As usual, the moon had risen over the pridal lands, drawing many a Demon out from their hiding place, and into the full light that sparkled across dew-ridden grass. The Aikanaro'hini began to buzz with activity. Tsafare going about their work, Ra'alme getting ready for the night, and Tirma'eth and Tirma'ath getting ready to patrol the borders. One of the Ra'alme, however, found herself with a bit of an itch in her paws. An eagerness to get out of the usual routine that seemed to plague her daily existence. Amashen and Tiis had been so boring lately, and Kuchanganyikiwa had been dying for something....Anything to do. So, it was with this in mind, that the pink and black femme found herself trotting out of the pridal lands, to the very fringes of Demon Territory, to hunt for a new plaything.

Her claws pressed into fresh earth, the smell around her bringing a pleasant shiver up her spine, and a low purr from her throat. Her demon within also rumbled with appreciation, loving the momentary freedom that seemed to come from this place. Slinking along the ground, 'Kiwa found herself wondering if there was indeed anything to find out here. It wasn't as though she usually found much to hunt and play with....But when an unfamiliar...and yet proper scent met her nose....OH, was the young femme delighted. That was the smell of another Lion. A smell of someone on the Aikanaro's lands that wasn't supposed to be there any more. What would she find if she followed it~?

Her pawsteps were far from silent, however, and quickly drew the attention of the male whose scent she followed. Kuendesha'Akili of the Aegnor'andirae had found himself mildly homesick, and had allowed his paws to lead him past the normal area of restraint, and to the very edge of the lands of the Pride that he'd once called home. Though he proudly followed Moricorm at the moment, there was something about being a Quateth for the Aikanaro that the Aegnor just didn't satisfy. It was likely why, as soon as the paw steps of another lion met his ears, he dropped to the ground, pressing his stomach flat, to the earth, listening carefully to what would make such a noise. When the sight of a pretty black female met his gaze, however, Kuen felt a soft smirk light his lips, the tiny gem on his ear tinkling softly against metal.

She might have light colors on her, but she was a Demon. This proven by the scars that littered the smaller's body. Lately, he'd been wanting to breed. Get some cubs of his own that he could train in the ways of a proper demon. Perhaps...this female could be his tool to doing just that. He could teach them his ways....teach them the silence of a Quateth, and the deadly accuracy that came from training from cubhood. Within a moment, he moved from the bushes, pulling himself behind her, silently, and purring warmly, "Hello, pretty one."

Kiwa reacted in a way appropriate for any Demon. Her claws dug deeper into the earth, and she spun about, facing a dark male...with a bone mask and chilling crimson eyes that seemed to bore into her own cerulean ones. Yet another shiver rumbled down her spine, and she found herself suddenly intrigued by him, "....A hello to you. Who are you, that you are demon and not? It makes no sense that you seem to be so closely tied within...and yet your smell....Your smell is not quite right." Her eyes roved over his form, scarred like her own.

He was definitely an interesting choice...He'd make a strong mate, at least long enough for her to attain cubs, and thrust the pale ones off on some poor Na'artu or Na'artue. She was eager to see if he'd produce dark enough cubs....She was eager to pass on her own genetics. Adding his...."Never mind that.....What brings you back to the Aikanaro'hini lands, oh you of the bone mask~?"

Kuen chuckled darkly. Oh, this lioness was intriguing. She seemed to have the light of insanity within her, one that he was most certainly appreciative of. "It is simple, dear pretty one." He repeated his earlier nickname. If he could charm her, perhaps he could pull her into a den for the eve, and get to a place where they would be able to reproduce. "My name is Kuendesha'Akili. I wish cubs....little ones to train in the ways of the Demon....and something tells me that a similar thought has crossed your mind. Perhaps we could make an arrangement...One in which we...divide the cubs...? Attain the things we are both wanting."

The smile that lit her maw drew his own crimsons to glitter maliciously. Perfect. So absolutely perfect. It seemed he had her hook, line, and sinker. Such a little fool, to fall for his tricks.

Or was he falling for hers? Kiwa purred darkly, and let her claws trace over his flank, drawing a line of blood which she almost instantly lapped up, "My name is Kuchanganyikiwa....Though...You may call me Kiwa. It does indeed sound as though we are after the same thing, dear Kuendesha'Akili. I would be more than happy to assist you in your attempt to create a litter." Circling him, her eyes roved over every inch, studying the lithe muscle, the proud bearing, the dark colors....and those eyes. The crimson eyes were what got her the most. Burning with a cruelty that drew Byrdi herself to the fore, crying in want for this male before slake the lust that burned in her veins.

"Then by all means...To your den, dear 'Kiwa? To find shelter from prying eyes, and seek our mutual goals." Kuen's words were a dark, eager purr, teeth bared in a smirk as he gently drew his own claw across her cheek, lapping up the blood in turn.

"To my den indeed~"