Azhar = Mogami
Svetta = hibi-tea


Azhar was feeling surprisingly calm today considering the importance of what he was about to do. The dark Pad was heading to Pad Benham’s den in order to meet up with one of his daughters and bring her back with him to his den. Technically, the most important event had already happened a few days before when he had asked for Benham’s permission but he supposed this one of the most important days in the young banu’s life. It wasn’t every day that one would leave the den where they were born and start a life with a new family, after all. He had been pleasantly surprised to find that Svetta still hadn’t been given away to a Pad by the time he’d returned from his quest. She was younger than Azhar but the dark lion had taken some time in the rogue lands while he and Asha followed a Goddess’ instructions in a little quest of their own. He’d expected her to be… unavailable by the time he returned to the pride so he had been terribly happy to be mistaken. Having a second banu in his harem was imperative. Asha’s condition could worsen in the future and Azhar would not impose on the kindness of his family in case something like that were to happen. Besides, it was nearly impossible to avoid being badgered by other Pads if one chose to only have one banu and Azhar would much rather live a quiet and peaceful life, undisturbed by all but his girls.

To say that Svetta resonnated with excitement was a definite understatement. The adult lionness quietly paced inside the den of her father and mother, waiting to be collected by who she was told would be her future. The sky-blue Banu was surprised by who had asked for her on top of being surprised to be asked for at all. Her family was not particularly thought high of because of her mother's circumstances before Svetta's birth, and her sisters ended up causing strife for them as well (one a kajira and the other having abandoned the pride). She was certain at that time no one would want her and had almost accepted her unmarried, unwanted life. Not that it would have been a particularly bad one. She had her father, and her mother and with her skills in making jewelry, she could broker deals between dens for her family in the future.

While tiredness shown in her eyes, her anticipation was present on her face with a grin she could barely contain. Eventually her father sternly ordered her to stop her pacing as she was making him a tad motion sick and she resigned to sitting by the entrance of her former den, playing with beautiful cuffs made of leather, bark and crystals that sparkled brightly in the sun. There were three of them, two smaller ones with modest stones inlaid across and a larger one with grander stones. She had made them as tokens to her new Pad and Banu sister. One for each, including herself. She even used all her best materials to craft them. Ones she had been saving previously as a bargaining tool for future siblings of hers. But this was a grand occasion, one she never saw coming and so she felt it deserved the best she could offer.


Azhar cared little for the past of others but he was aware that Svetta was the granddaughter of a God and the Sultan’s half-sister which in itself was a rather distinguished lineage. And while he’d heard a rumor or two regarding Pad Benham’s family, he’d seen nothing but positive things in his blue daughter. She was beautiful without having a bad reputation and she still seemed as polite and pleasant as she had been when he’d met as a cub. His beybanu Asha was new to the Ukuucha’Wafalme and unfamiliar with the pride’s polygamous customs so a pushy and overly confident banu would surely only bring imbalance and problems to his den. Azhar found Svetta to be not just a suitable match but just about perfect in every way he could think. And if others had failed to see it, that just made him all the luckier.

He saw her at the mouth of the den and he quickened his pace. The blue banu looked a little nervous and Azhar would rather end the somewhat awkward approach (“I can see you but not really talk without screaming from here”) as quickly as possible. He offered her a quick nod and a small smile that he hoped would reassure her but spoke with her father.

“Good morning, Pad Benham. As we agreed before, I’ve come to take Svetta with me.” He actually did feel a twinge of nervousness now, the irrational fear that Benham might’ve suddenly changed his mind creeping up from the darkest part of his mind (after all, Pads of Tariq’s line didn’t often have the best reputations). But instead he received a formal nod and the expression of one of conflicting emotions (sadness, happiness, relief, anxiousness…) that Azhar was too inexperienced to fully understand.

“When you’re ready, banu Svetta…” he spoke to the blue banu then, moving away from the mouth of the den in order to give her some time and space for last goodbyes.

