Time had passed since her grandmother's death, and there had been very little that had moved Siochana from the den. She'd even chosen herself a small den away from her family, curled herself there. Many knew the daughter of Tulivu had not even left her home to eat, and her family knew she barely slept lately. Most of what she did was simply lay there, staring out of her little hole. The young femme had grown up to be a stunning young Adolescent, with her lithe form only thin because of lack of food. It was obvious that she would be very well built for fighting once she was fed....For today, she was contentedly curled in her dirt nest, kind of waiting for something to happen. She missed her Grandmother....and still blamed herself for the femme's death.

Tavar had taken turns with others to make sure Sio got at least SOME food. Like hell he'd let his daughter waste away into death. Yes, she wasn't his by blood...but she was still his daughter, and he loved her and wanted her to someday smile again. Spar again. He dragged a gazelle with him this visit, glad he wasn't on duty for the next couple of days. Maybe...he could coax her out? He usually failed, as did the rest of the family...but it was worth a try. And keep trying he would. He was a stubborn lion, just like his mother. "Sio. Ah brou' foo'." Talking around a gazelle wasn't easy.

Siochana noticed her Papa slinking towards the den, bringing her a gazelle, food to eat. For the first time in days, as her stomach rolled in hunger, she slowly slid from the den to meet her papa's eyes. Her own were tired, heavy, but at the same time, her hunger had brought herself to a point of needing to devour something. Gently taking the thing from her father, she lowered it to the ground, and took a large bite. She'd rarely spoken since her grandmother's death, but she still found herself able to be around people.

Tavar sat as Sio ate, glad to see her just...moving. Movement was good, right? ******** still had no idea how to best deal with this. But...he was going to try. "How are you feeling today?" For all his wit and intelligence...that was the best he would come up with to start talking to her. Dammit. He prayed Tuli or Aisling never heard of such a lack of brilliance. He'd get teased.

The young female's shoulder raised and lowered in a shrug as she ate rather heartily. Her maw dug into the carcas, and it was the first time in months that anyone had seen the young one eat this much, It was obvious that she was at least finally slaking her hunger. Chewing slowly, she offered her papa a weary smile. Her paws kneaded into the earth, and a small purr came from her chest as she enjoyed the meal. She was doing well....Much better than she'd thought she would be...and emotion was finally starting to worm its way back into the girl's heart.

The purr was...something. It was more than any of them had gotten, even Cio. Smiling just a little, Tavar scooted to sit next to his daughter. "You're coming up on adulthood, Sio...Do you know what you're going to do?" Would she speak when it came time for her to find her demon name? So far as he knew, even Domefae had managed a whisper with his demon name, or else he wouldn't be a Tu'azan. But if Sio wouldn't...couldn't speak...what would happen?

Those mismatched eyes turned up to him, and she gave him a secretive smile, her gaze sparkling with knowledge, and an eagerness that had been missing for so long. She nodded, slowly. She knew what she wanted to do, and knew just what her Demon name was already. In her nightmares, and many dreams, she'd seen it, heard it from the female that snarled her pride deep within her chest. A female who demanded she finally speak after months and moths of silence...."...Sinta'hare...."

Tavar felt his heart soar a moment. His daughter had spoken! She'd spoken! And somehow...what she said was fitting. She had been attached to her grandmother...and her grandmother had settled into being a Sinta'hare very well. "I'll see if I can't talk Yaretzi or your uncle Charon into mentoring you a bit on that side. What would you be teaching?" He had a feeling he knew...but he wanted to encourage her speaking.

Her tail flicked a few times, and her head lowered to bite gently at some of the meat, pulling more into her stomach. Taking a slow breath in, she murmured quietly, "...Like Grandmother.." She purred quietly, moving to stand, shaking the dirt out of her matted pelt. Her fur was dirty, slightly matted, but she was already starting to look like a fighter..and a little bit like her grandmother. Her stance was strong, and despite her underweight nature, she was obviously built to be a fighter. Something about Sio was different than it had been. Within the femme, Karawan snarled her approval, spurring her to speak up again, "I want...to be like....grandmother..." Her words were halted, rough, voice scratchy from disuse.

Tavar nodded. "Thought so." He was glad that she seemed to be going back to...well, herself. He didn't know what exactly had sparked the change, but it was one he was glad for. "I can help you with the fighting part. Continuing what you learned from her. Maybe convince your Aunt Umarth or your cousin Ajiza to help." They were both good fighters. And Ajiza was practically his great-grandmother in her youth, from what he'd been told by older members of the pride...his aunt Moricorm included. "We'll make sure you make her spirit as proud as can be."

Siochana looked up to the stars, and smiled once more, "Grandmother is watching..." She responded, standing to her feet, and gently bumping her papa's shoulder with her own, trotting past him, "I need to clean up..." Came the raspy response. She was ready....Ready to train herself to be better...more perfect. She had to live up to what her grandmother taught her. The lioness and Karawan were tired of wasting away. Months, it had been, and they'd spent it holed up, barely eating or sleeping. It was time to grow up. Sliding into the water, she tucked her head under, beginning to swim around, to allow her fur to lose the dirt and some of the mats. She would need help to get it all out....but in time, she'd get back to her full strength. As soon as she slid out of the water, she looked at Tavar, "Can we....spar? I need to....test my..muscles..."

Tavar let her believe that. He didn't think she was WATCHING, exactly...but...eh. Who was he to know what happened exactly after death. Aside from their souls returning to the fiery depths, anyways. Tavar followed his daughter to where she chose to wash off the dirt, waiting, and when she came out...he nodded, smiling. "Of course." Good. She was definitely being herself again.