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Guild for the breedables shop Mearhdon Realm of the Mearas 

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[PRP]Bright Cups of Beauty (Akshita & Pegaios)

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Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:16 am
The water along a bright bustling reef had currents of rather warm water flowing and circling around it. The water was not hot enough to cause stress to those fish and creatures who were sensitive to temperature but gave the reef a more summer feel even though above the water the surface was being battered by worsening winter storms. Laying across a rocky out cropping surrounded by tall fronds of whip coral a bright Aelin lay. His tail fanned lazily side to side circling the warmer water about him as he looked up towards the surface. He could see that instead of the bright clear blue it was dark and grey above him.

Akshita might be of the cup line of Aelin but he was not one who found the affairs of the royal family and court something he enjoyed. He had given up his 'royal' position long ago. He could not care less for politics. It held absolutely no passion for the mostly pink and peach stallion. He found passion in romance and personal relationships, something that most workers for the royals kept to themselves to avoid any sort of scandal. Not that Akshita enjoyed when relationships got messy or went sour at least it was interesting and there was passion.

With a heavy sigh the Aelin blew out a few bubbles as he rolled onto his belly to look out along the reef. With the warmer waters causing the algae to blew and provide more food the reef was starting to become more active as the sea life started to search for mates. It might not be the kind of relationships that the romantic Aelin preferred to watch unfold but at least it was some form or romance. The way the males and females would court each other for a chance to breed or defend their nests.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:52 pm
What a nice day for a swim! He was quite excited about it, wanting nothing more then to get out and about, and to just let loose and race around. There was nothing that Pegaios loved more then just speeding around from place to place to place without stopping. It was something that he couldn't do when he was with others, always trying to play the part of the 'perfect Cup' which was someone that he felt was supposed to be calm, composed, thoughtful, and useful to their royals. How he wanted to serve them, their powerful King and beautiful Queen, how he wanted to be more like their Knight, to protect them in that manner... alas he wasn't exactly like that for real, was he? He could barely sit still most of the time and when he forced himself to do so around the other Cups his fins would always be twitching, ears turning forward and backwards, tail swishing. Sitting still wasn't something that he was all too good at... but he always did his best to remain poised, finding he was better at faking calm then actually being calm.

As he zinged by over the brightly colored coral reef he spotted something, no someone, just as brightly colored as the coral and Pegaios himself was. Flipping over rapidly, then spinning around so that he was facing down once more, he headed back in that direction, swimming circles around the other male. 'Oh, oh! He knew him! He was... ahh... come on Pegaois, think! Akshita!' He gave a nod, pleased with the fact that he had remembered the name. He was another of the Cups, just as he was, though wasn't he of a higher rank then him? Perhaps he should stop circling around him like a shark looking for an opening and just go down there and say hello? Probably, he didn't want to appear rude. They weren't around the others, weren't being called in for any sort of task assigned to them by their betters so did he have to force himself to be calm? He couldn't say for certain but he would at least try to be a touch more calm then he was when alone.

Diving down toward the other he forced himself to slow down, coming to a stop just in front of the other man, "Greetings my fellow Cup!" He chirped happily, lifting a hand up to giving a happy wave to the other. Not often that he met with others outside of the tasks and occasional meeting that they had amongst the Cups. His time off was just that, time off, when he tried to be himself... but he couldn't resist approaching this one since he didn't think that he had gotten any one on one time with him before. It should be fun!

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:17 am
As he gazed across the reef Akshita saw a shadow dancing. Being sure it was nothing more than a passing storm cloud or at worse a shark of some kind he did not bother to look up. One shark he could handle and since it was only the one shadow he did not worry. He was far too busy trying to spot some love going on in the reef.

He listed himself up on his hands as a flash of orange caught his sight. He smiled spying two adult pipe fish starting to swirl in a mating display and a smile spread across the more peach colored muzzle of the ten of cups. He inched closer being careful not to shift the water too much not wanting to hinder the dace but needing to get a closer look.