Svetta grinned when Azhar approached and waited patiently as her father and her Pad spoke. It was a tense few moments, and she was washed over by her excitement and the sudden realization that she would not wake up to see her father and her mother daily. When it came time for her to part with her father, she tried her best not to tear up. She couldn't really put into coherent thoughts how she felt, but it was just overwhelming and she did not want to be walking back to her home with Azhar crying. That would be a little embarrassing for her, even if it happened most of the time when a Banu departed from her family. She rubbed her face in her father's mane as both a gesture of affection and an excuse to dry her face and she told him farewell.

Turning back to Azhar, she smiled and pitter-pattered her way to him, grabbing the trinkets she had made for the three and presenting them to him with pride, "I made gifts to celebrate our family. One for me, one for you, and for Asha..."

Grabbing the biggest cuff, studded with colorful crystals that twinkled like stars, she offered it to him hoping he'd like the gift and the effort she put into them.


Azhar looked surprised for a few moments but it didn’t take long until a wide smile broke his expression. It was obvious he hadn’t expected to be given a gift but considering how quickly he wiggled his paw into the cuff, it was even more obvious that he quite pleased with. A banu was a gift in itself so this meant he was receiving two gifts at once.

“Thank you, Svetta.“ he said, dropping her title and still smiling as he admired his adorned leg. “It’s very well-made. I’m sure Asha will like it, too.” Actually, this was a perfect way for the two of them to begin their relationship. Svetta was bringing a gift and Asha would definitely look very happy so any initial worries would quickly wash away like dirt at the lake. Once again, Azhgar reminded himself that he was very lucky Svetta had still been in her father’s harem by the time he’d returned from his banu quest.

“I will not use your title from now on. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t like formality inside my den. We’re family now.” Hopefully, there wouldn’t be too many changes from what Svetta was used to. “I suppose you can use Asha’s title if you wish to show respect but I think she’ll also find it unnecessary. Is there any question you want to ask before we arrive? Would you like to take a walk first?”

Svetta's paws pattered in place for a moment in glee that Azhar liked the gifts she worked so hard on and she quickly slipped on her own cuff and the one for Asha so she would not lose them as they walked (knowing Svetta at times, she was legitimately worried about that happening). She was a little surprised that Azhar wouldn't use her title with her, but mostly because she thought only her father did that with her mother. To know that Azhar felt that as a family they didn't need to be so formal would make the transition much easier for her. It would be as if she never left.

"A walk would be nice..," She quietly mused, "To be honest, I'm still a little nervous. I hope Asha likes me, and that we can be close."

As soon as he picked up pace to walk, Svetta was by him making sure to keep a proper lagged distance behind. She didn't want anyone to have any doubts that she wasn't a properly trained Banu, and that she held the same behaviors her sisters did. She wanted to make sure her best was anyone every saw so that the best was all anyone would ever think of Azhar when they passed him by.

"So, umh... How did... How did you meet Asha?" She asked tentatively.

They were family and she wanted to know how their family was formed, but she didn't know if he was willing to tell her of the story behind Asha and himself. She knew some banu captures were just that, captures. Unpleasant and forceful encounters that other Banu felt for weeks as they walked by, but others were more like beneficial arrangements and on the off occasion, Svetta even heard that it was true love. She always liked the true love stories.


It would’ve been easier to talk if she was right by his side but he understood the customs of the pride as well anyone else so while he could ask her to walk a little closer to him, Azhar thought it would be best not to start their relationship by constantly nitpicking on what she was doing, especially when it was clear she was seeking his approval.

“Mmm… I already had a full mane when I met Asha. I had small injury in one of my paws and she was kind and helped me with it. She’s very good with healing herbs and things like that. I told her about the pride after that and she didn’t react quite as badly as most rogues do.” This time he was simply stating the facts although his blunt way of speaking might be a little amusing to others. “From the moment she took my paw into hers, I knew I wanted her to come back with me. I just needed to convince her.”

They were near the lake now and Azhar stopped for a few moments to take in the sights and sounds of the area as the gentle breeze ruffled his mane. Of all the things he’d missed when he was in the rogue lands, this scenery was definitely one of the first ones on the list.

“As we got to know each other, we became closer. I found out that Asha often became ill and we accepted a quest from a Goddess in order to fix that. I’d rather Asha tell you about that. It’s a long story and it will help you two get to know each other.”