The morning was nice and warm, and it was a great day to be sitting on the island, away from the mainland. It was beautiful, and she felt a peace around her. It had been a few days since she had felt the same sort of peace. She had been working hard, between training, and Aesir. She had spent far more time with Aesir than she was supposed to, and some would accuse her of feelings. But no one took her heart, besides Dvaji, and that was all she was guilty of. If anything, she felt like something of a lions version of a humitarian. She was doing a good deed. Something she was sure that Syrena would be proud of. Though she knew she already had her Sister's praise, Katerina felt as if she had to continue to receive it. Syrena was a good Queen, and it was good to be in your Sister's best graces.

Sade' had been a mermaid all her life. Her mother had been claimed by the plague, and it had left Sade' broken and confused for a long while. The plague had been a bad one, and Sade' had seen her slowly deteriorate until it took her. Though she had been commanded to keep away from her mother because the disease was very contagious. It would claim the small cub, just as it had her mother. She loved her home here, but it had taken her a long while to feel sure of herself again. She had been a shell of her former self, but she had worked hard. She was much better, back to the self she wanted to be. She was thankful for the teachings of her Sisters. Otherwise she may have let her mother's death destroy her forever. Her mother would never have wanted that..

"Good day, Sister." Sade' said quickly once her eyes landed on Katerina. She looked up to her, almost as a mother.. but.. not. Katerina did not pretend to be a mother to anyone, and she was only as much a mother as she could be with her own children. She was no nonsense, and Sade' had always loved that about her. She was a little older than Sade', but not by much. She wasn't sure what had happened to Katerina's family, and she was almost positive Katerina had never spoken of it.

Katerina lifted her head from her rested perch, and smiled down at the other lioness. She knew Sade', she had helped train her to fight. She had always been a sweet girl, but her mother's death had been a very harsh blow on the youngster.

"Good day, Sister Sade'." She responded. She wasn't usually much for subtlties. But Sade' held a small place in her heart. The poor girl had gone through much at a young age. Katerina wasn't much older herself, but she had been prepared to deal with the devastation. She supposed it was her strong will that kept her sane and strong.

"How are you, today?" She asked, her ice blue eyes glittering in the sunshine. Katerina was a beautiful lioness. She had the grace that was required of a mermaid, but she was also very very dangerous. Not to her Sisters, but to most anyone else that upset her.

"I'm well! I was heading to the wading pool. Such a nice day, I thought that the water might be positvely wonderful." She said, her voice breathy. She had such a pretty voice, Katerina thought.

"I think I shall join you then." Kat said, standing from her sleeping perch on a rock, and stretching out her body. She had been laying there quite a bit now, and her muscles had been ready to nap, not work. She leapt from the rock, her paws hitting the soft sand. She loved sand, it was a pain to get out of your fur but it was simply the best sunning area.

"I'd be glad of the company." Sade' responded with a chuckle and continued walking once Katerina had leapt down. She walked beside her for a few moments, before she noticed Kat's eyes on a bird that had been chirping overhead.

"Is something wrong, Katerina?" She asked, though she realized it was probably out of place. She already regretted asking but she wasn't going to say that. She just kept walking, and tried to remain confident. She hadn't realized how intimidated she was of Katerina before. She knew Kat would never lift a paw to her, and that wasn't what she was afraid of. She was just in awe at such a creature like her. Katerina was everything. She was beautiful, strong, and she was smart. She could defend herself, and that was what Sade' hoped to have one day. She was good, but not -Katerina- good.

"No, no." Katerina said assuringly. She hadn't meant to day dream, but she hadn't been able to help it. She hadn't even realized she was.

"Just thinking of the wading pool, I think. Such a good idea you had." She said with a light chuckle.

"I'm glad I could help. I don't like going alone, so it's good to have someone to talk to." Sade' smiled, nodding. She really did enjoy the company. It was rare that you could catch Katerina doing something that wasn't training. She was very serious about her job, and Sade' felt quite lucky to be getting to spend a little time with her.

"It's always good to have someone to talk to. Of that I assure you." Katerina chuckled, and nodded herself. She was usually busy, so she too, was happy to have the time to spend with her Sisters.

The wading pool was lovely as always. Seaweed clung to the base of the rocks, and the water was sparkling around them. Starfish clung to the rocks as well, in a desperate attempt to get back to the water. The wading pool was like heaven.

"Race you there." Katerina grinned, and began sprinting towards the water. It would be a good day, of that she was sure.

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