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[PRP] What could have been a boring day (Kali/Lutalo)

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:10 pm
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His whole life, Lutalo spent near his home, never venturing too far away. However over the years he became more and more adventurous. He started vising the prides other houses as he had only seen his house, the west house. The more he spent away from his own house, the more he long to go back to it. None of the other houses fit him as much as the west house. Despite being quite, he always felt like he belonged in the west.

Because of this, it was odd that Lutalo decided to wander away from the pride and for the first time see the rogue lands.

He lacked any motives to go to the rogue lands. This morning he just woke up and decided that he really hadn't seen much in his young life and that he was wasting time not taking a chance to see what was further.

Of course he had ever intention of returning. He just needed to see what was out here in the forested area then he would return to his home where he felt comfortable and safe. Perhaps he would come up with a song to sing about his adventures, that is if he had any adventures in the rogue lands. If anything he could always spin up a tale to make things more interesting.

He chuckled to himself. That's what he would probably have to do. He was such a boring lion that he had to make up lies to actually seem interesting. He continued to walk in the forest, trying to think up some lyrics to sing, not really focusing on his surroundings.

The Captain Britain
I had a change of heart and decided to keep him in his current pride, which should be fine. Flings are allowed.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:26 pm
Club Snails
Sorry! This completely slipped my mind. sweatdrop
And that's fine! Kali's wandering all over the place as lost as heck right now, so it's completely plausible that she'd wander her way over to the Tianxia.

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Kali was on the verge of collapsing. While the seer's vision about a land of fire had given her an idea of what to look for, he had been unable to point her in even a general direction, which at this point was really screwing her over. The lioness was willing to bet she was more lost than she had been when she first left her home. Then again, at least she knew for a fact that there was a place for her somewhere. She had yet to put a name to this land of fire, but it was enough to know that it existed.
Enough for her psyche, that is.
Her body was starting to feel the effects of long-distance travel with little rest. Kali had been able to snack on a few small prey animals here and there, but her stomach craved a nice large meal. Her paws were sore, the season was making flowers bloom and Kali's skin itch under her fur, and she was pretty sure that the weather was getting colder the further she traveled. At this point, Kali was on the verge of turning around and heading back the way she had come. It was probably the best thing to do. But first, Kali needed to rest. For several days.
The red lioness slowed her pace, violet eyes scanning around for a good place to crash. She just needed a small patch of comfy grass to curl up in and nap. Somewhere in the sun, too, meaning she would have to sacrifice the safety of cover. Just as well, though. The woods didn't seem to be that populated.
Kali stumbled across a miniscule clearing, more of a break in between the trees rather than a meadow, just big enough for one or two bodies. It would suffice. She popped her claws out of her toes and stretched, already anticipating how wonderful it was going to be to lie down. But before she could sink into the soft, inviting grass, the sound of footsteps drifted towards her ears. Her heartbeat picked up a little bit. The sound was very close. At this rate, Kali was not going to be able to take off without being noticed. She was tired, but she would still be able to hold her ground if it came to a fight. Kali decided to stand her ground, senses sharp and aware as she stood alert for any other indicators that the stranger was getting closer.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:47 pm
As he walked, Lutalo thought about stopping and resting. However he knew it was better to continue exploring then stopping and taking a break. Even if that meant missing out on a conversation with a pretty red lioness. He continued to walk, even after seeing the lioness in the corner of his eye. It wasn't till she was out of site that he paused. He had hardly seen her through the trees. Slowly he turned around and watched her through the trees. She didn't seem too terrible friendly, he thought, looking at her stance. However he couldn't really blame her. This was dangerous lands, unlike his home where he felt safe.

He thought about the tales he could weave about the mysterious red lioness, who appeared in the forest like a dream. Aw the songs he could sing about her, the stories he could tell the young ones. But to tell the stories he would have to actually meet the lioness. There were always problems in his plans.

Meekly he headed toward her. He stopped when there was a gap between them. “I don't mean any harm.” He said, giving her a small smile. Not that he could have been a threat even if he wanted to. Fighting was just not his style. “Just a friend passing through. How about you?”

