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[PRP] A Little Bit of Gossip (Saagar’Tarang, Pikelis) - FI

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Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:05 pm
User Image
The jungle was in an uproar ever since Sata’s uncle had been unceremoniously kicked out of the pride and the blue lion was desperately trying to return to his old self. Kerusey’s betrayal had shocked and hurt his entire family in a way he had never dreamed possible and Sata was still coming to terms with the fact that his father might actually die in the next few days. He would visit his parents as often as he could but away from his family’s eyes, the blue lion had to constantly fight the numbness that threatened to spread through his body.

Even now he was sneaking into his hammock after asking Sipho to a quick errand for him. It wasn’t an urgent matter as much of an excuse to have some alone time to think and Sipho had been surprisingly obliging. This time, Sata was thinking about his uncle and the consequences of his crime. Exile was a strong word and Sata was only now beginning to understand the impact of his uncle’s penance, much deserved as it was. The blue lion knew he’d probably be unable to take such punishment and find himself stripped of a home where all his family and friends lived but sometimes, it still felt as though Kerusey had gotten off easy.

The Whisperer sighed under his breath and settled himself comfortably inside the family hammock.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:03 pm
User Image Pikelis knew that Clerm was worried about Sata, and Sipho was being very uncooperative about giving the yellow and green bird any information. It was hard for the female bird to help her friend if she could not get anything from the two males. The bird sighs to herself and wonders if she can find Sata and get something from the source of the problem. Information from the cat's mouth would probably be best anyway, rather than from the smart-mouthed bird's beak.

Pikelis saw Sipho flying away from the sleeping area that they shared with the lions, and she settled on a branch until he was gone. Sure now that she was probably close to where Sata was hiding, the bird few onward, and found Sata on his hammock. "A lion back in bed already? I would not be surprised, if I did not know how unlikely to nap you are, White Paws." She settled on a branch just above his hammock and give a little happy chirp at him. "What has you hiding in your hammock? Should I fly away and warn everyone of some monster come to get us?" She was trying to get a smile out of the lion.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:27 pm
Sata rolled up on his back and playfully pushed his white paws up, throwing a friendly grin in the green bird’s direction. While he’d much rather be alone right now, out of all the lions and creatures close to him, Pikelis would probably be the easiest one to talk to right now.

“I see you, Green Feathers.” He replied with a hint of his usual playfulness. “No monsters on the horizon, fear not.”

He would never understand why it was so easy for him to connect with the small creatures of the forest when it had taken him so long to finally grasp close level of understanding of his own species.

“Shouldn’t you be making a bigger nest by now, my dear?” This was a fun way to deflect the attention from himself.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:43 pm
Pikelis hopped down onto Sata's one paw, forcing him to keep it still. She sat there, cute as could be, watching his muzzle from her perch. "And here I thought you might have something interesting for us to report." She sighs and looks bored. "You are just no fun, White Paws." The bird grins and give his face fur a friendly peck. He might not be HER lion, but she did like Sata, quite a bit. She wondered sometimes why her Sipho was so cruel to the kind lion. Then again, why was Sipho a pain to anyone? She wasn't sure about that.

Pikelis shifted and wiggled as she sat down on the paw. She looked nearly ready to go to sleep. "You should be preparing for new cubs, and yet, you are here on your hammock all alone, looking distraught. What is in that fluffy head of yours?" She was not easily thrown off her target. The bird was quite stubborn. She was pretty sure it was why Clerm, Sata, and Sipho liked her so much. That and the fact that she cared.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:25 pm
Sata hesitated for a moment, clearly unprepared to dodge the light questioning. Slowly, he lowered his front paws to his chest, looking at the bird more closely while giving her a much steadier perch.

“The hammock is more than ready for cubs. However…” he slowed down, trying to phrase his thoughts for the first time. “I’m having some trouble going back to… myself. I feel like something changed in me.”