It looked like it was going pretty well for the pair when suddenly the bright purple body of an Aelin dropped down sending the small pipefish swirling away and separating them. Akshita gasped a bit but hearing the very bright greeting he could not be fully mad. Though the mention of being a cup did cause his shoulders to tense a bit. The older cup righted himself to look at his fellow cup and he smiled. He recognized the other almost instantly. His name was Pegaios and his age showed threw his desperate attempts to serve their lords and do his job as a member of the cup blood lines. Akshita had to give the seven of coins credit he might struggle but he continued to do everything he could to serve the king and queen of cups. Even though Akshita might have stepped out of doing his royal duties he was still and would always be a coin and until his death he would carry the title of ten of coins. He was just under the page of cups in status and much to the shock of many under him he never seemed to care about his position.

He gave a smile and a bow of his head, "A pleasant day to you as well Pegaios. I did not expect to find another coin out here at this hour. Taking a break from all your hard work?" He asked, his voice warm and inviting. "What a pity for the court and yet what a pleasure for me."
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:42 pm
Pegaios gave a happy smile when the other man, one that was his better, actually spoke with him in such an open and friendly manner, "Yeah, some time off. Kind of... well, definitely a necessary sort of break." He said, head tilted to one side, the fins at his hips twitching slightly, "I mean, it seems I can only do so much before others start to think that I am gunning for their jobs after all." He said with a bit of a chuckle, "Ah! Which totally isn't true!" It wasn't exactly that he wanted to take over the jobs of his fellow coins, something he wanted for Akshita to understand, he just wanted to be helpful to the other numbered Cups and to the royals was all. He knew though that it could easily come off less as him being less helpful and more as being ambitious though and that was something that he really didn't want to be labeled as.

"I figured that maybe a break would be good for me before I was tossed out on my fins for asking 'need any help' another dozen time today." It would be a bit on the unfortunate side to get himself thrown out because he was being too helpful. Of course now that he had found another of his fellow Cups he couldn't help but to be curious what he was up to, "So... what are you working on today?" He asked, wondering instantly if the other Aelin might need some help though it was a thought that he kept to himself for at least the moment. He sure hoped so, he was bored already. Racing around on his own, while both fun and freeing, only helped for so long before he started to feel the need to be doing... something. Perhaps he just had too much energy he thought to himself, forcing his fins to go still, though it only lasted the span of a couple heartbeats before they were moving again as well as one of his ears which was swishing forward and backwards.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:57 pm
Akshita listened to the younger stallion and could not help but start to laugh. He was so very full of life and so hyper that it both made the brighter colored Aelin feel at once old and youthful. "That can not be good for you. Them thinking that your trying for their job. But with so much energy I am sure you finish with your work rather quickly. Maybe we should have your chores and work load increased?" He offered the excited stallion.

He could tell that the other was a good sort of Mearh if not just a bit spacey. He smiled and sat himself back down on the stones he had been laying on. He looked at the other wondering just how honest he should be with the Aelin. He brought a hand up to cover his mouth as he tried not to laugh and the other fidgiting. It was so cute to see him trying to be still but twitching right away. "Well if I can be honest with my dear fellow cup." He spoke in a warm tone as he got up and leaned in closer to the twitching ear. "I was look for love. Just before you happened upon me I was watching a couple courting and getting close to mating." he smiled warmly and blew a gentle stream of bubbles at the twitching dark ear before leaning back away. "I don't suppose your very skilled in love are you dear Pegaios?"
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:03 pm
Pegaios gave a thoughtful sound then asked, "You don't think I would appear to be too much of a suck up for asking for additional work, do you? I want to be helpful is all, it's nothing about trying to get the royals to look my way or anything." He murmured, but he always seemed to get done ahead of time and there was always plenty of work to go around so really there was no harm in him taking on a bit more work... or maybe he could get some sort of side job? As to what that might be he couldn't really say, something time consuming that didn't really distract from his normal, more important duties? He'd have to think on it and how best to use his time, for now though he was actually rather happy that he had gone on a self imposed break since he was able to meet with this particular Aelin. He couldn't help but to could himself as lucky and had to do his best not to act like a complete fan boy at the moment.

The way that Akshita laughed, a rather nice sound to him, he couldn't help but to look curious when he mentioned 'being honest' something that he was instantly nodding in response to, wanting him to be honest. When the stronger Cup leaned forward to whisper into his ear his eyes got a little wide, "Ah... W-Wha?" He was looking for love? Happened upon a courting couple near mating? One could almost tell where his mind went given that his cheeks instantly darkened. Instead of fish his mind conjured up a couple of Aelin, the male courting the female, the two of them intimately close, and Akshita lounging nearby waiting. He blinked a couple times, "A-Ahh... I-I see..." Not exactly what he'd thought that his fellow Cup would be up to, not having pegged him for a voyeur, but he couldn't think less of him because of it. It was just... his thing, right? Lifting his hands up he waved them over his own head, seeming to be trying to chase off the thoughts going on inside of his head.

