Ute had been so preoccupied lately with her mother and her guard duties and her new cousins and the old cousins and; gosh everything else falling on her plate; lately. She was laying in the shade of a dried out bush; one used a lot by the cubs and smaller lions to hide from the sun. She was barely even under the shadow it cast; but it created a temporary cool spot on her rear and tha was comfortable enough as it was. She sighed, her blue eyes half lidded in her moment of peace. With her mother babysitting; as was her duty now; and Ute not having a shift of guard duty for a while now... it meant she could relax for just... on... moment.

Ute wasn't the only one who wasn't working today. Rowtag, in contrary to many others, was out and about in the heat of the day. The black-faced red lion wasn't one to just sit around and do nothing, though it would seem like he was now. "I.. Can't... Wait.. Just to see ano-ther day... If it means... Just one.. More... Day... That I'm with you..." He'd been around his half-sister, Shula, too much again. While Rowtag hadn't taken to the dancing part, he now and then found himself singing... Which had to be a funny sight for those lost in the desert. They would often hear him before they saw him, and with how sound carried on the wind, it could be confusing. Rowtag had found it actually helped, because then they weren't surprised by his presence and thus running away in startled fright, they also began to travel TOWARD the sound in hopes of finding a friendly face. He paused, lifting one paw as he closed his eyes. "Down.. This.. Road... We'll look back at all... We've... Known..."

Ute shifted her red tipped paws and tucked them under her chest; sending small whisps of sand scattering into the wind. She sighed; eyes shutting all the way and her ears flattening; as the wind blew. It always made her ears ache; the wind. Shaking her head, she rubbed her nose with her paw and then gave her ear a good scratching before settling down again. One of her ears perked upon catching something in the wind; something like a whisper.. maybe. She opened and eye and looked around lazily. She didn't spot anyone; though she hadn't bothered to move at all from her spot. She shook her head and sighed. Then it hit her again; and she turned her head a bit to see if she could catch words. Was it singing? Someone was singing out here? Her eyes opened and she shifted so she could see if she could spot someone. She could just barely see the black faced lion. She watched him approaching; her intrigue not hidden. No one ever sang in this pride it seemed. Except her mother; she used to sing all the time.

For a moment, Rowtag stumbled over the words. He stopped, letting out a frustrated growl. He'd have to start over. "I don't know where this road is going to lead me..." He started walking again, eyes closing. "But I'm hoping that with you I can make it through... I've had enough of this life to lead me..." He hopped onto a rock. "Right up to the edge of the world I knew..." He jumped down... And found himself landing next to Ute. "Oh!" He frowned, the corners of his mouth pulling back as far as they would go. "Um... I didn't wake you, did I?" His last encounter with someone who'd heard him singing had been a less than stellar encounter. "I can go elsewhere..." He nodded with his head in a random direction. "Or, you know, sing something else..."

Ute watched him approaching and his voice came clearer and clearer and she found it very enchanting... almost reminescent of her childhood. She cocked her head and a large grin spread across her face as he came closer and closer without noticing her. She crossed her legs in front of her as if to look a bit more... well she wasn't even sure. As he finally hopped down and noticed her; she couldn't help but chuckle. "No, no please... do not stop on account of me." She grinned. "I haven't heard singing like that since I was just a cub.. my mother used to sing to me all the time... before she became depressed..." She cocked her head. "Go on... unless you do not want too..."

If it could be visible, he'd have blushed, but as it was the black fur of his face hid it. It only became barely visible around the pale gray markings under his eyes. "You really think so? I have to admit..." He sat down, rubbing the back of his head through his mane. "Not many take kindly to me singing... Unless, you know..." He motioned with a paw. "I'm trying to FIND them or something... It makes a good beacon for those lost out on the dunes..." He cleared his throat a bit, suddenly feeling a bit nervous about his habit. Then he blinked. "Wait, you haven't heard any since you were a CUB...? Wow... My older half-sister, Shula... She likes to sing... She got me into it... Um... Hm... Where to begin, where to begin..."

She sort of chuckled at his comment about being lost in the dunes. If only singing had found her mother before she had fallen and hurt herself. She sort of shrugged when he seemed surprised. "My mother used to sing to me a lot. I was her only chlid and she had a broken heart at the time... she thought being wtih my father would bring her happiness but it didn't. I don't think she is meant to be with someone forever... now that she is with a broken hip and cubsitting... she is getting happier... but she still hasn't sang in a long long while..." She said. She then paused and smiled. "I don't know if we have ever met... I am Uteketezo'nuru... but call me Ute... I prefer it."

He let out a light huff. "A broken hip... I remember helping find her... I was just a juvenile at the time." He gave a bemused little chuckle. "I only found her because I found some old sandstone tunnels that had been carved out by a river ages ago... Led me to her indirectly... I only fit because I was so small at the time." He let out a sigh. "But, that was a long time ago..." He flicked his tail, then tilted his head. "Uteketezo... I have a nephew with a name CLOSE to that... So calling you Ute would make it a little easier in calling your name out if I need to, and NOT get the wrong lion... I'm Rowtag... Ah, one of a few with the name... But my father named me after HIS father, so..."

She looked startled. "You were the one who found her? I guess I didn't recognize you... you grew up! Goodness." She rubbed her eyes for a moment. "It was a long time ago... but I still get upset about it... she is pretty much all I got; ya know? I mean.. I have my father but-..." She shook her head. She cocked an eyebrow. And then a smile cracked her muzzle. "The fellow who broke my mothers heart was named Rowtag. He was one of the lions who attempted to assasinate my grandparents; the regents." She sat back on her haunches... goodness they were revisiting a lot of past events. "Rowtag is a good name... and yeah... names always seem similar here..." She frowned. "I suppose new blood helps with that..."

