I'm currently looking for a new role play as I haven't done one in a while and I've suddenly started craving one!

I'm semi-lit to lit (few spelling/grammar mistakes slip me by at times, I'm only human!), I post on average about 1-3 paragraphs depending on the situation but I'm not fussy about how much you write as long as I have something to work with.

I don't mind role playing via thread here but I find it much easier to role play through PM's personally.

I don't have any stories in mind so I'm willing to work something out with you, I'm not keen on anything war or horror based so I'd like to avoid those role plays if possible. I'm willing to do romance in any way you can think of and if you're into a series/movie that I know well I will be willing to play canon X canon or OC X cannon for you. I warn you though that there isn't a lot I know well!

Just send me a PM or post here and let me know if you're interested/have anything you're craving and we can see if we can work something out ^^