"H-Huh? Oh, no... not really. I mean I've had my fair share of crushes in the past but nothing really ever got passed that stage or mild flirting." He confessed, he'd been too busy to go about such a thing as trying to court a potential mate, not wanting to fall behind in his duties to the Titled Cups. His tail swished from side to side before asking, "How about you?" Surely Akshita couldn't be mated if he were out spying on other couples, right? But then again what did he know? Not much when it came to the present topic.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:42 pm
Akshita watched the young cup and his mind raced right where he had hoped it would go. It was a bit mean of him but he was impressed that the young cup's mind seemed to go right to a pair of Aelin getting ready to make love. He could tell simply from the stunned look he was getting and the way the purple cup stammered. He could not help but laugh warmly moving to swirl the water above the other cup's head. "Poor dear...where is your head. I was watching two pipe fish not Aelin." He said in an almost fatherly teasing sort of way. He gently took the other's hand and lowered it from trying to clean his mind and too his side, letting it go as soon as it was down. "As far as your first question goes, no I do not think your stuck up for asking for additional work. I think it is very wise it shows that you are trying to use as much time as you can helping the family we serve and that is very noble. How ever I can see how some could get jealous of your and fearful that you will try to out shine them. It is a very fine line you have to swim."

This time it was his turn to wave his hands, "That is enough talk of work don't you think?" He smiled then and leaned back using his arms to keep himself from laying back down. "I am very glad to hear you have at least had some crushes dear Pegaios. If you had not I would have had to chastise you for such at thing. Cups I have found are natural born lovers. Though most don't seem to follow this nature." He sighed and shook his head, "I fear I am much like you in that sense. I have only ever had a crush here and there. I have never had a single meaningful relationship. It really is a tragic thing that I could know so very much about love and relationships and yet never have been in one before."

Sighing he let himself lay on the rock formations. "Don't let anyone know that though dear Pegaios I have a reputation to up hold. But believe it or not unlike your desire to do well for the court and our lords my greatest desire is to find myself in love. A true love where I would be willing to die for them." He smirked and twisting to look at the swimming stallion, "But I am sure this subject line bores you doesn't it?"
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:13 am
"P-Pipe fish?" He found himself asking, his cheeks coloring even darker as he realized that it was just fish that he had been watching, not other Aelin, and instantly he was questioning where his mind had wandered just as Akshita had been. Oops, when he said a couple he'd instantly thought a couple of Aelin and ended up thinking that another Cup, one higher on the food chain then he was, had been off stalking others of their race. He bowed his head quickly, "S-Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking... I hope you can forgive me for where my mind went since that colored you and your hobbies in an... umm... interesting light." Interesting was putting it lightly but he hope that his apology would make it up to his fellow Cup. This was a good lesson he supposed about not jumping to conclusions, especially when there were those that did the exact same thing to Pegaios and it bothered the Aelin when they did it to him. He would strive to be more careful in the future if he could.

"Natural born lovers? Really?" That sounded nice he thought to himself, ears twitching happily in unison with the fins at his hips. How he liked the sound of them being such a nice thing, now if only he could find someone that saw him in that same light and be draw to the natural born lover thing. When Akshita said that he, like Pegaios, was only up to the point of having crushes himself he gav ea slow nod of his head, "Well then here is to good luck to us both in the future." He said, clapping his hands together. It would be nice for both of them to find some luck in that area... though truth be told he didn't have a clue to where to start looking. Probably places where other Aelin gather, taverns and the like, but he really didn't get out that much. He knew to get a lover he would have to go out more, which mean working less, and that was something that was difficult to wrap his mind around given how much he loved everything that went along with being one of the Cups of a higher end number. When the other said that it was said to know about love and relationships but never be in one he gave a little chuckle, "Well, you still have a fin up on me." He said, after all he was lacking in that very knowledge that the other Aelin seemed to have.

