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Reply [IC] Iknimaya Lands [IC]
[PRP] An Empty Hammock (Sata, Sipho, Pikelis, Clerm)

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Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:27 pm
User ImageClermeilli-Pie was not sure what she had been expecting with her cubs growing up. It was not her first litter, but it was her first litter with Sata. Like her two older cubs that were off doing their duties in the pride and having their own hammocks, now her younger litter was doing the same. The lioness found herself missing having them in the hammock with herself and Sata. Not that her mate was not good company and wonderful to have all to herself, she just missed having cubs to snuggle as well.

The practical minded lioness was finding the desire to have more cubs ever pressing on her mind and harder and harder to resist. Clerm wondered if she should discuss the matter with her mate and see if he wanted to try for more cubs so soon. He might not, but then again he might be waiting for her to say something before they started REALLY trying for another litter. It was very hard to tell with Sata at times, but at least she knew he had loved having cubs. Their children could not have been more loved and doted on.

Clerm was quite amazed that they had turned out well and not as spoiled brats. Sata had managed to keep his children in the right direction even if sometimes the redirection looked like it was simple encouragement. How he did that sometimes, the female just was not sure. It was like magic. Even if magic didn't exist, Clerm was sure that her mate had to possess such a thing to do what he did. Then again, capturing her heart wasn't an easy task either, so he was a very special lion.User Image

Pikelis was watching the lioness from her perch on a branch. They had already been out and back for the day's hunt, but the bird had noticed that Clerm was a bit quick to return to her hammock and wait for Sata. What was bothering the lioness was a mystery to the bird. She thought maybe she knew, but every time she brought it up, Clerm just shrugged. It was hard to pin point things when there was so much that could be on the feline's mind and the bright avian was not sure where to begin on tracking it down when she could not get much of a response from the lioness.

Pikelis just kept watching her partner for now to see if there were any more clues to help make an assumption into a possitive ID of the problem. There had to be something, there just had to be. If the lioness did not give some kind of hint soon, the bird was going to have to take drastic measures and go to the male lion. Clerm's mate HAD to be able to get something out of the lioness. He just had a knack at such things that the bird wondered about at times. She swore it was magic borrowed from the goddess that claimed the pride as home.

To Pikelis there was no other way to explain it, and she thought magic a very logical explanation for such things. Then again, she believed magic was real without seeing it right in front of her beak, and there were times she doubted even having it right in front of her muzzle would convince Clerm of such things. The lioness was quite stubborn on some stuff. Like not opening her muzzle on this issue. The bird wondered if pecking her lioness would be in bad taste at this point.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:18 pm
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“What are you thinking, Yellow Eyes?” Sipho asked bluntly, dropping from branch just above Pikelis to one closer to the blue lioness, his presence a sign that her mate would soon arrive at the hammock. The blue bird had no issues with asking whatever sparked his interest with little regards for the feelings of others as he had the sensitivity of a rock sometimes. And at this precise moment, he was also feeling a little jealous because Pikelis hadn’t noticed him arrive and seemed more preoccupied with the lioness than a fellow bird. Suit herself. Instead of pouting he would simply use his favorite method of amusement: teasing lions. “Are you finally dumping that no-good Sata?”


“Hey, hey. What’s going on, Sipho? You were in a good mood just now.” Sata climbed up to the hammock, nuzzling Clerm gently in a long and silent greeting. He was quite used to his companion’s odd moods but he had seemed happy just s short moment before. “What’s this nonsense you’re saying?”

He made himself comfortable on the hammock, looking around for a few moments as he recalled the memories of his sleeping cubs, tiny little bodies sleeping nestled against their parents. Of course he missed them, how couldn't he?

“It feels a little empty now, doesn’t it?” he said lightly before grinning widely, lifting one paw playfully towards Clerm.


Rainbow Cat

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:02 pm
Clerm was brought out of her thoughts abruptly by the interuption of a very familiar voice. The lioness knew her mate's bird companion all too well. She looked up at the bird and smiled. "I see you, little brother." She knew that Sipho was not a tactful creature, or patient, and she thought perhaps she would dance around his question to see if he got frustrated. "I am thinking many things, Sipho. Are you not as well?" She and Pikelis had both gotten very good at teasing the male bird almost as much as he did lions.

