Heltyr hissed in painful breath after painful breath. The wounds over her muzzle had only recently begun to scab over, and it was still somewhat uncomfortable to draw air in - especially with the heavy practicing that she was doing now. That didn't really matter, though: she needed to get better despite how much discomfort she was in. She needed to prove that she was still just as much demon as that hulking brute of a blue lioness. Strong she may be, but elegant example of demonkind Mojana was not, and Heltyr was never going to be able to rest until she had restored her confidence in her ability to take on the slaveborn female. Or, well, at least restore her pride somewhat. Whichever came first.

Siochana had been making her way out to the fields to get ready for her students, the Sinta'hare in a rather good mood, if all was honest. Trotting past the other lions that were moving around, quickly, she found herself a bit shocked to see..."Heltyr?" What was this female doing here? She was breathing heavily...and that wound over her muzzle...had she even seen someone about that? "...You are....injured. And gravely so." She seemed to be inquiring as to what the other was doing here...and what had happened, those mismatched eyes studying her curiously.

The sound of a familiar - and non-hostile - voice drew Heltyr away from her practice, and she camem to a standstill, blowing air and a little blood out of her nose before shaking her head and turning to greet the Sparda-side lioness. "Siochana," she said in greeting, wincing at the slightly nasal tone her voice had taken on. "Have I disturbed you?"

A warm smile greeted the younger as she sat down, studying over her, "You seem to have gotten in a nasty scrape. Are you doing alright?" Her eyes swept over the wound, studying it carefully, seeming to wonder just what was going on with the younger, "You seem to have gotten a fair bit of damage...." She prayed one of the Tirma'eth or Tirma'ath hadn't done this....Poor Heltyr....That was a nasty piece of work...Might have even broken the bone slightly........

"Unfortunately," Heltyr grumbled before taking a seat as well. "Though my opponentn will bear some marks, as well." It hadn't been a complete humiliation, at least. And Mojana had proved her claim, which Heltyr could (begrudgingly) accept. Still, she should have done better, or at least lasted a little longer in that battle. "Have you been well?"

"I have. I have been doing my duty....teaching my students, and leading them through exercises to improve their skills, as well as training young warriors. It has been a proud thing." A smile broke her maw again, and she slowly lowered herself to sit, watching Heltyr with a curious gaze. She wondred just what kind of scuffle the other had gotten into, that she'd been so maimed.....'With whom did you get into a fight, Heltyr? It seems to have been a violent disagreement....."

"Perhaps you know her better than I," Heltyr said with a shrug. "Her name is Mojana. We settled a disagreement plaguing us since cubhood." Unfortunately not in her favor, but in the long run, she had to admit that she had been a particularly foolish and haughty cub, more arrogant than sensible with her sister by her side. Their growing apart had likely been beneficial, considering all sides... But that was irrelevant to the here and now. "It is finished, now." Mostly. As long as her pride could recover.

She let out a small hum of understanding, carefully licking her own paw, and rubbing it over a semi-fresh wound on her shoulder. Tch...It was still a bit sore...but she'd get over it. Stretching elegantly, she stood once more, 'You really shouldn't be pushing yourself until your nose is completely healed. That will impair your ability to fight in and of itself, just by withholding your breath...."

"I suppose," Heltyr said, fighting back a stab of shame and frustration at her inability to heal faster. "Still, I would rather not lie about like an invalid when I need to improve." She didn't mention the injury to her pride, but that went without saying. The fact that she was wounded so spoke more than enough about her loss.

She nodded slowly, "There are ways for you to improve, without stretching yourself." Sio spoke quietly, seeming to lapse into thought, "You could exercise instead of practice until your injury is healed up. It shouldn't be too strenuous that way....." Her paws pressed into earth as she circled around the female, "Simple ones to build you up.

"Do you think so?" Heltyr echoed, her expression uncertain. "I would not wish to be seen as slacking," she added quietly, trying not to let her embarrassment seep into her voice. After all, things had already gone terribly for her reputation, she didn't need any more stains to it right now. But if it was as useful as it appeared on the surface, maybe Siochana's idea would work?

Sio shook her head, "Part of being a good fighter, and a good demon, is knowing when you NEED to rest. If you keep pushing yourself now, you might do further damage to yourself, making you useless in the long run. Pushing yourself too hard can be as detrimental as it can be helpful." She'd learned much from her grandmother....

Heltyr nodded thoughtfully. "I believe you," she said, surprised by the fact that she really did. As a Morifaer-side lioness, she didn't believe she was supposed to really approve of a very obviously Sparda-side female, but.... she liked Siochana, and she appreciated the advice. Besides... it really was surprisingly difficult to do much of anything with her muzzle aching so.

Siochana found herself sighing softly, "Now, the stretches are easy. You need to be able to allow yourself to move in a manner that's not going to upset your injury." Slowly, the female's body moved, showing the younger the myriad of streches she'd learned to keep the body conditioned, without sressing injury.

Heltyr watched closely without speaking for a long moment. She waited until the lioness had finished her motions before climbing to her paws and trying to mimic her. "Like this...?"

Sio nodded warmly, "Very good, Heltyr. Do that, and this." Yet another stretch, "Twice a day, and you'll find yourself able to keep in shape, without further stretching yourself..." Standing, she began to dust the field with her tail, getting it ready as the sun set below the horizon.

"I shall," Heltyr murmured, mimicking the last motion once before starting to move away. "Thank you for the instruction, Siochana." She didn't think she should stayy here any longer - clearly, the other lioness had work to do. "Good evening."