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The oracles of the Mistwalker valley were diverse in ability and strength in abilities. Some saw the future, some saw events transpiring elsewhere, and still others could look into the past. Their visions were activated in a variety of ways, she had learned. One lioness could see one’s entire past through a simple touch. Because of this, the lioness was fearful of making physical contact with anyone and often shied away from her pride members. Another male often saw visions in his sleep, and had the ability to force himself into such a state in order to seek out said visions. The male that she sought out that day, however, was a male who was said to see the future through the clouds. A convenient power in a valley where the clouds touched the earth. The future was just what she needed, and wanted, to see.

He was described as a middle-aged lion with ancient blue eyes, a dusty pelt, and a golden mark upon his shoulder. He was what the pride called a ‘godchild’ as his sire was supposedly one of the divine beings. Like many others here, he had come from an outside pride and had wandered far from his homeland. His story and background was his to tell and her companion would not relent in telling it to her personally.

She had been given directions and followed them carefully, taking note of the writings upon the stone walls for the first time since her arrival. Each had a meaning, she was told, and each collection of them told a story. A history, sad and ancient as the stones they sat on. It was a lingering feeling that lay evident in the eyes of the pride’s members. It was as if the entire place was holding its breath, bracing itself, all the while quietly grieving for times and loved ones lost.

The oracle house sat in the upper most caves in the northen-most corner of the valley. It was a long walk and one that had Kapera second-guessing her every step and turn as she made her way along the narrow ledges that ran between the caves of the Mistwalkers. Higher up, the mists cleared and she was able to see down into the rest of the valley. A lush, green place filled with sloping valleys, tall trees, and several waterfalls. She had been told that there was more to the place than the caves, but because of the strange activities at the borders, the pride had taken to the protection of the capital and hid themselves within stone and mist.

Each oracle had his or her own cave, each marked with a unique symbol that identified them. Their common dwellings were on a lower level, though still well above the rest of the pride. The highest cave she was told was completely off-limits, accessible only by the oracles and the mother oracle. The ways here, she realized, were quite a good deal more complex than anything she was used to. Even a collection of lions living together typically had less structure. Hunting parties, a leader, scouts, and a caretaker of some sort. Here they had different classes- the physical, the mental, and the spiritual leaders. The proud, strong sentinels that stood watch at the border like Loha and Haldir. Then came the magi, of which she had only head about briefly and only in a few words. They were supposedly the keepers of the history here, wise and some of them rather old. And finally, the oracles. Those blessed with the sight beyond sight either by way of a blessed birth or a divine direct lineage.

She came to a cave marked with three triangles, each of their points facing upwards, each touching at least one other, and all of them forming a larger triangle with a black upside-down triangle in the center. The same marking she had been instructed to seek out. She came to the mouth of the cave and took a slow step in. Something snagged on her paw, issuing a clatter of chimes up above her head. Startled, she gave a cry and jumped into the cave.

“It’s alright, it’s alright.” A gentle voice said from the depths. Kapera snapped her head about, her eyes wide in the darkness. A male stepped forward slowly, his posture completely non-threatening. This must have been the oracle.

“It’s just a chime. It catches the wind when it blows and a guest when they step in. A gift from Maji.” He said with a smile. “Ah… I saw you coming.”

“Saw me?” She frowned.

“Indeed. A lost lioness on the border, unless I’m mistaken?”

“…oh.” She slowly gave a nod of her head. “I… was told to seek you out. Haldir and Loha thought that perhaps you could explain things to me…and answer a question perhaps?

“Oh did they?” The male chuckled. “I suppose they have their paws full. With all the commotion I suppose they have a good enough reason.”

“They mentioned another pride on the border…they’re having some tension.”

“Yes, they’re a strange bunch. I can’t see much of them.” The lion padded to the mouth of the cave and looked outwards, his eyes narrowing. “Thunderclouds that roar. Lightning striking stone… very confusing, I may never understand it.”

“…do you always speak that way?”

“Hm?” He glanced over then laughed. “I…am sorry, it’s not often I speak with someone outside of the oracle house these days. We…typically don’t get our visions the way most would think. We don’t see a direct vision more often than not. Some of us get our gifts in the form of riddles. It takes a good deal of time and insight to decipher them. “

“I… think I understand.” She smiled and gave a short shake of her head. “Might I get a name?”

“Oh I’m sorry.” He turned back to her. “Manners, I’m sorry. It’s Durian. And you are?”

“Kapera, sir. I’ve made my way here fairly recently. Loha was kind enough to give me a place to sleep while I rested. I…thought perhaps I could stay?”

“Oh I wouldn’t be the one to speak to about that. Rochben is our king. But I can put in a word for you if you need an oracle’s say in the matter.”

“I think that’s why I was sent here… Haldir seemed to think I might be a threat. Something about females bringing in troubles in the past.”

“A fair thing to say, though I’m sorry you had to hear it.” He offered. “The history behind that is best spoken of but the magi house. They know it well and would be glad to tell you all they know.”

“This…pride seems divided.”

“Yes and no.” He shook his head. “You see in every being there is three parts. We embody that. The oracles are the soul, the magi are the mind, and the sentinels and the hunters are the body. We have a king, an arch magi, and a mother oracle. A perfect balance.”

“I’m…sure I’ll understand some day.”

“Certainly.” Durian looked the female over then slowly reached out for her shoulder. Kapera startled and glanced to his paw.


“I’m sorry, but if I’m to give my assurance to the king, I need to be sure that I can be assured of your trustworthiness.”

“I’m going to provoke a vision.” He answered simply. One look into her confused eyes and he continued. “I… touch you, make contact. I think of you, and my spirit receives the vision through the mists. This way I can see, vaguely, if you will be a threat. Of course, visions can be wrong but… I trust you don’t intend to prove me a liar.”

“Not at all.” Her eyes went wide. “But next time, I would like a warning or a request for permission.”

Durian smiled an apology then slowly turned back to the mouth of his cave. He stared for what seemed like an eternity, watching the mists down below as they swirled and spun an answer. After the silence he nodded and slowly withdrew his paw. “Kapera, welcome to the pride. I will have a word with Rochben on your behalf and send for you if he wants to meet with you personally.”

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