"I do not know this 'no-good Sata' that you are referring to. the only Sata around is my dear, wonderful mate." Clerm returned Sata's greeting nuzzle and gave him a lick on the muzzle. She batted at his tail before his playful paw could get to her and purred at him lovingly. This would likely get into a tail batting game in very short order. He was her mate, though, and this was normal for them. The blue lioness still would take the time to lie in wait over her children's hammocks' at times and bat them as they came to lay down. They expected this from their mother.

Clerm seemed so serious and distant because of her practical outlook, but when one looked closely, they could see the playfulness. To her, there was nothing more practical than enjoying one's life and sharing that enjoyment with family and friends. "I think Sipho is jealous that he has not had any chicks yet and you have had such fine cubs." She took another bat at Sata's tail as she spoke. "It does feel empty now... and I wanted to talk to you about that..." The blue lioness hoped that the way Sata had spoken meant he was ready for more cubs as well.

Pikelis knew why the other bird ignored her, he was jealous. She had figured out long ago, that he wanted her attention all to himself. She had decided though, that it was much more fun to tease him and still pay attention to other things than to do exactly what he wanted all the time. He teased lions, but she teased him. To her mind it was the best way to have things and the only way that she was going to get chicks out of him some day.

The little green and yellow bird hopped down onto the branch where her mate had perched and pecked him gently on the head. "Someone is jeal~ous." She cheeped it in such a happy, teasing tone. Now that Sata was here, Pikelis did not have to worry about her lioness, so her attention did not have to be there at the moment. The bird was sure that the two lions would discuss everything that needed discussed for sure.

It then became Pikelis' delightful job to distract Sipho from bothering the two while they talked. There were many ways to do that and most of them were quite pleasant. "I finished our new nest, come see it Sipho." Their old nest had gotten a bit worse for wear, and the female bird had thought it practical to make a new one to replace it before it became too bad to lay eggs in. Now if she could just get eggs to put in it. That was what her mate was to help her with eventually.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:57 am
“I see you, too. I’m not blind.” Sipho snorted and fluffed himself up to twice his size, ignoring both Clerm’s defense of her mate and the mate himself who arrived shortly after. Pikelis’ words, however, could not be ignored. He was weaker against the green bird especially when she used words like “we” or “our”. Our nest. That sounded rather nice, didn’t it…?

“I wasn’t jealous.” He said though he didn’t sound terribly firm in that statement. He followed after the green bird, landing so close to her that their feathers would touch when the soft breeze weaved past the pair. “It’s nice. Better than these shaky things the cats have.” his eyes were already travelling back to the felines, eager to see how they'd react.


Sata grinned at Clerm, pointing his chin towards the birds as he whispered to his mate.

“What got him so upset? He really was in a good mood.” The grin widened as he saw how quickly Pikelis could make the blue bird behave. “It might not be so empty soon, they seem to be awfully cozy.” He chuckled good-naturedly, letting out one long content sign. The kids might’ve have left the nest but this was definitely where he belonged.

“Talk to me…?” he did sound a little worried now. “You don’t want to return to the old hammock, do you? It was a bit small and I quite like this one. And… you never know…” he winked. It was a playfull gesture devoid of any real thought. As far as Sata was concerned, he would love to have more cubs but he figured Clerm might like to wait a bit longer before going for her third litter.


Rainbow Cat

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:49 pm
Clerm shook her head at the antics of Sipho. She was glad that Pikelis had such an easy time with the other bird. The lioness' life with Sata would have been much more difficult if not for the female bird keeping the male occupied most of the time. "Perhaps he was here longer than I thought and I ignored him? I do not know, but I am sure Pikelis will sort out Sipho's mood shortly." She nuzzled her mate and licked his nose affectionately. He really was too cute at times and she loved it.

"Do not look all concerned, Sata... no I do not want to return to the old hammock... but I was wondering if you would want to try a little harder for more cubs?" Clerm gave her mate a coy look and made cute eyes at him. She usually would not have wasted the effort on such actions, but she knew her mate would appreciate them and respond to them. "Unless you wish to wait..." She really hoped he did not. The lioness was quite happy with the idea of having a third litter soon, and perhaps a fourth after that... The idea of a big family with Sata was a good one.

