He didn't want to get up. He didn't care if the large, warm body of his mother had already stood up and away from him and his siblings. He didn't care that one by one the others had filed out to play, sleep elsewhere, or amuse themselves with a twig. He didn't care. He just didn't want to get up. The sun had only just fallen over the horizon! No sane lion got up until the moon was at least a little higher.

He cracked his deep green eye and slowly looked around himself. He was awake, yes, but he didn't want to be. Perhaps if he just kept still, quiet, and looked content the others would leave him alone.

Sighing, he flopped an over-sized paw over his eyes and sprawled his hind legs out.

Life was good for the female, though she knew the time was coming. She loathed that time, because her customs were engrained into her genetic code, almost. There was no way she could ever go against her pride's wishes. But it was so difficult coming to terms with giving up your sons. She knew nothing of males, beyond their sexual relations really, and she was incapable of training them. But that didn't take away her love for them.. Ever..

Even her boys in the Maestros del Mar, she thought of them often. She loved them dearly. She always would. But the pride, had it's reasons, and she would never go against them. She counted herself as lucky she even had girls in her litter, so she would get to keep them with her.. Keep them next to her forever.

The Warlord would have been proud of this brood. A bunch of strong, able cubs that were capable of great things, she just knew it. Her girls immediately darted out, dashing into the waters and splashing. But Katerina's ever blue eyes were on her sleeping son. She smiled gently, returning to him, and nudging him gently with her muzzle.

Kjell :
The sound he made was pitiful and small. It was too early! But his mother's insistant nuzzles had him coming around soon and batting at her with a soft paw. try as he did, a smile crept onto his maw and soon had him laughing on his back.

Four paws came up to latch onto the lioness' face and he held on, determined to keep her 'trapped' for as long as she could.

"Don't you know never to wake a sleeping giant!? I'll get your ears!"

He tried batting her off, though his little paws did little to get her away. She chuckled, leaning down her head to nuzzle him again.
"Rise and shine, dear one." She said. Dear one was a name she gave all her young. They were all dear to her. Most mermaids had the nannies raise their cubs, exclusively. It helped from getting attached, as the older they got, the more they were siblings, and not mother and child..It also helped keep them from getting attached to the males.

But Katerina wasn't like that. She couldn't stomach someone else raising her cubs. She had the time, so she invested it.

"My ears huh? Well what happens when you tickle a sleeping giant?" She asked with an amused voice, before her paw shot out and poked at his sides. No claws, just gentle, tickling.

Kjell :
The cub mewed and flinched his paws back, trying to block the paws from prodding and tickling at his sides. Soon the poor cub was in hysterics, trying hard not tolaugh but failing miserably. Soon he was laying on his back, winded, with tears in his eyes.

"Th-that was cheating!" He whimpered, then slowly rolled onto his side and up onto his paws.

"When you wake a sleeping giant, they eat your toes, that's what."

Word Count

So far: 642