It sounded so odd as he admitted it for the first time. It was as if he felt split between two characters, his naïve former self and a newly formed being filled with caution and suspicion.

“I don’t like feeling this way. I want to be same father I was to my kids. I want to be the lion Clerm loves.” He hoped Pikelis wouldn’t talk to his mate about it. Somehow, he didn’t think she’d share anything they discussed at that moment but it was impossible to be certain.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:48 pm
Pikelis kept a close eye on Sata as he answered her question. "Your hammock is ready, yes, but there is much more to preparing for cubs." The bird wondered just what was bothering the male lion. Had what his uncle had done bothered him so much? Perhaps it had, since it was family. If that we're so, the bird thought maybe Sata should talk to his mate or some of his other family members. That one aunt of his had just returned not long before this whole mess had happened. "You think you have changed? Perhaps you have, but not enough to be a different lion than Clerm loves."

Pikelis wondered if Clerm's experiences could be used as examples. The yellow and green bird had spent many hours pulling out Clerm's life story, and she knew the lioness had already told Sata about all of that as well. "Clerm has changed from what she was,has she not? She had her first litter and the experience that lead to them and then she came here and the pride helped her through everything. I thing she and the other lions can help you if you let them." The bright avian looked a bit smug as she settled herself further onto Sata's paw. "You worry too much, White Paws... like that dark lioness with the silver markings."

Pikelis tilts her head to the side as she thinks. There was something she was forgetting about that lioness. It bothered her to think she might have missed something important. Oh yes the reason the lioness was so down. "Her one brother tried to kill the other... is this all over your father and uncle? That dark lioness is your aunt, yes? If you are bothered by the same thing, speak to her?" It made sense to the bird anyway. She might not have been the most clever creature in the world, but she did have a brain.

Sorry this took a few days

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:26 am
Kathryn Dragonna
Oh no worries. This is our last rp for both breedings so we can take it easy. XD

“You mean my aunt…” Sata said calmly, still surprised by how much easy it was to open up with the little green bird. Her advice was actually pretty sound as well. Not that Sata had thought he was the only one going through a confusing time but he had been overly focused on his own thoughts and feelings. Sata supposed that it made sense. It had always been through a conscious effort that the blue lion had tried to see things from his peers’ points of view and right now he was simply too busy trying to figure out he should deal with this whole mess and the fear that he might actually lose his father to take the time and remember he wasn’t the only one looking for a way to deal with these issues. And his aunt…

She was still a relatively new member, not quite an outsider but someone who wasn’t that close to the blue lion. And she was probably going through a rather tough time as well. It might actually be easier to talk to her than the rest of their family.

“You are so much cleverer than Sipho.” Sata said after a long pause and then laughed quietly, his eyes narrowing contently. Sipho had his deeper moments but it was difficult to have a serious conversation with the blue bird. “I think you’re right. I should go talk to her.”

His expression turned to one of pure mischief.

“Now… how is that egg thing going…?”
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:05 am
sorry, have gotten behind on some tags again. Hopefully we can wrap this up and get our couples posted up.

Pikelis nipped playfully at Sata's paw, careful not to hurt him. She wanted to get him moving, but it was a bit more work to fly up and pull on his ear right now. "I heard from the older lions that your aunt used to be almost as proud as the exiled one." The bird really did stick her beak in things sometimes especially to hear tidbits from some of the older warriors. "Sipho has other talents, I like helping?" It would have sounded much better if she hadn't thought it questionable herself.