Pikelis tweeked Sipho's beak playfully. "You were so jealous." She settled herself into their nest and waited for the male bird to snuggle up to her. If he did not do so, she would just have to make him. She was good at that anyway. "Of course it is better than the cats' hammock. We are birds and eggs need a good firm, stationary nest." She gave him a very pointed look when she said the word 'eggs'. She was getting impatient to have chicks, and it was Sipho's duty to have them with her.

Pikelis would not come right out and say it at the moment, but perhaps at some point she would. She did not like making things too easy on Sipho. "You should be nicer to Clermeilli-Pie, or I will not share the nest with you." She likely would never do that to the male, but it sounded like a good threat... maybe. So it might make the getting chicks a little harder, it was not like she had to follow through with the bluff as long as the male cooperated.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:50 am
Sipho chuckled as Pikelis agreed with his little comment about the unsteadiness of the lions’ hammocks. He had lived in a different pride before he’d traveled to the Ikinimaya lands and in his former home, the place where he’d grown up with his family, all the lions lived solely on the ground, sleeping in dens and caves if not out the open - as lions should! The weather was nice by the sea, after all. Even to this day, the blue bird found the Na’vi way of life rather strange.

“As if they’re half-birds.” He muttered to himself while he tried to keep up with both conversations. Amusingly enough, the two seemed to be about the exact thing: offspring.

“Eggs…?” he asked warily, his attention turning completely to Pikelis, completely ignoring her threat and focusing solely on that little word. “Mmm… our eggs?”


Sata was silent for a few moments, his head tilting slowly to the side. After a brief moment of surprise and confusion – clearly visible in his expression – the blue lion regained his composure. He looked calmer and more serious despite his heart beating faster.

“I would like to have more cubs. We’ve raised four beautiful ones. But I hadn’t thought about it seriously yet.” The corners of his mouth twitched as a small smile began to form when he considered the idea and the image of Clerm, first pregnant and then nursing a new batch of little ones became clear in his mind. “I’d like that. Do you feel up to it already?” He didn’t like to point out her age, knowing that Clerm could be terribly self-conscious about it. But they’d been together a good amount of time now, were bonded in a ceremony attended by with all their peers and raised a family together. Sata did not think he should worry that she might be trying too hard for his sake by considering having a third litter right after Sata’s first had reached adulthood. Their relationship was solid and the blue lion was certain that if she was mentioning cubs it was because she, much like himself, would really like to repeat the experience. “There’s nothing quite like sleeping in a hammock with the one you love and a bunch of kids, is there?” He grinned, his opinion on the matter as clear as possible. There would be no convincing required here as Sata was totally sold on the


Rainbow Cat

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:30 pm
Clermeilli-Pie grinned right back at her mate and nuzzled him happily. "As my oldest children have pointed out, I was barely an adult when I had them, so another litter so soon will not harm me." It had been her daughters that pointed this out. It was amazing to Clerm that not only had Marinette found her recently, but she had shared Ez' opinion on the blue lioness' thoughts of being so much older than her mate. Mari had been much more blunt than her sister, perhaps, but the opinion was the same: The age difference meant little since Clerm had barely been an adult when she had her first litter.

It suddenly occurred to Clerm that she had not told Sata about the appearance of her red daughter at the edge of the pridelands. She wondered what he would think of such a thing. She knew her daughter was no threat to the pride, even if her daughter's pride might have been. Her daughter seemed to be living on a very fine line, keeping up appearances enough to not get killed in her pride, but doing as she pleased outside it. Clerm was actually quite proud of what she had seen of Marinette's personality. She did wish there was no reason for her daughter's rather interesting talent at faking cruelty and such, though.

Pikelis tweaked the male's beak again. "Only our eggs if you get your tail feathers into producing them, Lazy." The female bird did love how the male focused in on things like eggs. It was amazing how his attention was all on the idea of a family with her. Sometimes she was not sure if it was interest in her or just interest in having a family, but she would take the interest either way. She was not too picky on the why so long as she got eggs out of this male.

