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Meardhon: Realm of the Mearas

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Guild for the breedables shop Mearhdon Realm of the Mearas 

Tags: anthro, pony, my little pony, fantasy, shop 

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[PRP]Adoptive Mothers (Ceilnda/Kabocha,Heru/Narcyz)

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Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:40 am
In a well manicured thicket of a small park between the plains and the forest a very young foal sat playing with a pile of rocks. They were just big enough for the little raven black colt to fit part of it into his mouth but not nearly small enough to swallow them. He was stalking the randomly shaped stones trying to build a tower of some kind but gave a short soft giggle each time they toppled to the ground.

It was still rather early in the evening and the sun had not even begun to set however even in the shadow of the thicket the little foal was rather striking to see sitting there. It was almost as if a shadow with glowing red eyes had lost its body and was trying to become a real foal. The thicket itself was almost more like a gazebo made of plants having had all the lower leaves and smaller trees removed to expose a fun place for Mearh to play in or sit and enjoy the shade on a sunny day.

The little foal moved to get to his hooves and a bit wobliy made his way across the thicket to pick up another roll and attempt to carry it back to his little pile. His stark white tail swaying behind him.

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To anyone passing by it would appear that the tiny foal was on his own with no one looking out for him. However that was not the case. Farther into the thicket, near the back were it was mostly shadows a mare sat watching the little black colt. The mare much like the little foal was a strange sort of Mearh. Her body like his was jet black though across hers she was littered with glowing swirls of blue and greens that seemed to shift each time one looked upon her. Her mane again was similar to his in the fake that it was white. But where his straight locks were straight white her white curls ended in a dark blood like red. The strangest thing about this mare however was that her body seemed to fade out into the worlds her legs disappearing from view about half way down her shins.

Despite her many similarities to the foal she was watching she was in fact not his biological mother. She had found the little foal abandoned in a grave yard laying quietly not crying despite the fact that his small body had been very near to freezing. She might not be much of a mother but she had taken it upon herself to care for the little male until he was old enough to make his own way in the world. And despite her displeasure for being out in the day light meant he needed play time out in the warm sun and the chance to possibly interact with other young Mearh.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:32 pm
Celinda and her new son Kabocha were currently out for a flight, at least she was flying and he was enjoying the breeze through his mane. It was a rather nice day, a lot warmer then one would expect for this time of year, and as such made flying that much more enjoyable, "What do you think, Kabocha? It's pretty fun up here, isn't it?" She said as they flew along. She knew that, when he was bigger, that she wouldn't be able to carry him about, something that made her a little sad, but she figured they would get in as much flying as they could while he was still on the small side. As the two of flew along the green Gwilith spotted something small on the ground, something the same size as her son, and she slowed herself down and hovered overhead, gazing down at the ground, "Huh, would you look at that, my little pumpkin? There is another little Ista down there." She told the boy, wondering if he were alone too. Was it just the season for missing Ista? Or were their just some Ista out there that weren't ready to become parents? Where exactly her son, and now the darker colored one, had come from was beyond her.

"How about we go down and say hello?" If someone was around watching the little Ista she would say hello, if not... well she would figure out what she should do from here. If nothing else her son would have someone his age to talk to and play with. While Celinda did all that she could for the boy she was sure that it must get boring for him to always be hanging out with an adult. Surely it would be more interesting for him to get to play with someone his own age and size?

The Gwilith woman came to a soft landing near to where the red eyed Ista was toddling around, giving him a smile, "Hello there, little one." She said, lowering her son down onto his own two hooves so that the two little ones could see eye to eye, "Are you lost by chance?" Kabocha didn't do much in the way of talking, the occasional word here and there, so she didn't think she would get much out of this one but maybe he could at least tell her if his parents were about? she sure hoped so, worrying that this one, like Kabocha, might be a lost little foal.

Standing alongside the woman that had become his mother, holding on to her leg to keep from tipping over, the bright orange Ista with the pumpkin mark on his flank looked over at the other boy that was standing nearby and he couldn't help but stare. This was... well this was, in his mind at least, the most amazing thing ever! To see someone that was his size as well as someone that had the same sort of strange, stem like horn as him. Giving a smile he lifted a small hand up and waved it at the other boy that his mother was talking to. It really was exciting, something that one would be able to read in the way that Kabocha moved. His ears were turned forward, his tail swishing behind behind, a smile on his face, all making him look as though at any moment he would go racing forward toward the other boy to pounce on him, hoping that they could be the best of friends!