The Captain Britain
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:19 pm
Club Snails
UGH. Sorry again. I just got hired by my Uni as an RA for next year, and they're making us go through a bunch of trainings and meetings, which is eating up my free time. It'll be over in a few days, and I'll be able to reply on regular basis after that. I hate to leave tags hanging for so long like this. redface

Kali snapped around, facing the stranger. So her attacker had decided to make the first move. That was fine with her. It seemed like he was trying to pull the "innocent and friendly" routine, and Kali didn't yet know whether it was true or not. If it was a trick, then it gave Kali plenty of time to size the male up and decide how she was going to take him down. If on the slim chance it wasn't a trick, well, one could never go wrong with being too careful.
Kali relaxed her stance a tad, giving the appearance of looking more relaxed. Sharp and focused, her eyes ran over the lion's body, looking for any indicators of how skilled he was at combat. The lioness was finding none. Despite the normal size difference due to his gender, it didn't look like the male was anything but a regular hunter. His muscles were toned, not bulky, suggesting he did more running than dealing out blows. Kali couldn't see any scars on his fur, and his body lacked the tight, tense stance of one always on their guard. Even if this male did try attacking her, she was sure she could easily knock him around. Besides, the male seemed so...cheery. Kali hadn't known any hardened pirates that were so chipper. She snorted. Not that it would have mattered. He still would have been considered a better crewmate than her, the lioness thought bitterly.
The lioness sighed. Thinking of home, even the negative thought, made her desperately miss the company of others. As long as this male kept his distance, she supposed there was nothing wrong with holding a short conversation. Not to mention that using a male for her own entertainment instead the other way around was an enticing idea....
"Passing through." She answered aloofly, settling down in the grass. She began swiping her tongue over her sore paws, deciding to ignore the fact that her claws were still out. In some ways she envied the cheetahs, who could keep them out comfortable all the time. "Though I don't think you've really done anything to make yourself a friend." Kali said, throwing a bit of tease into her tone. It came easily after seeing so many of the pirates back home do it. The female bit at a burr stuck between her toe-pads, keeping watch on the male out of the corner of her eyes.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:59 am
With her response, Lutalo flattened his ears. Maybe next time making up the meeting of the red lioness would have been better, he thought. He decided that she meant it more as a joke. “Sorry, I am just used to calling those I meet friends. I always assume that eventually I will become friends with the strangers I meet.” He gave a small laugh. “But if you would like we can remain strangers. I would never want to make someone feel uncomfortable.”

He sat down and looked at her. She seemed younger then him, but still very lovely. “If you don't mind me asking, what bring you here? Are you planning on visiting Tianxia?” He asked curiously. There were times when outsiders came to visit. He would sometimes talk to them and listen to their stories. Visitors didn't stay too long though. Eventually they would move on or go back to their pride. He would miss them, but he would remember their stories and recite them to make it a little less lonely.

The Captain Britain
It's alright! RL comes first. Hopefully I'll be quicker with my replies.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:12 pm
Club Snails
Ugh, right? I'm trying to be better about managing my time with finals starting to loom around the corner. emotion_drool

Kali's ears pricked forward. Well, this male was polite, she was to give him that. Something about the soft tone in his voice intrigued her. It was almost like it had musical undertones. He seemed to speak with rhythm and purpose, as one would do when singing a song. Kali had never been musically talented. She never had an interest in it, always tagging along with her brothers to go watch the pirates fighting and training. Those had been the days, when she and her siblings were as thick as...well, they all kind of turned out to be thieves, in the end.
Tianxia. She had never heard of a "Tianxia" before. She assumed it was a pride. Kali stopped her grooming, tongue flicking back into her mouth. A pride. Could it be the land of fire that the seer had told her about? Had she really come to it so soon? There was only one way to find out. "Not at all. However, I don't think I've heard of your Tianxia before, sir." She replied coolly, hiding the rush of adrenaline she felt. The lioness looked up at the stranger, giving him an inquisitive smile. "But I am looking for a pride. It's called the land of fire." It was all that Kali could do to stop herself from holding her breath, awaiting the male's response. How wonderful would it feel to finally have found her new home? But if this place, this Tianxia, wasn't the land of fire, then hopefully this male would be able to point her in the right direction.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:04 pm
Land of Fire, he thought. The name sounded like an interesting place, a place filled with wondrous tales. However he had never heard of the place. “I am afraid I can't help you with this land of fire. I've never met a traveler who mentioned it before.” He let his mind wander to the thoughts of what the land of fire was like. His first thought was that it was chaos, like an uncontrollable flame. “Can you tell me more about this land of fire? I could go back to my pride latter and see if anyone there knows about it and then come back and tell you the information.” Truthfully he was more interested in hearing how the lioness described the land. It could be useful information for a song.

