(AIM Log between Buffy's Bonni and my Tiki.)

Tiki flapped her wings against the roof of Shirou’s den with gusto. She prided herself on how clean she kept the place. Since his siblings preferred to do their own work instead of having “mom” flutter around them, she kept herself busy with house work. After all, it wasn’t like that lioness was going to do anything about it. Tiki puffed up her crimson feathers. Ooooh, how could he have brought her back here? What if they’d done…THINGS while she had been away?

That’s what Tiki didn’t like about Pirates. They didn’t care about propriety and courting. She thought she had taught Shirou better than that, but apparently that little minx had her claws deeper in him than she thought.

If Bonni knew that she was going to be greeted by the bird that belonged to Shirou.. She was likely not to have gone looking for him today. She approached the den, humming a tune that was all her own. She was hoping to talk to him, or other things, but talking was the most proper of them. But it was unlike her to go without the occasional booty call from him.

"Shirou?" She asked softly, peering inside the den curiously. Though she didn't see his form, and that caused her to frown a bit.

“Oh, a visitor! Hold on one moment.” Tiki finished up her cleaning, did a little bit of preening, and zipped over to the entrance. “Shirou’s – Oh, it’s you.” If her beak could have frown, it would have. The petite parrot perched on a stone and looked down at Bonni. “He’s out with his brother and sister at the moment, so you can go on now. Shoo, shoo.” She flapped her wings. “Get out before you wreck the place up again.”

She heard the disappointment in that high voice and her maw formed a frown. She had known the bird didn't really care for her much. She wasn't too sure why though, and that was something that irritated her. She was good with anyone hating her, but she at least had to know why.

"That is not very nice." Bonni said, her frown deepening. "I am a guest after all. I be sure Shirou would want me treated right." She wasnt really sure, but she was taking a wild guess on that one.

"And what do you be meanin'? I don't wreck the place." She actually remembered knocking over .. something.. in the dead of night as she went to leave his den. But she hadn't thought it had wrecked the place. Maybe it had.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to cause any sort of trouble." SHe said, though whether or not that was true was besides the point.

Tiki rotated her shoulder blades and picked dusty debris from her feathers. “And when he returns, you’ll get a Queen’s welcome, I’m sure.” She stated simply. After all, she was the very sun in his eyes, so a little coldness wasn’t likely to kill her.

“You – you don’t- ooh!” She puffed up. “I will have you know that you broke my perch, you did! My babies made that for me so I could watch them while they slept. When you decided to leave in the middle of the night like a common hussy you knocked it over.” Tiki pointed an accusatory wing at the lioness. “Save your apologies. You’ll not be talking your way out of this one.”

This bird didn't like her at all. Bonni hadn't even noted her name to memory. That was probably not so good, but on the list of bad things Bonni had done, she didn't really count that.

"Hey, it's not like I -meant- to do it. It was an accident, right and true." She said with conviction, though the sob story behind the perch did little to make her feel bad. Things broke, and getting attached to things was as stupid as getting attached to others. But she had broken that rule.

“Accident or no, you broke it.” Tiki snorted, resisting the urge to stick out her tongue. She hopped over to the edge of the stone, getting as close as she dared. After practically raising three lion cubs, she wasn’t scared in the least of the beasts. “Besides, what are you doing back here? I don’t like you messing with Shirou. He’s a pure heart, and unless you plan on making an honest male of him you’d best shove off before things get rough.”

And she meant it, too. She’d take on a lioness without nary a backwards glance. Bring it!

Lucky for the bird, and possibly herself, she had no desire of hurting her. She didn't want to hurt Shirou that way, and that was bound to be what happened if she used claw on the avian.

"And who be sayin' I dont want to make an honest man out of him?" She asked, an eyebrow arching as said it. She didn't want to say it, or admit it, but fact was if he had gone with someone else she would go apeshit on him.

"I'm not jus' messin' with him. Whate'er this is."

“If that’s true, then why don’t you stay? You could have stayed here a long time ago instead of popping around whenever it suits your fancy.” The fact was, as much as she disliked this lioness, she wanted to see her baby boy happy. Even if it was only when he was boinking this little she-b***h.

“That’s not making anyone honest. It’s just two young cubs messing around until someone gets hurt or pregnant.” And Heavens knew, how she would HATE it if cubs were involved.

"He hasn't asked me to stay." She said bluntly. And that was true. They had both been content and comfortable shacking up and making a break for their own dens before sunrise. She hadn't actually ever thought of staying with him. Living with him. Though she had promised to be his forever.

“Well, males are males, and sometimes you gotta be the first one to say anything.” Tiki crossed her wings and looked about. “Anyway, he isn’t here, so why don’t you try going somewhere else? Hmm?”

"Yeah, I think I will.." She said, and turned to leave. That hadn't gone as well as she had hoped and she frowned. She would just go wait at her own den, and when he came around she'd give him what for for leaving her with his bird alone.

(WC: 107 cool