Kuari gave a little chortle. "Anatola much much smart," he repeated. "Kuari smart too, but different smart from Anatola. Not afraid of Anatola smart. Learn lots, get smarter. Maybe Anatola learn from Kuari smart too," he added with a cheerful, slightly impish smile in her direction.

Then he cocked his head to the side, and the look he gave her became speculative and curious. "Not sure who stronger," he said, speaking his thoughts aloud. "Kuari good tree climber, Anatola good cave climber. Other things Anatola like to do where Kuari can follow?"

He still wanted to teach her how to climb trees, of course. He was sure she'd like it up there, or at least he hoped she would. Maybe she went into the earth because being above it made her uncomfortable. Some foxes were like that. Regardless, such a thing took time to master so that one felt comfortable with it. He didn't think using that as an activity for today would help them figure out their athletic compatibility.