Aiyana sat quietly in the temple, watching leopards enter and leave. She had recently been given the rank mist walker because of her quite nature. The colony had become a second home quite quickly and she so far enjoyed her time. There were only a few leopards she had talked to so far. She decided to keep her distance for the time being, just in case she was assigned to keep track of another member. She did not want to make a friend and then have to betray their trust.

For now she would just silently watch. She enjoyed watching others and how they behaved. It was amusing for the most part and a way to gather information without having to talk to them. Right now she had her attention set on a young male leopard who was pacing outside the temple entrance. Others seemed to avoid him and she couldn't help but wonder why.

Macaria usually stuck to himself, despite his nature to be around others. Lately he had a hard time being around others without getting irritated. His other side, the side he couldn't control had become weaker and Macaria aged. His darker side used to be able to take over his body whenever it wanted as long as Macaria wasn't feeling well. He started taking better care of himself so he wouldn't get sick.

However despite all his best efforts there was always a lingering voice in his head of his darker side. It made it difficult to have conversations. His other half would constantly be saying things and it just cause Macaria to become irritated.

'Why are we even here Macaria? Wouldn't it be more interesting to leave the pride. Changes are happening. Alliances are being made. Do we really want to be stuck in the middle of that?' His darker side said. Macaria continued to pace. He paused for a moment. Inside the temple was someone looking at him. 'Don't even bother with her Macaria she isn't your type.'

The leopardess looked away. A spike of interest entered Macaria.

Aiyana realized that the leopard had noticed her. She didn't move her gaze however. It seemed pointless now that he had seen her. Instead she got up and walked toward him. It would seem that she wouldn't learn anything from him by just watching him. She thought it would be worth her time to just talk to him instead.

She headed in his direction and stopped when there was a distance between them. A soft, but fake smile spread on her maw. “Hello there.” She said. “You aren't having some trouble are you? You seem worried.” Or something. Fake sympathy was one of her better traits, she thought.

Macaria stopped pacing once the leopardess headed to him. “Hello.” He said politely. “Nothing is troubling me, I just like to pace when I think.” He gave her a smile. 'She probably thinks you're crazy. Everyone else thinks to think so' his other self said.

“I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new to the colony?” He asked curiously. She was probably new. If she wasn't she would have stayed well away from him. “My name is Macaria by the way.”

“It's nice to meet you Macaria. My name is Aiyana. I guess you could say I'm new. I've been here for a little bit, but have been pretty distant. I don't know many other members of the colony.” She said. “I normally wouldn't even talk to anyone, but I couldn't help but be interested in you. I find it rare for anyone to be by themselves. I thought I would be the only one who would keep my distance from others.”

She realized how blunt she was being. “Not that being distant from others is a bad thing. I enjoy it very much.”

Macaria didn't really understand the leopardess. He didn't know why anyone would want to be alone when they could have company. “I don't mind having someone to talk to. It's pretty rare for someone to stick around with me for too long. I'm not very liked here.” He didn't go into detail, as he didn't want to scare her away. It was fun having someone to talk to for once. 'Once she finds out about you, she'll never even look at you again. You are just meant to be alone and miserable.' He did his best to ignore his other side.

“Unliked? So I should probably stay away from you to make sure others like me.” Aiyana said. She took a moment and thought about it. It hardly bothered her what others thought of her. What was more important was that she found information. In front of her was a small puzzle just waiting to get solved. “What did you do to get unpopular around here?”

'She ask way too many questions.' his other self thought. Macaria gave a laugh. “I don't know if anyone would think less of you. I sure wouldn't.” He said with a shrug. “I enjoy company when I can get it and when I am feeling well.”

Her second question was a difficult one. 'you could always lie you kind b*****d.' His other self suggested. 'After all you don't want to lose your new friend so quickly by sharing your biggest secret.'

“My family is a sore subject in the pride. My grandma was once queen, but she was a bit harsh I guess. Some leopards in the colony believe that I have inherited her cruelness.” He explained. It was partially true, he guessed. There were times when he was mean and heartless, but only when his darker self took over. For the most part he was as kind as could be.

'Good cover Macaria. Perhaps there is still hope or you after all.'

Aiyana was a bit disappointed. She had expected something more juicer then that. Later she would have to investigate more about Macaria's family. “Well since I didn't know your grandmother, I feel I have no right to judge you based on her. Even if I did know her, it doesn't mean that I expect you to be just like her.” She gave a nod. “I would like to continue this conversation another time.” She said abruptly. There were other things she wanted to do today and chatting with a stranger was something she wasn't sure she wanted to do. Another time perhaps.

“Oh yeah, of course.” He nodded his head. He had hoped that the conversation would have been longer, but in the end she probably had more important things to do. “I hope I talk to you again.” He said as she started to walk away.

'She's rather interesting. I am surprise she stuck around as long as she did. Hopefully she won't find out your real secret, because that wouldn't bode well for your little friendship.' his other side said. Macaria ignored his other half, but he did feel guilty about lying. Next time he saw her, he was sure he would tell her the truth and explain it better. He hoped that she would still talk to him after that.

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