Isuara had a slight bounce in her step as they made their way to the hunting grounds. Her racing heart had finally slowed down and she had managed to get her gem without getting killed. She had met a brave knight as well! Over all it proved to be a pretty good day considering what happened.

She was determined to avoid making a fool of herself when they hunted. Hunting wasn't one of her strong points, but she would be sure to make sure she didn't make too big of a mistake. She would be sure to put all her concentration on her target in hopes that would help her capture her prey.

“I'll have to be honest, I don't hunt too much.” She said. “I spend most of my time researching different things I find. Right now I am fascinated with rocks and gems. I'm still at the starting point of learning about them, but I hope to learn more as I gather more rocks and gems. It probably doesn't sound too terribly fun, but I enjoy it a lot. To me it is a lot more fun then hunting.”

She paused as she continued to walk. “If you don't mind me asking, whatever made you decide to become a knight?” She assumed he was a knight, though she wasn't exactly sure. “I imagine it would be a tough job.”