Pegaios watched as Akshita laid down on the rocks and he settled down next to him, tail swishing from side to side, yet another clue that sitting still was not his forte, "Ohhh, wow. A true love worth dying for?" He murmured, tilting his head back for a moment, looking thoughtful. He wondered what that might be like, someone that was worth giving your life for, it must be a powerful emotion indeed. Turning his attention Akshita he gave a shake of his head, "Not boring at all, it's actually pretty interesting... do you think that is a true love out there waiting for us somewhere? Ah! I mean a different one for each of us of course." He said with a flush, not meaning to imply that Akshita's true love and Pegaio's true love were one and the same though it kind of ended up sounding it. Oops again.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:48 pm
Akshita's muzzle curled in a smirk as the lower ranked cup struggled at an apology. He wondered if he should ease the other mind or creep him out more. If truth be told the brighter colored cup did enjoy wanting Aelin couples as well. He loved watching young stallions trying to woo mares. Or the young or older mares trying to primp them selves and lure the stallion to love and want them. When couple started to display their affections in public Akshita never complained or looked away. He watched them more closely drawn in by the romance of it all. Not to mention the tales he would listen too or the stories he would read. He shook his head and waved a hand to dismiss the others attempt to apologies. "Please do not worry Dear Pegaios. I was unclear in my speech so it is only natural that you would jump to some conclusion. Though seeing where your mind jumped too could say a lot about you." He said with a wink.

"Oh yes very much so. The tale of the first royal cups is a grand romantic one. And also do you not feel a strange draw to love and the romantic things in life? Though I guess that could just be me." he said with a bit of a laugh. He rolled onto his side flicking his tail back and forth slowly. "Yes here is to both of us finding luck in love."

As the other sat down he could not resist coiling around to lay his head across the other's lap and looked up at the younger stallion, clearly he was not one for personal boundaries and he figured that . "In love I have found it is often the dark horse that wins. Yes you are more likely to find such a love as you would be willing to die for." He sometimes envied the young, less knowable, Mearh coming into love. They were more likely to fall into love that those who longed for it. They were less picky and in need of it to be a certain way.

He brought a bright hand up to cover his lips as he tried not to laugh. This stallion was far too cute for his own good. So hyper, sweet, hard working and yet so clumsy. "Yes I do believe there is true love waiting for everyone. Though we don't always find it in this life. I do hope we find a different true love. I do not think I would be willing to fight with you for love. I would give that Mearh to you dear Pegaios for you would have more time and more to really grow that love."

He stretched a bit arching his back his head pressing a bit harder into the indigo tail as he loooked thoughtful. "Well let me ask you this dear Pegaios. When i mentioned a courting couple did you see a stallion and a mare or two stallions? Or did you possibly think I was watching to mares?" Subtly he was trying to take a measure of what might be the stallion's preference.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:19 am
Where his mind jumped to could say a lot about him, huh? Mostly that he was a pervert he thought to himself, cheeks darkening a little bit before shaking his head again to clear that thought. He didn't want to think about it, about what he had pictured in his head, or the fact that it might say bad things about him, he wasn't the one stalking other couples after all! Giving a little sigh he tried to ignore all of that and then instead tried to focus on what the other was saying. The first Royal Cups was a tale of romance and then him asking if he didn't feel a draw to love and romance, something that it seemed Akshita was drawn toward, "I... don't know, maybe? I am always a little on the busy side so I tend to not get a lot of romance time." He murmured, wondering if he had more time on his hands if he would be able to feel all this love and romance stuff... but he didn't think he could give up the job he so loved to try to pursue other Aelin all day. He wondered if it should be something that he was sad about but really he couldn't say that he felt sad. He just... he enjoyed his job and for the moment, if love had to come second, then it would. He would have time later for everything that he wanted to pursue after all, right? He hoped so, he didn't want to be alone all his life after all.

Drawn out of his thoughts when the other laid down, using his tail for a pillow, he felt his cheeks coloring again. Akshita was a rather friendly one, wasn't he? Not at all what he had expected when it came to how a higher ranked Cup might act... but then again, being of a higher rank, he could act in any manner that he wished with those lower on the totem pole if he so wished it, "Hrm... the dark horse..." He murmured, the end of his tail swishing slightly. Perhaps that meant that he had a chance? Given everything else going on his life, his job especially and lack of courting time, he would likely be labeled a 'dark horse' himself. Good, good! That meant that, when he had to the time or even maybe by chance, he would find someone, right? It was a thought that had a nice ring to it, one that gave to busy at work and not so lucky in love Aelin hope for the future.