Well, that made things a little awkward. He cringed just a bit at the news. "Ah, had no idea... But then, there ARE a lot of Rowtags around..." Or at least a few. He was pretty sure they were all releated somehow, too... "And, yeah... I grew up..." He brushed his mane a bit with his claws. "Ah, a lot..." He then cracked a grin, settling. "So, I suppose I should answer your request for a song, shouldn't I?" He tapped his chin with his paw, thinking on what song to sing. Finally, he smiled and picked one, closing his eyes. "Prison gates won't open up for me, on these hands and knees I'm crawlin', oh, I reach for you... Well I'm terrified of these four walls, these iron bars can't hold my soul in... All I need is you... Come, please, I'm callin'..."

Ute didn't really saw much to his words. Just sat and observed him with her icy blue eyes. She nodded though; understanding that it was a bit awkward. All of it was. She figured that was partially why she had very few friends... cause her mother had very few as well. She figured her mother had created her this way... a loner of sorts. Her ears perked as he began to sing and a smile crawled on her previously serious face. She shut her eyes and let her ears flatten as she listened. He was good. "You sing wonderfully. It's a shame more folk around her don't appeciate it... there is always room for a song in our firey hearts."

"You think so?" Rowtag scratched his shoulder, then licked his maw. "I've heard some lions say it's a waste of breath... Pity to them, though, they don't know what they're missing." As far as he knew, a lot of his family sang. Or at least some of them did. He'd observed Keahilani and Soleil singing now and then... And of course Shula and Kosuke. Not too many beyond them, though... "I wonder, how would we do if we had a battle song? Charge into a fight singing in barritones and the like..."

She laughed aloud at his idea. "I really don't see many of our people singing at all ESPECIALLY during a battle. Can you see some of our strong males-" she paused to giggle. "-like my father.. singing... pfft-" She began to laugh. "The opposing side would be very confused I imagine. Since anyone willing to fight with us knows how we are in our hearts and in our minds... at least I would hope." She paused. "Or maybe I don't... I am not sure what I meant by that..." She looked up. "Sing again?"

Rowtag snickered. "They'd be so confused, we'd sweep them under the sand!" It was a pretty amusing tactic, actualy. He'd have to propose it some time to one of the higher-ranking lions. "They opposition knows full well that we're a fierce lot, full of fire and anger and passion..." He motioned with a paw. "Many of us have red pelts, or red ON our pelts... Red, the color of fire, of blood, of PASSION!" He grinned at the thought, unable to keep from singing about it. "Toniii-iii-iiight, we are yooouuung, so let's set the world on FI-IRE, we can burn brighter than the sun!"

Ute couldn't hold in her laughing anymore and great chuckles burst forth from her muzzle; and hse couldn't help but toss her head to and fro for a moment before composing herself. "Ehem..." She sniffed and settled down to try and pay attention to his song; which with forward ears and intent blue eyes she listened to his short song. She smiled and shut her eyes her head swaying for a moment as she took in the words. "You have a way with words... You know that...?" She asked.

If his face wasn't covered in black fur, Rowtag's blush would be evident. "You really think so...?" Nobody had really complimented him on it yet, so this was new. "I kinda wonder if we can use song to intimidate our enemies... Nobody expects lions as big and fierce as us to sing, after all..." Not even most of the lions in thep ride. "And who knows... So many deep burly voices as the males have? It could sound like thunder coming across the sand and scare them away even more..."

She nodded. "It isn't a far fetched idea... though don't feel bad if you get a few laughs. I know i am a bit more differentin my opinons than others... but someday if we are in battle; I would like to hear you sing... If that isn't too bold..." She said softly, looking a bit embrassed; her pale cheeks turning a noticable pinkish hue. She coughed, wiping her muzzle quickly to cover up her blushing. "I uh..." She mumbled something unaudible. "...I um... So... Uh... "

Well, things had just turned a bit... Awkward. He wasn't sure how to proceed, shuffling the sand just a bit. "Sooooo..." This was bad, he was utterly lost on what to say now! He thought for a moment, looking around, before he pricked his ears. "Hey, I was thinking of going over to the watering hole... I don't suppose you'd like to join me...?" It WAS getting time for his rationed drink, after all...

Ute looked relieved at the suggestion of getting a drink and perhaps lightening the awkward moment they had. "Oh yes... I haven't been there today..." Somedays she would go days without water. Back when the fuss had started about rationing; she had been furious about the idea of keeping water from the weak and giving it too the strong. At that time her mother was barely concious and breathing from the accident. "I would love to join you rowtag." She said simply and with a smile.

The male smiled, then motioned with his paw. "Ladies first!" As far as his father had educated him, technically Ute COULD be called a Lady. Her lineage went directly back to the king of Bodaway's youth. Not that that mattered anymore, politically speaking. To Rowtag, lineage didn't mean much beyond 'not blood related to me.' And with the way his father had liked to spread his genes... A lot of lions were related to him. He fell into an easy gate, since there were no sand storms blowing today. His destination didn't need any particular hurrying to get there.

She simply bowed her head and gave him a rather girly expression before chuckling to herself and moving forward and towards the limited water source that was their only source. She kept a steady speed, not to fast and not to slow; and contemplated what a great friendship she sensed from this Rowtag.