The day was slow, and she found herself wondering how the lion she had been helping was fairing today. He was handsome, and she had found herself in awe of his pelt. She had felt a duty to him, that she hadn't really felt anywhere else. She wondered if it was because he was hurt, and she was trying to learn her own paw at healing. She wasn't entirely the best at it, if anyone was better at it, it was Iladya. But she had learned from her, and here she was. Mixing these ingredients together into a paste with a hard, decent sized rock.

She wasn't sure what the ingredients were, she had just been taught where to find them and what it was they do. She was sure had she put more time into learning when she was being taught, she would have remembered names. Oh well, no harm no foul. She knew what she was doing well enough to do this now.

Ice blue eyes glanced over to the pile of supplies that she had stocked, and she reached out to grab another leaf. When placed over the wound, it would help heal it. She had picked a good few of them, careful to leave more just in case of an emergency. It never did well to use all your resources for someone that wasn't your Sisters. She leaned in, and frowned at the smell. She hated medicinal scents. There was nothing natural about it at all.

Once she was sure the paste was completed to her standards, she stood and walked to the otherside of her den, where she had kept a fresh few fish from that mornings catch. The night was quickly falling, and she knew they wouldn't be good too much longer. She thought of offering the lion called Aesir the fish, but then decided against it. It wasn't her job to supply him with food... Right? She leaned down and started tearing into them. They were deliocious, and she was glad she hadn't shared. Then once the fish were gone, and she was picking the small bones from her teeth that she realized she was going to have to hunt for him anyway. How was he going to hunt with one swollen, infected eye.. And one she wasn't even sure was -there-. He had been in some sort of battle, and as of yet she hadn't been able to weasel out of him exactly what had happened. Oh sure he'd given her a few details, but he hadn't confided in her the whole story. He had been a King? He had been in charge of the pride where he hailed from. He had been exiled. But why? She figured she would ask him today. If he didn't care to tell her, maybe she could hold that special little leaf over his head as motivation. But no, she wasn't spiteful. That was the last thing that came from her. She was a spitfire, sometimes irrational, and the most easily irritated of all her Sisters. But she wasn't mean, and she got no satisfaction out of bullying, or hurting others.

She was Lady of the Paw. She was well known to most Sisters, and she did most if not all of the training for battle. Even mermaids had to know how to defend themselves.. They hadn't used their powers to kill the males they had met in a long time, though she kind of missed those days. She had liked having others afraid of her. Though she supposed the lore of them now, for all anyone else knew they were still up to their old practices, and she wasn't about to tell them otherwise.

She picked up the shell that she had mixed the ointment in. It was a pretty shell, though the paste she had made had turned it an awful, dingy green. Such a shame, it had been such a pretty little trinket to have. But then again, she supposed she had quite a few trinkets. She could go without it, she was sure. She could find more later if she so chose. The smell of the paste still lingered, and she frowned once more. She was glad that the trip would be short, and that once the sun set she would have the low tide to usher her back into the mainland. There she knew Aesir was waiting, depending on her even if he'd never ever admit it. She was sure he could survive on his own, even now, but he had been talking of wanting a true death, and she had just not understood the desire to die. Not if the only thing hurt was your eyes or your pride. His legacy wasn't exactly what he had expected, and that was not Katerina's fault. But she was going to make his transition to whatever it was he was doing easier. Give him a little choice company, give him some loving energy. Once he was healed, she was going to ask him for her own favor. Surely he was aware that nothing was free, and no one did anything for nothing. She had her reasons, even if he particularly would probably enjoy the deed. She was a lovely, beautiful lioness. He just couldn't see her right now, and that was the theory she was sticking to.

Finally the sun began to set, and she placed the shell in her maw, making sure to grimace the entire time, so that she would have her paws free to carry her across the path. If she took too long, she could be very easily drowned. The island was in the middle of the ocean, and some of that water was deep. She had no time to waste. She began heading towards the trail, watching as it slowly made itself visible. She smiled, and looked way ahead to the Mainland. She knew he was waiting there, and still.. her thoughts were on Dvaji. Part of her wondered if she would ever get over him.. and she knew seh wouldn't. That was okay with her.

WC- 1018 (UPDATED as it wasnt long enough before)