“By the way, I don't think I've introduced myself. My name is Lutalo.” He gave her a pleasant smile.

The Captain Britain
I started a new job so I might be on the slow side till I get used to it.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:13 pm
Club Snails

Kali bit down her disappointment. So Tianxia wasn't the land of fire, nor did the male know about it. But he was offering to go ask around for her. That was...confusing.
This "Lutalo" seemed to genuinely be nice. Kali was having trouble wrapping her mind around that. Aside from her brothers and a few pirates that she had never had the pleasure of meeting in person, Kali wasn't used to this concept. She regarded the male warily, trying to think her way through this. Lutalo certainly wasn't a fighter. If Kali trusted him and got burned, then she could easily fight her way out of it. And if she didn't get burned...well...then she would get valuable information about the location of the land of fire. Or even what it's real name was. Anything would help at this point. The potential benefits far outweighed the risks of trusting this stranger.
"Pleasure to meet ya, Lutalo. I'm Kali." Her voice was slightly warmer now, less fake. Though she would never admit it to herself, the smile on her face was much more genuine than she was letting herself believe. "I don't have much to go on. The seer who told me about it wasn't all that coherent." The female admitted with a small huff. "But something's better than nothing, right? He told me that lions in the pride are all the colour of fire, bright red like flame and dark black like charcoal. It's surrounded by a vast sea of gold that stretches on for miles under the sun!" Just talking about it made her fur stand up in excitement. She couldn't wait for the day when she was able to see it with her own eyes. "It's a place where everyone gets a chance to prove themselves through their strength. I'm guessing they're a warrior-based pride." It really wasn't much at all, now that Kali thought about it. And going over her description in her head, it actually sounded rather mythical. She hoped the seer hadn't been lying to her. If he had, Kali was going to hunt him down and shred him to pieces.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:12 pm
Lutalo listened carefully to her description. He knew he would never fit in a place like that. However, he thought of the stories that could be said about the warriors of the golden sea. He imagined them as some of the greatest warriors the land had ever known. "I will talk to my pride members and see if there is any information on the land of fire. I am sure your seer friend was not lying to you. A place like that would probably be difficult to find. Once you do find it, all your hard work searching will pay off, I'm sure of it.

"You are more then welcome to stay near the border of the pride. I would invite you into the pride, but some pride members are wary of strangers. It would be best if you stayed here. I can bring you food though and anything else you need." He said with a nod. Despite not being allowed to bring her into the pride, he wanted to make sure that she at least felt welcomed. "Tonight I will ask around and see if anyone has heard about your land of fire. There are so many wise members, that I am sure that at least one of them have heard of it."

The Captain Britain
PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:40 pm
Club Snails

Kali could relate with those xenophobic pride members Lutalo spoke of. Even with the pirates, who were generally open to strangers joining, newcomers weren't trusted until they were able to prove themselves. Plus, Kali would be extremely uncomfortable being surrounded by so many she didn't know. It was for the best that she stayed where she was to sleep.
The female looked up at Lutalo, gazing over the male was he assured her of the intelligence of his fellow pridemates. It was strange, being taken care of like this. It made her stomach twist up and her fur itch. Kali was torn between deciding whether or not she liked the sensation. Anything else she needed...companionship was the first thing to spring to her mind. Kali wrestled with the thought, wondering what to do with it. Lutalo seemed interesting, almost like a mystery. She wanted to know a little more about him. It didn't hurt that he was rather easy on the eyes, too. Despite her aversion to most males, Kali could always appreciate a good looking one when he came along. Gazing at Lutalo's mane was like watching the sun set over the ocean, colours bright and changing by the minute until the start began to show themselves. Paired with his seemingly sweet demeanor, Lutalo was quickly making himself well situated into the "exception" part of Kali's outlook on males, a place reserved for some of her dear brothers and father.
"I can't thank you enough, Lutalo." She was fully sincere this time, Kali realized with a bit of guilt. She was starting to feel bad about her initial assessment of the male. "I'm not used to being helped like this. Or talking with others. It's been a long journey, and so much time has passed since I've last chatted like this." Kali's ears flickered back against her will, but the lioness quickly set them straight again. "I wouldn't mind someone to share that food with, you know." Kali gave Lutalo a coy smile, her eyes twinkling a little bit. "You have such a melody to your voice. I'd love to know what it is you do."

