Hero alias: Haphazard
Real name: Sophia Winley
Powers/abilities: Reactive Adaptation - Physical
Her body involuntarily adapts to neutralize harmful stimuli. If she were to find herself drowning, she might grow gills, or her lungs might gain the ability to filter oxygen from the water. If she should lose a limb, her body will grow a new one, though it may not resemble the old limb. She has no control over how or when the adaptations manifest currently. Her body may not react to certain situations if harmful stimuli isn't immediately present. So, if she was falling from very high up, her body wouldn't react until she hit the ground. The adaptations are unpredictable in their duration. Some may last only as long as needed, others can be permanent.

Which area is the character based/from: Ronth
Age upon entering academy: 12
How did your character get their powers: Born with them. Mutant.
Motivation for entering academy: what is/are the reason/s for your character joining the academy

Strengths: of your abilities, for example, if you're a chef, your strengths are cooking awesome meals, being able to identify tomatoes from potatoes, and cooking up a mean omelette
Weaknesses: continuing from above, if you're a chef, you're practically obsessed with getting cheap ingredients to the point of annoying people, and also paranoid about cleanliness

Personality: please list at least 5 traits, one of which must be a flaw.
The key is to keep things realistic, no one is a perfect angel (not in SA anyway). The more detailed, the better
Also other random things like hobbies, favourite food, birthday, zodiac, etc can go here! Spices up their life hm?

General backstory: this includes things like your character's history, childhood, current relationships (family, friends, etc), and recent past. IF applicable, you can maybe add something about your character's day job, eg. when Superman is not Superman, he is reporter Clark Kent

Looks department:
includes things like physical traits (eyes, hair, height and weight, blablabla), costume, colour scheme, symbol (if you want), etc.