In fact it finally happened when he gathered enough courage to let go of his mother's leg and went toddling forward on his wobbling feet toward the other boy, arms outstretched to him, seeming to be offering a hug to the other boy, "Hi, hi!" He said in a squealing tone of voice.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:54 pm
Even though the Gwilith mare had landed softly the strange sound was something that Narcyz had never heard before. It brought the dark little head up glowing read eyes wide with shock. He looked up at the huge mare blinking his eyes a few times before looking around as she ducked down trying to figure out where she had come from. She had not been there when he grabbed the rock and then she was there. He looked down at the rock his bright eyes blinking again as he tried to work it out.

Dropping the rock as the mare spoke to him his large eyes grew even larger as he looked at the orange foal that looked so much like himself. He had never seeing someone his size before or someone who also had the little stem on his head. That was so strange and awesome! He felt a small smile cross his lip even as he pointing into the thicket at the mare's question of being lost. He was not lost his new mother was just inside the thicket. But she did not do well in the sun so she was hiding. But of course the little foal could not get all that out and was quickly distracted as the small Mearh waved and him. He looked down at his own hand and lifted it up to mimic Kabocha's gesture.

When the other came towards him his arms extended Narcyz's smile broke into a wide open mouth grin. He followed suit waddling forward his own arms extended until he could wrap his arms around the other. He hugged the other foal tightly as if they had always been best friends before he giggled gently and leaned back enough to rest his forehead stump against the others before he reached up to touch the other's stem like horn holding it gently with his hand.

From inside the thicket Heru watched as her little colt seemed to be looking at something out in the light. She gasped a bit hearing a females voice. She watched as her dear little Ista pumpkin started to walk away from her and into the bright sun she gasped and rose to her feet. He soft voice was very much like a fall breeze rustling leaves, "Narcyz...where are you going. Come back." She moved to the edge of the thicket and gasped seeing the small orange foal hugging her new son. She gasped a bit and looked up at the Gwilith. She was shocked to see another Ista foal with the strange horn but again shocked to see that he belonged to a a Gwilith mare. Had the other found the foal as well? If so then where were these little pumpkin foals coming from and why were they all along."  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:18 am
Celinda's ears flicked before turning forward, watching as the tiny foal pointed back into the shadowy thicket when asked if his parents were about. So that meant that he wasn't alone then? That was good... though she couldn't help but to worry that a couple of fully grown, pumpkin horned Ista were going to appear and declare that little Kabocha was theirs and that they were taking him back. It was a frightening thought but she supposed that if his true parents were about she couldn't exactly fly off with him... alright, she could, but she wouldn't. It wouldn't exactly be the best thing for her to do and most certainly not a good way to keep relations up between the Gwilith and the Ista.

"I see, so your Mommy is in their then?" She asked, watching as the two boy exchanged hugs in such a darling manner, "Awww, you two really are adoreable." She said, tail swishing for a moment before she heard a soft voice calling out from the thicket, something that had her pushing up to her feet almost instantly, eyes turning quickly toward the thicket to see who was there, what they looked like, to see if they were the true parents to the pumpkin Ista... and found herself looking at what she thought was a Laegil...? So... had this one found her foal in the same manner that Celinda had, as though by magic? Taking a step forward the Gwlith lifted a hand to give a wave, "Ahh, hello there! My name is Celinda!" She quickly introduced herself, wanting to talk with the interesting looking, star marked mare. Maybe she knew something about the foals that Celinda did not? It was always worth asking, to see what she might learn from this one.

Kabocha glanced up at his mother for a moment, as if trying to figure out what she was up to, before all of his attention was on the wonderful boy that was the same size as him, had the same horn as him, and was otherwise quite similar to him save for their coloration and the markings that the two seemed to have on their flanks. It was especially interesting to Kabocha since his mother didn't have such a flank marking. He had always wondered that, at least in the short time that they were together, and even more so now that he had found someone with a similar marking.

When the other leaned in closer into the huge to touch their odd, stem like horns together he gave a little giggle and hugged the other boy more tightly, deciding that he quite liked his new friend and very much wanted to keep him! Of course if he had a mother of his own he couldn't exactly do that but perhaps they could at least be friends he thought to himself in a hopeful manner. He turned to look toward his mother, wanting to ask, but seeing she was already talking to someone, a shadow form in the thicket, he shrugged and turned his attention back to his friend instead.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:18 pm
Keeping to the shade of the thicket Heru looked over the pretty Gwilith and felt a sigh of relief find its way past her lips. "H...hello Celinda." she said her voice, when addressing the other mare, was very soft just a bit above a whisper. "My name is Heru. I...I am sorry if I startled you." she looked down at the two foals and smiled, "Maybe they are related." she said gently a bit more to herself than for the other mare. She blushed a bit and then made a gentle gesture into the thicket. "Would you....like to join me in the shade miss Celinda?" She offered softly.

