it's something significant? I don't always like to jump to conclusions thinking everything is down to destiny or anything but I'm not one to believe much in coincidence. We're not likely to be soulmates or the like, but can two friends share a strong link of some sort? Agh I'm rambling. Thanks for your time whee