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Reply Sunagakure
Sunagakure Village Gates

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Just a Sim
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:26 am
Tall clay gates stand connected to the black wall that encases Sunagakure. The gates seem heavy but there is a rather decently size crevice left open for travelers and Suna-Nin. The wall itself looks to be made of black marble with thousands of names carved into the very stone. This is a memorial for those that died during the war.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:14 pm
User Image
Name: Sabertooth -Sugo Taka-
Attack: 15 - Defense: 5 - Speed: 15 - Intellect: 5(+5) - Stamina: 10

The ANBU opperative of the Mist village arrived in Sunagakure. They were earlier than scheduled. They had traveled by boat and arrived in the mainland within 2 days with the help of some water boosting techniques. Sabertooth and the rest of his 3 man squad were told that they were to go into the village dressed like regular Mist shinobis.'Sugo Taka? What the hell Mizukage-sama' "Alright man, we've made it, not let me do all the talking alright?" The other two nodded and Sabertooth proceeded to approach the village gate keeper. "Permission to enter, Business from the Mizukage." The guard looked at the three mist shinobis, he was doubting their credibility. "Yeah right, beat it you bums, there is no Mizukage. The Mizukage died a long time ago." Somehow that hit a nerve in Sabertooths mind. A punch was directed toward the village gatekeeper, sending him flying along the path of the giant walls. The gatekeeper finally landed with a loud thud. Sabertooth cracked his knuckles while one of his man tapped him. "What!" He was a little on edge because of the Suna ninja's last comment, but his men pointed at another ninja who stood wide eyed, frozen into his spot. "Oh um hey this is not what it looks like..." Then alarm began to sound from somewhere afar. It must be from the ANBU base itself. 'Great' Sabertooth waited for the arrival of whoever was to intercept them to clear the misunderstanding. Maybe he should have held back and showed the gatekeeper the letter from the Mizukage, then again he did insult the Mizukage.

Draco Silverlight


Draco Silverlight
Vice Captain

Hallowed Inquisitor

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:25 pm
"A lovers ballad, where two humans- wishing to love more than life itself, are separated by the ways of the world.
They walk their separate path's, sad, yet proud. They sing the song for each other in solace, reaching out until they bleed themselves in the melody."

User Image
User ImagexxxxxxxxxxxxxxNaoxxxx Hitomixxxxxx
Attack: 5
Defense: 9 (+5) /// 14
Speed: 11
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 6
Chakra: 450 (-100)(+17) /// 367

Anbu black ops forces of Sunagakure

As soon as the alarm sounded, Sabertooth and his group were surrounded by about twenty various Jounin and Anbu Ninja. It was obvious they had the wrong impression of the situation- all they could see, after all, was that one of their own had been assaulted by a group of foreign ninja.
Weapons came out.

"And 'that' is why we give out candy on halloween." Seraph finished his small lecture on the importance of holidays- halloween in particular to the young students who all sat in their respective chairs behind their respective desks.
Most the the students were falling asleep, or goofing off. It seemed they often forgot that even thought Seraph was blind, it was very rare that he miss something that was happening.
"-Now if you students were just to behave for once, I might be inclined to pass out this candy that I have here with me today... made specially by Mrs. Darcy for the class-" As Seraph pulled the big bowl of cinnamon and spice candies from under his desk the room erupted into a series of very guttural and fast paced shuffling. Everyone scooting back to their place, or quitting what they were doing in an instant.
A random paper airplane smacked into the chalkboard behind Seraph with a muffled 'clack'- just barely missing his head... and the teacher accepted it all with the calm demeanor of someone completely oblivious to everything happening around him.
Seraph reached down and unwrapped one of the candies, popping it into his mouth with a sudden throw of expert nature. He relished the sweetness, testing it around in his mouth for a second in silence.
The room was deathly silent as the anbu literally 'felt' all of the little eyes upon himself. He smiled.
"Now that I have your attention..." Seraph paused, cocking his head slightly to the left as he made out the faint sounds of sirens in the distance. Village attack warning sirens. What in the world?
The anbu cleared his throat calmly as the kids fidgeted in their seats.

"'Only' one each... make sure not to spoil your dinner, yada, yada... Get outta here." Seraph smiled in a cavalier fashion, breaking character for the first time in class... in a 'long' time. Perhaps it was the remembering of battle that brought the suddenly humored nature to him.

"Captain Seraph-" An anbu appeared in the hallway as Seraph was walking toward his office.
"The disturbance is 'that' bad?" Seraph asked quickly. He was one of two Captains in the Anbu OPS forces that protected Sunagakure.. the other one was the one who was supposed to actually 'deal' with stuff. Seraph's Captain status was more just an honorary title for his time in service than anything else.
The other Anbu hurried through a briefing and mentioned that the second Captain was on vacation at the moment.
"...Vacation?! Oh, gosh that's right!" Seraph smacked himself in the center of his forehead quickly.
Hey, Shinobi had to have vacation too, you know. Its the best way of preventing work related stress- and keeping good guys, well... 'good guys'.
Damn... that meant that he had to go and deal with this.