To top it off Akshita even said that he felt that there was a true love out there for everyone which sounded rather nice... though when he mentioned that he hoped they found different true loves and that Akshita wasn't willing to fight him for love he chuckled, "I hope that we don't have to battle it out either, I would rather we are able to be friend...ly colleagues." He hurriedly finished up the sentence in such a manner as he didn't want to seem as if he were assuming that they were going to be friends when they had just met and when Akshita was his better. Friendship would be nice but at the same time just assuming friendship was nothing more then him being a rude little foal and that wasn't something he wanted to risk... though the puppy dog look in his eyes and on his face said that he rather wanted to be friends with the more powerful Cup even if his mouth didn't.

"Eh?" Pegaios tilted his head back when posed with such a question, "What did I see? Ahh... well, I guess what is normal, a stallion pursuing a mare." He said, the flushed a bit, "Though... umm... when I was... ahh crushing it wasn't always as such..." He whispered this, ears laying back, glancing from side to side, as if embarrassed that someone would find out that he wasn't just flirting with mares on his time off. It really just depended on who sparked his interest was all, be it in a physical manner, an emotional one, or otherwise. Surely Akshita, who was so pro love, wouldn't care either way, right? He hoped not or else the other might stop using him as a pillow and wander off... and that wouldn't be any fun.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:55 am
Akshita found himself a bit shocked and slightly disappointed that the lower ranked cup seemed not to be as into love as he was. His tail fins flicked a bit in agitation at this. Though he knew very well that most did not hold as high an attraction to love as he did. He gave a large sigh as he lay a hand across his own stomach. "Well it seems that for now Dear Pegaois your true love is your job. I would recommend since it is so important to you that you put all your focus on that. Sometimes it really does not pay to lose your mind and thoughts to love. Just keep doing what your doing. Even with the others sometimes thinking you are trying to out do them."

The brighter stallion watched the younger male as he agreed to not wanting to battle him but his finned ears lowered a bit at the word colleagues. He would much rather be friends without the job coming into play. He pursed his lips as he shut his eyes. "I do not know about being friendly colleagues dear Pegaois. I shall gladly be your friend without question but I have no desire to be simply a colleague who is on friendly terms with you. The job rather borns me and if I see you as just another of the Aelin who serve our royal family I will find you rather boring I am afraid." he spoke as honestly as he could. He hated that try as he might he was always drawn back to the job that he had no real wish to be a part of.

He had found that his attention for the conversation had started to wane now that work had been mentioned but it was instantly perked back up as he listened to Pegaios describe what he had thought of and the added admission of his crush. Akshita smiled and stretched again. "Love should know no gender. There are from frighteningly handsome mares as well as terrifyingly beautiful stallions out there. Keeping's and open mind to love if a noble trait in deed. I know that many dolphin spices actually life mate with the same gender though will come together with the opposite only to breed. And there are many who take the traditional route where a couple is male and female only. Ah yes and then there are those lucky creatures who were blessed to be both genders and will take on what is needed of them when they mate." He said gently and shifted so that his head was closer to Pegaios' knees with a laugh. "I know I am a strange stallion...and clearly a bit obsessed. I can't help it though. I am in love with love and the idea of it. Though I have never experienced it myself emotionally or physically I love watching others in it or expressing it."

He brought a hand up to rest on the indigo thigh near his head. "And I have in deed done what you though I had been doing when I said I was watching a courting couple. I have seen numerous pairs of Aelin courting and I have watched them mate unknown of my presence near them." He could feel the way the other had twitched a bit nervous at confessing that his crush had been with a stallion so the higher rank cup figured he should share a secret with him as well. He would not have been surprised if he felt a kick of the other's tail tossing him from his much preferred pillow.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:44 am
His true love was his job? Pegaios's ears twitched for a moment as he tried to decide what he thought about that. It wasn't so bad, was it? While he would rather think that his true love was some attractive Aelin that was swimming about out there maybe Akshita was right? Maybe his job was his true love right now, it was what he focused most of his time and energy on after all, "You might be right and would hate to try dating someone only for them to think that I don't spend enough time with them." He mused to himself, he was sure that wouldn't be something that would make any potential lover or mate happy even in the least bit. When the other told him to keep doing what he was doing, even with the others that thought he was trying to outdo them, he gave a happy smile, "I will do my best no matter what!"