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:10 am
Lutalo had a warm smile. He was glad to be of some help. Today was meant to be a rather simple day, however he was grateful that he had met Kali. “Any time,” he said with a nod. “And if you need anything else, feel free to ask.” As he listened to Kali, he wondered how anyone could handle being a rogue. He enjoyed pridal life, always having someone around to talk to, never being lonely.

“I hope that during the rest of your travels, you have more chances to talk with others. I've never been to the rogue lands, but I am sure there must be some lions out there who want to be helpful.” He had heard about bad characters in the rogue lands, however he was sure that there must be some who were at least decent.

“I would be honored to share a meal with you.” he said. It wasn't ever day he had a chance to eat a meal with a beautiful lioness. The company with her was so enjoyable so far. He hoped that she would stay a little longer so he could get to know her before she continued her travel. “I'm a bard in my pride. I usually sing tales to the other pride members.” He was happy with his rank and felt that it fit him quite well.

The Captain Britain
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:39 pm
Club Snails
Just so you know, Kali's got all her RPs and will be ready to go once this is finished up! 83

A bard? Kali didn't think that her old pride had anything that could really be considered a bard. Many of the pirates and even some corsairs were known to sing now and then, but they were the raucous crew songs about conquests and everything pirate. To have one's job be only to sing...Lutalo must come from a pride of luxury. It almost tempted Kali to go and investigate. Almost. She had a mission, and needed to focus herself on finding the land of fire. The lioness was sure it would be the place she could call home.
She hope Lutalo was right about there being at least some rogues who would help her. Kali didn't think she was going to be able to find this mysterious place any other way. Of course, the female supposed that maybe she'd have a better chance of getting others to help her if she wasn't so keen on shredding their ears if she felt threatened. Kali had taken a leap of faith with this male in front of her, and it hadn't gone bad at all. Perhaps she could be a little less paranoid around males. Perhaps...
Perhaps she could stop muddling her head up with such confusing thoughts. "I've not heard very many singers. I don't suppose you'd be willing to treat me to a song or two?" Kali asked, determined to get her mind off of paranoia and her upcoming travels. And who knew? If Lutalo had a voice lovely enough to match his looks and manners, well, Kali didn't think she'd have much trouble spending the night at all.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:40 am
Lutalo didn't hesitate to nod his head. He would never pass an opportunity to preform. He cleared his throat and started humming, thinking about what he wanted to sing. Usually he sang stories that went on and on. Right now he felt that it wouldn't be the best time to do one of his longer stories. Instead he decided to just sing gibberish words and sounds. In the pride he wasn't the best singer. There was still a lot that he needed to work on. He started with his mid range, with a mostly upbeat feel. As he sang he closed his eyes thinking about what story he wanted his voice to make. He decided it was a hunting chant. He imaged the pride's hunters chasing down a large prey animal. His singing quickened and quickened until it came to a sudden stop. He opened one of his eyes and looked at Kali.

The Captain Britain
I'll start working on getting his rp count up then. 3nodding
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:38 pm
Club Snails
Sounds good! Just poke me when he's all ready to go. Then we can discuss stuff like throwbacks and whatnot. whee
Last from me.

Kali found herself entranced. She had never heard anything like this before. With no actual words to tell what was going on like a pirate song, the lioness was left to imagine her own story. The fast tempo and chanting reminded her of pawsteps, running faster and faster, running towards something. And then, the destination reached. Kali couldn't stop herself from grinning widely. Staying overnight was definitely a must.
"That was lovely, Lutalo. I haven't heard singing like that ever." She wanted to hear more of Lutalo's singing, but that wouldn't be fair. "Why don't I treat you to a story told in my homeland? You ever hear of a lion called Three-legged Peggy?" Kali asked with a coy smile. A song for a story, and one of her favourites too. It would be a good way to pass the time until they both decided to call it a night.

The Captain Britain

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:07 am
He grinned, happily receiving the compliment. "Oh I would very much enjoy hearing a story!" He settled down ready to hear the tale. Of course, thanks to Kali, he had his own story he was beginning to think up of the lioness making her way to the land of fire. He wondered how her story would end. Hopefully she would make it to the land of fire safely, without harm. He decided while she was here he would make the most of it. It wasn't often that he met someone from outside the pride.  
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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