Typically something trivial like the gatekeeper getting punched would not be a big issue. Any Anbu could deal with that (or a jounin for that matter). But from the briefing it sounded like mist shinobi were involved.
In order to prevent the probable slaughter of the three mist shinobi- someone with rank needed to be present in order to keep tensions low. Help prevent another war in the process.
I suppose Deah is getting his feelers out then... Seraph pondered to himself as he confirmed with the other Anbu that he would head over to the gates right away.

Walking quickly with his staff, the Anbu Captain almost tripped and fell headlong over a small female student who was blocking his way. Arms crossed over her little chest proudly she stood with resolve and only backpedaled a little bit, managing to keep from collapsing with the help of Seraph's offered hand.
"Blue! What are you doing? You should be headed home.. the village might be in danger!" Seraph spoke sarcastically. He knew the village was not 'really' in danger- also, there was not a single reason to show weakness to the little academy students. Let them continue to think he was god.

"Seraph Sensei." The little girl started off quickly- matching his sarcasm word for word.
"My mom is not here to pick me up... and also, you took two." The small girl quickly crossed her arms and stomped her foot, clarifying her main point.

"Two..?" Seraph was lost for a moment as he considered Blue's words. From what he knew of her, she was stubborn as she was hot-headed.. a little bundle of fire, and she liked to keep others in order. Make them listen to the lecture when they were goofing off, and all in all... do his rather lacking job of teaching for him.
Then it hit him- the candy.
"Ah... no.. no, I didn't take two.." Lying of course, Seraph swallowed his second candy whole without hesitation- and his face turned blue slowly as he stifled the choke.
Blue giggled evilly, as if she knew exactly what was happening- which, she probably 'did'. Little devil.
"Well... see? No more." Seraph upturned his cloak and pockets, showing Blue his lack of candy.

"Seraph Tycho.." The Anbu guard spoke hurriedly from behind the two of them.
"Yes yes..." Seraph sighed faintly.
"Well, I suppose you will have to help me stop a war then, huh?" The anbu captain knelt down in front of the little girl quickly. Reaching down and picking up Blue with a flurry- he affixed her above his shoulders in a single movement.
She landed with a small "Oof!" Then proceeded to clutch his hair with vigor- almost tearing it out.
"Gah!! Not the hair!" Seraph staggered about comically as he ran down the street with Blue attached to his (head). He could not leave her at the school when there was the possibility of an attack, and she was too young to walk home on her own. The safest place for her was up there.
Body flickering a few times, the Anbu Captain finally made it to the gates, where he looked upon the unfolding scene where the Mist Shinobi were being attacked by the sand Ninja.

"Oi! Hey... YOOOO!!!! I say!" Seraph waved his arms frantically in comical fashion- attracting the attention of all present. He would be a comedic sight indeed with the image of the small girl perched atop his shoulders hanging on for dear life and having the time of her life at the same time. She never stopped giggling the whole way.
"Yo ho... YO HO!" Blue called loudly with Seraph, adding to the moment.

"What are we... in middle school?" Seraph spoke as he walked up quickly, confronting the Mist Shinobi, and holding back the various Sand Nin who were present.
"This is not even a proper brawl like men would have- that is a stupid excuse to throw a punch... it's not like he insulted your girl or anything..."
"Yea! ...Its not like he said your Mom was a fatty or anything!" Blue chimed in from above- causing Seraph to glance up in a semi-confused manner.

"Turn the damn sirens off!" Seraph spun around quickly, flinging Blue's arms out wildly as she caught herself in the nick of time.
"Yea.. damn sirens!" Blue chimed in quickly. Causing Seraph to glance up in a semi-worried manner.
If the students were learning foul language from him- he would never hear the end of it from Keiko...

The tension dissipated like cotton candy. First one Suna ninja- then the next dissolving into face palming or laughter. They began dispersing.

Seraph is blind. He is wears his Sunagakure Ninja band around his eyes most of the time, to cover them.
(Seraph utilizes a 'seeing' technique that emits chakra into his surroundings through contact, and sends him the echoes. This is the -100 permanent in his chakra.)
"That point where you realize that you have no more reason, no control, no holding back. That is the only point in which you are alive- that is the only point which matters."

Word Count: 1386
Word Count Total: 1995
Post Number: 4


x1 Runewritten Golden Ring (On silver chain necklace)
x1 Oaken Staff
x∞ Basic Shuriken
x∞ Basic Kunai
x50 Special Kunai
x50 Special Shuriken
x10 Teleportation Scroll
x10 Summoning Scroll
x1 Special Katana


Shikaku no Jutsu [Vision Technique]
Rank: A
Chakra Consumation: (Permanent -100 to Chakra, the Shinobi is used to 'seeing' with this at all times.)
Official Description: This technique allows the user to send out waves of chakra from each point of contact they make with their surroundings. The signals spread from the contact and scan the surrounding area in a near instant effect. It allows a blind person to 'see' though receiving the returning signals in a sonar type effect. Obviously the complex nature of this jutsu excludes any but the most intelligent of shinobi from ever using it.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:31 pm
User Image
Name: Sabertooth -Sugo Taka-
Attack: 15 - Defense: 5 - Speed: 15 - Intellect: 5(+5) - Stamina: 10

A fight broke out between the Mist shinobi and the hot headed Suna shinobis. It was an unfair battle yet Sabertooth did not participate. He would simply redirect attack meant for him so that his teammates could do all the fighting. Yes the Mist had a thin shinobi list, but he did not get his spot for nothing. At the arrival of the head, it seemed like all the tension was gone. "Ah yes who might you be?" His relief was noticeable but their was hidden mischief in his voice. For what reason? No one will know.

