This was my entry for the Halloween 2012 story contest. Being posted for anyone to read.


Argent had been looking onto the records Mother kept. He was looking at events Before the Liberation War. The silver-haired warrior came across vague details of a holiday, but all he could get from the files were that treats were given out, people dressed up, and you were supposed to scare people. Somehow, this was how the dead were celebrated.

... That wasn't much to go on, but it gave Argent an idea. Rather then continue his studies, or research further into the holiday, he began to search the library, and asked for Mother's help in finding out about prominent warriors who fell in battle. This line of searching lead Argent to a Genome named Zeal. He had been the leader of one side of genomes before the war, and... Aren was on the other. But they had come together later. And what was more, this man had also been a companion to Ghost.

After finding out as much as he could about this man, Zeal, Argent charged off with recklessly to put his half baked plan into action.

The boy was able to find, or create, things the records showed the genome had enjoyed. Now, according to the charts, it was a week before this... 'All Hollow's Eve.'

Ghost was surprised the first time he found a mysterious item in his room. A book. One he hadn't read since...

Since Zeal was killed. Memories flooded back as he opened the book and thumbed through the pages. This had been one of his friend's favorite stories. Before he knew it, Ghost was reading it, remembering the peaceful moments with Aren and Zeal.

The next night, Ghost found some music. These songs... Zeal used to sing them. He had often tried to get Ghost or Aren to sing them with him, but they never did. Now, Ghost found himself softly singing the words.

By the third night, these mysterious gifts were starting to get to him. Dinner had been left for him in his room; Zeal's favorite dish. He tried to think of who was doing this. Who knew Zeal? Aren was still recovering, and hadn't left the infirmary yet. But there was another. He had to confront Zephyr about this. However the former assassin was clueless. She actually found it amusing that Ghost was being haunted.

Over the next few days, again and again as Ghost returned to his room. He would keep finding presents, things that his late friend favored. It wore him down.

It was the night before 'All Hollow's Eve, and Ghost decided to retire early to his room. The week had left him exhausted and put him on edge. He needed to rest. Get some sleep, and then he would tackle the problem anew in the morning, when he had a clear head. However, as he headed to his room, he caught his tormentor.

"Argent." Ghost sounded confused and slightly irritated. Crap. The boy hadn't expected Ghost to return early. He looked at the operator, holding the image of Zeal's favorite flower. "You... Why?" Why had the boy been doing this? Why make him think of Zeal? How did he even know this much about him? "I don't understand."

Even though Ghost spoke like a disappointed parent, Argent stood his ground defiantly. "Why not?" Came the quick-tongued reply. That wasn't what he had meant to say though. "Isn't it time to celebrate those who died?" Ghost blinked in surprise at the reply, even as Argent continued. "Isn't remembering them a way to honor them?" He held out the image to Ghost. "I thought it would be good to remind you of the ones who aren't with us. ...But remember that they never truly leave." After all, a warrior never truly died. Not when they still had people to protect- or so was Argent's belief.

"You practically sca-" he stopped. Argent had scared him. It had been like Zeal's spirit had been watching him. That's when it struck him: Argent was celebrating Halloween... in a slightly misguided way. He scared Ghost, tricked him into –for a moment- thinking he was being haunted, and left him treats.

Suddenly, Ghost wasn't so mad anymore. "Thank you, Argent." He reached out and pulled the warrior-child in for a hug, causing the tough-as-nail boy to blush slightly. "It was a wonderful idea to remind others of those who left us behind."

Argent mumbled something along the lines of 'Glad you think so' as he let Ghost hug him. He even awkwardly hugged Ghost back before they both pulled away.

"But maybe next year... wait until the night before, or the day of 'All Hollow's Eve' before you act like a specter." However, maybe Ghost would do something like this himself; bring mementos of the fallen to those left behind, honor their memories... and maybe spook Argent as payback.

Later, Ghost would speak to Aren about what the child had done. The one-legged Genome smirked. "So a ghost is bringing mementos of the dead? My my... it sounds as though the ship is being haunted. Perhaps we should inform the children, and tell them of this specter from the past."

Yes... this was perfect. Spirits from the past walking the halls of Utopia on 'All Hollow's Eve,' leaving treats or mementos for their loved ones, and be gone. But sometimes, this specter... oh, they should tell the children this spirit gets lonely, and wants to snatch children away for company. The only way to ease them is to tell stories of them, and remember them for the great men and women they are.

Sure, most of the children wouldn't know the heroes of old, but this would be a fun way to learn. They could pass on stories to the children... and scare a few kids out of their minds!