Pikelis really hoped she helped Sata because Clerm would be lost without him. "Eggs will come when eggs come. One cannot rush eggs with lazy Sipho." The female bird gave a cheeky little chirp, which showed she was joking. She loved her mate and knew that he was as eager for eggs as she was. The lions having cubs had gotten the birds wishing for chicks of their own. Being parents had become their dream and they could not wait to fill that dream.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 5:37 am
Kathryn Dragonna
Sorry, I had a tough week/weekend. I should be able to catch up with everything now. =3

“Hey, hey. That hurts.” Sata said with little conviction but his smile waned when Pikelis spoke of his aunt. “It’s hard to think of her like that. She’s always so nice.” Lions changed. The People changed. Some for the better, choosing to live a happy life in peace and amongst friends while others… well, others didn’t change at all and only grew more bitter alone in their convictions. He supposed these changes could be subtle at times but in his uncle’s case, Sata was starting to wonder how he and the rest of his family could’ve missed the eminent danger. Maybe it was exactly because they’ve been hearing his opinions – and openly disagreeing with them – for so long that they’d stopped giving them importance. Sata was starting to think he wasn’t without blame in the whole affair.

“Well, get him motivated!” the blue lion said with a loud chuckle, brushing away his somber thoughts. Silly Sipho. There were better things to be lazy about. “Let’s see if we can have this hammock so full that we can’t even hear ourselves. A dozen cubs and a few fledglings jumping around... Doesn’t that sound good?”
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:55 pm
ear infections suck, especially duel ones

"It does not hurt. You like." Pikelis chirped in a mock scolding tone as if the lion were a troublesome chick. She knew she had not hurt him, and that he was teasing. That just meant she could tease him right back. "Lions change, Cloudpuff. One cannot always tell what another has been by what they are now." It was true of many creatures, not just lions, and the bird would use this truth to drive her point into the lion's fluffy furred head if need be. She might be a little bird, but she had more than a lion's share of determination to help her keep pecking until her point got through.

The little bird chirped happily at the idea of many cubs and chicks around the hammock and nest. Pikelis would be very happy if that happened for the two couples. Cubs were fun to play with, and chicks would be amusing to sick Sipho on. She had a feeling his snark was going to take a very different tone when chicks did hatch. He was always playing tough, but she knew he had a very big soft spot. "I am working on getting him motivated. You could help... poke at his ego for me." It was a sure fire way to get the male determined to do something.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:19 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
Yikes, I hope you're feeling better!

“Cloudpuff, White Paws… Are you ever going to call me by my real name?” Sata joked, silently deciding that he didn’t want to continue all that serious talk business no matter how clever and insightful his mate’s companion seemed to be. He’d actually like to see the birds address him by his full name on a daily basis, though. That might be amusing... for a day. Then it would become unbearable.

”I’ll help motivate him them. I’m going to ask him if he has performance issues.” Sata chuckled and then closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “I really want to see this place full.” He needed a little more happiness in his hammock. A few more little faces full of hope and innocence. That would be the best medicine for his state of mind.
PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:31 am
"Perhaps I will when I want to, Saagar'Tarang." Pikelis chirped happily and looked very smug as she gazed up at the lion. She enjoyed making nicknames for the male lion, though she always called Clerm by her name. At least the nicknames the female bird came up with were nicer than those her mate was prone to. There were times that she wondered why the lions put up with Sipho. SHE found him amusing to tease and had other uses for him. But what the lions saw in him, was a different story altogether.

"I am sure when you ask him that, he will redouble his efforts." Pikelis chuckled and flapped her wings enough to hit Sata in the nose before she took off. The bird landed on a tree branch above his head. "You need to get up, Sata. You have been a lazy mope long enough." The little bird would resort to getting Clerm if she had to, but she wanted to force the lion up on her own if she could. "Go talk to your aunt, or your mate, or something that is not laying around in your hammock."

I think we can end on your next post if you like.

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:03 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
The end!

Sata laughed when he heard his full name, finding it the fact that Pikelis actually said it far more unexpected that it should’ve been.

“Alright, alright. I’m moving.” He stood and stretched his back in the steady hammock and then jumped the closest branch. It was good that no one could see him being so easily bossed around by a tiny bird. “I’m going to see if I can find someone to talk to. I’ll see you later, little sister.” He was still talking as he nimbly made his way down the trunk of the tree.

- FIN -
[IC] Iknimaya Lands [IC]

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