The other's horn felt just like his. Though the ridges along it were slightly different but if felt pretty much the same. His mother did not have a horn. She might share the basic color but other than that she didn't look anything like him at all. She was way too tall, was missing her tail, she had such bright colors, and she did not seem to have legs. And yet this bright foal was his size, had one mark on his hip, both a mane and a tail, and a horn. This little stallion was just like him.

Narcyz really wanted to spend lots of time with this new stallion. He really liked this other small male. Giving a smile the black stallion let go of his new friend and knelt down to pick up the rock he had grabbed and offered it to the other. Maybe with two they could build a really nice castle. Or something even better.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:42 am
Wow, she is quite the quiet type the Gwilith found herself thinking as she started forward into the shady thicket. It was far different then what the pretty, if somewhat tomboyish, Celinda was like. She didn't mind though, having a quiet person to balance her out might be nice she thought to herself, closing her wings tightly to her back so as not to risk scratching them up in the thicket, "It is good to meet you Heru." She said once she got closer, giving a momentary, downward glance, then lifted her eyes again. Wait, wait... had she seen that right? It didn't look as though this Laegil had legs! And instead of having something there instead, like the tails that the Aelin had, she had... seemingly nothing. Was she a ghost then? Wait, did ghosts care about staying in the shade? Was it because being out in the sun made them less creepy? Truthfully he had no idea. Not about what this strange Laegil might be or about ghosts in general, as such she wondered if she should ask or nothing. Probably not, not when there were more important mysteries afoot!

"So, if you happen to know, do you know where those two might have appeared from?" She asked, pointing over her shoulder to where the little colts were playing, "Surely they must be related somehow given how similar they are in essence, if not appearance, save for the matching horn." Where exactly had their sons come from? Now there was a question for ages, not that Celinda would be giving him back to wherever that might be so easily, the boy was her son after all. She'd found him, taken him in, and raised him to this point after all! Taking in a breath she calmed herself. Best not to get worked up over stuff that might not happen after all. Not as if anyone had come looking for Kabocha yet after all.

When his new friend drew back Kabocha gave a little smile, clapping his hands together, seeming to be quite pleased with the current situation. He because even more excited when the other boy handed him a rock, something that he looked over before smiling. He really had no idea why it was at first that he was given a rock but he figured that, as a gift, it wasn't too bad. It was big and heavy and it had a bit of a sparkle to it after all. It was worth keeping... or throwing, he had decided yet. Those were his thoughts at least until he saw what the other was suggesting, the idea of building a castle out of rocks! It took the brightly colored boy only a moment before he was happily plopping down and setting to work gathering the rocks he could reach to go toward their building to be!

Once he'd gathered a good amount of rocks the orange colt turned to look over at Narcyz, a happy and eager smile on his face, as he awaited instruction. If there was one thing that he knew absolutely nothing about it was construction, though given his age it was likely that it wasn't the only thing he didn't know.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon


Enduring Guardian

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:49 pm
Heru moved to the darkest part of the thicket before sitting down. She looked out at the foals and pushed her hair back out of her face. "Sadly no I don't know where they come from. I found little Narcyz wandering around a grave yard. Poor thing was all alone. But I would say they could very well be related. I do not think that horn is common around Ista...is it?" She gave a sigh as she looked up to the other mare and watched her getting a bit worked up. She figured she could share with her a bit, "I...well I do hope that I never find out. I do not think I would be willing to give him back. Even if his parents came for him...i might not be a Ista but how ever you look at it he is my son." She reached up a hand to rub her eyes and laugh softly, "Do you feel the same about your little colt?"

Narcyz's smile faded a bit as he looked up to see his new friend studying the rock looking so happy with it. He had no idea that Kabocha might have seen far more in the rock than something to build with. Maybe he would need to take a better look at the rock as well. Maybe it was something special. How cool would that be if it was a magic rock. And they had found it when they came together! That would be truly amazing.

Sitting down with some of the other rock he giggled as the smart orange stallion brought other rocks and pebbles closer. With one of the smaller one the black stallion dug a shallow ring to sink in the bace rocks to help hold them up wail Kabocha was gathering others. When the bright movements of the other stopped he looked up and with a happy smile he picked up one of the bigger rocks laying it on its side into the hole to make it stand up tall.  

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