Pikelis hated to admit it, but she really did love the annoying blue bird. She just wished he would behave a little better toward the lions at times. He was going to get himself in trouble one of these days, and she would hate to lose him, especially over something stupid like his big beak. The female bird stepped over a little bit and snuggled right up to Sipho. The thought of losing him, even if it was brief, made her want to be closer to the male.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:44 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
2nd tag!

“Maybe it will be a bigger one this time. You know… eight cubs, maybe. Oh, yawne*.” Sata looked happy. Like really, really happy! He nuzzled his mate again, puffing his chest out proudly as he thought of raising another beautiful litter with her, teaching the cubs to talk, to hunt, to sing. To teach them of the pride’s customs and history and all the beautiful forest life around them that they would surely love and respect as much as he did.

“Do you want to tell anyone? The kids, maybe? Or just drop the news on them once it becomes official?” his grin was so full of mischief now that the blue lion looked even younger, like a naughty cub who was too excited to feel guilty about his wrongdoing.


Sipho had been about to start a long tirade in his defense, one that would clearly rebuke Pikeli’s statement and convince her that he was anything but lazy but the words never left his beak. Instead, he froze when Pikelis moved to nuzzle him and then quickly melted into her and returned the gesture of affection.

“Our chicks will be perfect.” He said quietly so that no one else would hear him speak but the two of them. “Just like you.”

* yawne - beloved


Rainbow Cat

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:45 pm
Clermeilli-Pie reached up and batted at her mate's ear playfully. "I think we should wait until we have cubs to speak of before telling anyone of them, yawne." She looked every bit as mischievous as her younger mate. It was amazing how much her usually practical outlook on things did not dampen her playfulness, especially with her family. She was prone to stealth batting on occasion as well, it was no wonder she was such a good mother. Her mate might act a bit like a cub at times, but she was no better when she wanted to be.

The huntress nuzzled her mate again and gave a sideways look up at their bird companions. "I do not think we are the only ones speaking of little ones, Sata. Pikelis is set on chicks of her own too. Do you think Sipho will like that?" Clerm hoped he would, since her companion was quite set on the idea of having chicks with him. And it HAD to be him. As much as the bird might fuss about him at times, she loved Sipho just as much as Clerm loved Sata. The lioness licked her mate's cheek as she waited for an answer.


Pikelis tweeked Sipho's beak with her own teasingly. "They have to get their perfection from someone." Oh she thought Sipho was perfect, but she wouldn't tell HIM that. She did not want his ego getting huge over it. She would save that for after they had chicks and he needed the ego boost from being tired out. That was when she was sure it would be safe to feed his ego. Besides, the green and yellow bird found it much more fun to poke holes in her mate's ego, since he did the same to so many others. What went around came around? In this case more than in most.

we can wrap this up on your post if you like
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:19 am
Kathryn Dragonna
The end? =)

“I think the kids will love having some little ones running around.” Sata said with a wide grin. He wondered how his children would take the news but he was certain that there would be little need for baby-sitters. “And my younger brothers and sisters will enjoy having a few more cubs to play with. The timing is just perfect.” His voice drawled as the blue lion closed his eyes and slowly allowed his imagination to take over, enjoying the warmth of Clerm’s head under his chin. “They will be beautiful just like Hewne, Tahni, Mokri and Aketuan. Perfect in every way.” one eye opened as a tiny slither of blue and Sata chuckled quietly as he sneaked a glance at the pair of birds perched nearby. “And you’re probably right. This is going to be one mighty full hammock soon…”


Sipho snorted but he was actually smiling a little now. He gave Pikelis a gentle look and briefly wondered what their chicks would look like, how much they would take after their mother and... well, it would be a lie to say that he wasn’t also somewhat curious as to how they’d take after him. He sighed quietly and ignoring the look that Sata threw their way, he nudged closer to his mate.

“There’s going to a lot of perfect in here soon.” He said with a hint of sarcasm even though his smile was still surprisingly good-natured.


Rainbow Cat

[IC] Iknimaya Lands [IC]

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