That had been figured out but not so much the status of their relationship, it would appear as though Akshita wanted for them to be friends without bringing their jobs into it since it seemed as though the job, and those who served the royal family, were apparently boring to this particular Aelin. That was so odd, he could see it maybe from some other Aelin, those outside of the Cups, but not from the one among the numbered Cups with the highest ranking. Strange. His ears twitched against as he seemed to be trying to decide how to respond, then finally settled on, "I don't want to be boring... so... I don't mind the whole friends thing, so long as you don't mind me behaving how rank dictates if we somehow end up meeting during work." While he would enjoy striking up a friendship with him he felt that, at work, they should act in a manner that was more befitting of their social standings and rank. While he didn't want to bore Akshita in that manner it was important to Pegaios to act accordingly at work. If he chatted it up all friendly like with Akshita around the other Cups he could only guess what they might think he was up to.

The purple stallion did his best to try to put such things out of his mind. He didn't think that, with Akshita's views on their jobs, that he would be running into him any time soon at work, right? Naw. as such there was nothing to worry about and he shouldn't try to bring forth trouble that was, at the present, nonexistent. Instead he should be enjoying his downtime since it was one of those things he didn't indulge in much. Instead of work he would focus on a different topic, one more interesting to his companion, that being love it seemed. When the other said that 'love should know no gender' he gave a nod of agreement. It was much better to think that one had the whole ocean, and all the Aelin swimming in it, to pick from instead of half of them... though at the same time that made finding your mate seemed that much more intimidating, didn't it? Well, at least he had his job to be his true love for now. At the mention of 'lucky creatures blessed to be both genders' he couldn't help but stare,"Eh? There are?" Wow, now there was a strange thought... one that made him suddenly curious about such odd creatures. Instead of elaborating though Akshita instead was commenting on hos he was a strange stallion who was obsessed, "Maybe a little but it's a good thing to be so in love with." He said at last.

The other seemed to snuggle against him more which made him smile, starring down at him a moment, then as the other suddenly confessed that he had in fact watched Aelin pairs while they were courting, and mating, something that made Pegaios's eyes go wide and his cheeks to go a rather bright color, "W-What?" He had done what? Was that really something that someone wanted to watch?! Surely that must be some wort of invasion of privacy? But... this guy had admitted to being obsessed with love so of course he would want to watch others while they were... well... being in love, right? Lifting a hand to hide his burning cheeks with it he said, "No details, please."

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:52 am
Akshita smiled up at the lovely Aelin he was using as a pillow. He watched as the young male worked thing out and seemed to puzzle over certain issues he laughed softly and nods, "That is good dear Pegaios, just be yourself. Do not worry you wont bore me. Even if you wish to discuss work and I understand your want to keep our rank and status. I would hate to cause my new friend more trouble than he already must face." He said and knew very well what sort of things the purple stallion had to face. All to well then coral stallion knew how quickly rumors could spread and though he knew that no one below him would say anything to his face that there were already rumors about him out among the cups. He knew that by being near the lower ranked stallion he was putting him at a risk to be labeled as one of the play cup's toys.

With his happy easy thoughts once again being sullied by the foolishness of rank and status bright lips pursed in a bit of a frown and Akshita reluctantly sat himself up. It seemed that his timing was rather good for the happy smile across the handsome youthful face turned to one of shocked embarrassment. He sighed a bit knowing he might have admitted too much to the lower ranked cup. Such a young innocent soul. He should not try to corrupt one so lower as him or he would just be living up to some of the rumors about himself. "Do not worry I wont give any details. And if it bothers you please just pretend you did not hear what I said and don't fret your clever young mind with such perversions of a lonely old stallion."he said giving a warm smile to the cutely flushed stallion. He laughed softly as he ruffled the other's mane. "You are very handsome blushing dear Pegaios. But yes there are lots of creatures in the seas that are both gender. And even many that will switch genders at least once in their lives. Normally those that change start out as young males and turn into a female later on when they get older or there are not enough males."

