Once she was over into the Mainland, she felt a breath of relief wash over her. For some reason she always held her breath walking across the little trail.. She wasn't afraid of it, it was like it was her instinct to do so. She wondered if it had anything to do with her survival instinct, though she wasn't sure how it would be. She wasn't afraid of the water, and drowning, though it was a very real threat if you weren't careful, didn't really scare her either. If you wanted the honest truth, Death didn't even strike fear into her heart. No, she simply had no fear. Caution yes, but being afraid was not something she tolerated of herself.

The male had been scowering the beach, and he smelled something entirely too disgusting to be himself. For a moment he had wondered if he had wondered into a badger's den. But the sand was just not a suitable living space for the creature, and even he knew that. (And he was pretty oblivious on his best day!) He had been following his nose, much like a dog which irritated him a bit, to find the stench. It wasn't far outside the Pirate lands, but he wasn't really too concerned with being outside them.

"You there!" The angry voice came, and his head whipped around. His trinkets and baubles jingled as he did so, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Well she was a pretty little thing. He wasn't hard to please, so it would have been weirder had he not thought her attractive. But his eyes were staring now, at that charcoal pelt with the markings that seemed to dance and glow around her body. She looked graceful, beautiful, and mysterious. He wanted to get to know that better. He smiled, that half grin that was lopsided at best.

"To what do I owe this special occasion?" He asked, arching an eyebrow and preparing to start wooing the lass. She wasn't what smelled so bad, thankfully, so he had diverted his attentions. Unaware he had been close to the Exiled Stormborn Warlord, a very injured warlord.

"Special occasion? Hardly." Normally she was the type to do the wooing, seducing the males into doing pretty much whatever was asked of them. She had other things on her mind though, and one of them was this damn Pirate getting too close to Aesir. Pirates were not known for their loyalties, nor their honor. So she wasn't about to think this guy was going to let Aesir live if he had found him. He would likely promise, had she mentioned it, but his promises would mean nothing.

"You sound sour, love. Is something troubling you?" He asked, grinning again though he tried to sound serious. Unless his life was in danger, or he was in front of a threat, he was hardly serious. He took little seriously, but his life wasn't something that you could just ignore. You only got one of those, ya know!

"Troubling me? You. You snoop. What are you doing out here?" She asked. It was late, the moon was high, and most good little Pirates were tucked snug in the bar and getting themselves absolutely s**t faced. She had heard of it before, and she had thought the practice simply disturbing. She knew Pirates quickly, and she was always running into them. She didn't dislike Pirates, but there were a select few she didn't particularly care for. One was a large, green snake marked lion. Another was starting to be this one.

"Aye love. I'm a snoop. Tad Nosey, and what not. Can you blame me? Do you not smell that?" He asked, his nose wrinkling in distaste. He normally wouldn't give away hismotives, but he truly just wanted to know what that god awful stench was.
Katerina, however, knew what the smell he was smelling was. She had been trying to get Aesir's infected wounds under control for a few days now. But still they carried the smell of infection. She was hoping to clear him up in the next few days. Or at least to kill the infection. Wound could heal, infections could kill.And she needed something from the Exiled leader.

"I smell you. Does that count?" She asked, playing it off as if he was crazy. She wasn't about to tell him of Aesir's presence. She was wise, and hse knew the first plan of action that a Pirate might have to someone that was sporting as many trinkets as Aesir. Even Katerina had been tempted into looking at his pretty furs and and decor. But she had calmed that temptation. She was no Pirate, and though fancy trinkets got her attention, rarely did she ever steal them.

"Aw, Come on love! Why so cold, hmm? Have someone not tickling your fancy lately?" He asked, chuckling as he did. He stepped closer, swaying a bit as it was obvious part of her assessment of pirates was right. She had correctly assumed he would be drunk. He was all about being in your personal bubble, and making things a tad uncomfortable.

"Everything that should be tickled, very much is. Thank you. Now, Pirate, if you will excuse me." She said, and went to step around him, only for him to step in her eay and grin. "You mermaids are supposed to be enticing. Why is it, you aren't trying to entice -me-, hmm?" He asked, arching an eyebrow in an amused fashion. She wasn't a very good mermaid, She hadn't flirted with him once.

"Because I have had my consort for the time being. And it wasn't you." She said, and her own eyes narrowed as she grinned. Yes, she had been with someone else. She hoped it bothered the pirate that she had no desire to be with him this evening.

"And it wasn't you." She followed up with, grinning again like she had won. He only smiled, and shook his head. "I'm sure I could find a much better .. time anyway." He hinted, and cleared his throat, ready to depart. He hadn't expected her to react, so when she threw a paw at his face, smacking him silly, he looked a little shocked.

"'Ey! Now I don't think I deserved that.." He said, his voice having fallen from its amused tone to it's 'I've worn out my welcome' tone. He needed to get out o fhere now.. Get out of here and head right back to Suravel's cavern. That canine always had the best fruits.

"Aye, enjoy ye'self love. Whenever you find that scent, make sure to throw it overboard, saavy?" He asked, and turned to leave, all the while, slowly rubbing his cheek.

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