Before he could start waxing on about the sexual lives of aquatic creatures and farther the other's flustered state he waved his hand in the water and sighed. He should really turn the conversation back to something the other would be more comfortable with even if it was not really up to his taste of conversation. Heck he did not have maybe with whom he could talk of such things. "So onto more...appropriate conversation what rank are you again dear Pegaios? And do you in fact have a rank to which you are working for?" He enjoyed watching the younger male light up and if talking of work would be what brought that light back into the other's eyes and relax him again it would be worth it. He did not want to scare his first admitted friend away so soon in their relationship. Plus talking about work and the family he found no desire to serve would seem more normal a conversation for them to have incase any other cup were to swim by.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:20 am
Pegaios couldn't help but to think that Akishita was quite talented when it came to getting him all flushed and flustered. He needed only to make the most simple of comments and here he was with a blush spreading all over he thought to himself an embarrassed manner, the end of his tail twitching rapidly from side to side, "Ahhh... Huh? Handsome?" He breathed, then flushed more. That was rather kind of him to say, wasn't it? He wasn't sure if he were on the level of someone like Akshita who just seemed to have an air about him that just drew the eye and made an Aelin's heart skip a beat. Another embarrassing thought that he tried to shove aside so that he could listen to what was being said about the various, strange creatures that could start out as one gender and turn to another for different reasons, "I-I see... that's interesting... I'd never known." Who would have? Well, other then those that sought out such information for their own reasons, Akshita's reasons probably being about the love between those sorts of creatures he'd guess.

As the subject changed once more, it seemed to give him a chance to relax some, his blush finally starting to die down a bit, "Ahh... what rank? I am the Seventh Cup." He said, sounding quite proud of the rank. It was higher up, though with three other numbered Cups, as well as four titled ones, still above him. So really he supposed he was right in the middle, wasn't he? Nothing to write home about, "Huh? A rank that I am working for? No, not really. I am happy just being able to serve as one of the Cups. So long as I am of use to our King and Queen, as well as our branch as a whole, I'm happy." He supposed that it was a rather simple joy, to be happy just to serve, but it was just how he felt.

Looking from side to side, as though he were making sure that nobody was around he them looked back to Akshita and whispered, "I think, one day, I would like to meet them." He said the words as though wanting to meeting the King and Queen might make him seem too ambitious but it was a dream of his, "Even just being able to see the royals from a distance would be nice but can you imagine getting to meet them? Even if only for a moment? It would be amazing." So long as the other Cups didn't think that he was hoping to meet them for any other reason save for a desire to see those that he worked for. He knew damn well that in doing so he might look as though he were sniffing around for a promotion and that wasn't what he wanted at all. Even just being acknowledge by the titled Cups was more then enough for him. It would be something that he could take to heart and use as a reason to work that much harder when he returned to work, "I hope that doesn't sound silly of me."

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:02 am

Akshita was a bit surprised that he was seventh up. He had no idea just how close the other stallion was to his title. The way he had sounded earlier The brightly colored Aelin would have thought him much lower. But then again with only 3 Aelin above him it was even more risky for him to be seeming like he was trying jump up in rank. "You are rather noble when you think of it. You are happy where you are and you are proud just to serve your King and Queen. You are the perfect Mearh to serve a ruler." he said and smiles, "You do serve your branch well Pegaios. You do your title well." He took his eyes from the gentle youthful face to look down at his own tail as it fanned the water lazily.

As the other started to look around as if to check if anyone was listening to them perked up Akshita's attention. Was he going to get a nice little secret from the other? He smiled as the darker colored stallion leaned in and whispered about wanting to meet or at the very least see the king and queen. Oh this younger one really was so very noble. He tired not to laugh knowing that it was a legitimate want for someone like them. If Akshita actually cared for his position he might feel the same. Though being rank ten had allowed him to meet those they served and he had found them rather lacking in his eyes. He did not even find their relationship remotely entertaining. He could never voice his opinions to anyone for he knew it would seem almost as sacrilege.

He gave a gentle smile at the other, "I think that is a wonderful want to have dear Pegaios. And I do pray that you will get to experience it. I am sure that once they have an heir you will have a greater chance to meet either their heir or them directly. Maybe for all you know their heir will fall for you." He gave a wink to the other and then thought that if that were the case maybe being a cup would not be so distasteful. There would be a love affair that he would do what ever he could to help nurture. A love between a servant and a ruler always grew so complicated.

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