Draco Silverlight


Draco Silverlight
Vice Captain

Hallowed Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:40 am
"A lovers ballad, where two humans- wishing to love more than life itself, are separated by the ways of the world.
They walk their separate path's, sad, yet proud. They sing the song for each other in solace, reaching out until they bleed themselves in the melody."

User Image
User ImagexxxxxxxxxxxxxxNaoxxxx Hitomixxxxxx
Attack: 5
Defense: 9 (+5) /// 14
Speed: 11
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 6
Chakra: 450 (-100)(+17) /// 367

Anbu black ops forces of Sunagakure

Seraph listened with contentment as the sirens slowly died off, one by one. He was thankful that Keiko had not come all the way out here just to deal with something like this. Then again, it 'was' mist shinobi claiming that Deah Uac was back. 'Back'- like, returned from the dead.
Seraph's eyes narrowed at the insolent manner of the apparent leader of the mist ninja- and his horrible wisdom in tone of voice.
"I am Seraph. A Captain of the protection force here." The man bowed slightly, just enough to not tip off Blue.

The Anbu captain smiled faintly. He was displaying no sign what so ever that he was incredibly vexed at the attitude of the opposing ninja.
It is terrible manners to come to a foreign village- punch a foreign ninja- start a meaningless battle (which could have led to a country scale war easily)- and then ask who the leader is.
That is rather dramatic. Seraph was able to back it all up and erase it in his mind to the point of, 'you should not come into someone else's house and then ask who 'they' are'.
In Japanese culture 'everywhere' that is extremely... rude.

But, it is also rude not to introduce ones self... and so he had. He now waited on the other man.
Most of the other Anbu and guards had disbursed by now. The fact that Seraph was standing there- 'with' blue atop his head, completely confidant and not appearing even the slightest phased at the cocky and arrogant attitude of these mist shinobi. His stance would be either interpreted (if they were smart) as incredibly intimidating... (if they were not smart) as incredibly foolish.
According to your actions, I cannot imagine that Deah Uac sent you as ambassadors. Nor can I imagine that he had a part in training you.. at all.

Seraph stood casually, his posture non-aggressive. His Sunagakure headband was actually wrapped around the area his eyes should have been, which might clue the opposing Ninja in on the fact that he was blind. He held an oaken staff in his right hand, and he tapped it every few seconds upon the ground, as if to make sure that it was still there.
Seraph possessed raven style black hair, cropped to his shoulder-line with taste, and it carried a hint of silver in it. More likely from years of veteran battling than from years of age, it would seem.
"This is my companion, Blue." Seraph motioned above his head, where the small academy student sat.
Blue waved bashfully, and resumed her clutch upon Seraph's hair- which made him grimace slightly, then replace his smile quickly.
"She is a personal body guard of the Kazekage, and she possesses the powers of a terrifying demon." The way that Seraph stated this was completely matter of factual. It was 'truth' after all.
Blue puffed up for a moment in an inspirational manner- then glared down toward Seraph after a moment, as if just realizing something.

Seraph is blind. He is wears his Sunagakure Ninja band around his eyes most of the time, to cover them.
(Seraph utilizes a 'seeing' technique that emits chakra into his surroundings through contact, and sends him the echoes. This is the -100 permanent in his chakra.)
"That point where you realize that you have no more reason, no control, no holding back. That is the only point in which you are alive- that is the only point which matters."

Word Count: 518
Word Count Total: 2513
Post Number: 5


x1 Runewritten Golden Ring (On silver chain necklace)
x1 Oaken Staff
x∞ Basic Shuriken
x∞ Basic Kunai
x50 Special Kunai
x50 Special Shuriken
x10 Teleportation Scroll
x10 Summoning Scroll
x1 Special Katana


Shikaku no Jutsu [Vision Technique]
Rank: A
Chakra Consumation: (Permanent -100 to Chakra, the Shinobi is used to 'seeing' with this at all times.)
Official Description: This technique allows the user to send out waves of chakra from each point of contact they make with their surroundings. The signals spread from the contact and scan the surrounding area in a near instant effect. It allows a blind person to 'see' though receiving the returning signals in a sonar type effect. Obviously the complex nature of this jutsu excludes any but the most intelligent of shinobi from ever using it.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:24 am
-After a small while all hostilities and misunderstandings were cleared up between Seraph and the Mist Shinobi who happened to be present. Seraph set the squad up with living accomodations for their stay in Sunagakure as a joint operations force to work with Sunagakure, with the intention of enhanced relations and cooperation between the nations.
Obviously intentions are still fragile, and motives are still questioned- for who can truly trust another nation besides their own? Therefore the Sunagakure Anbu are keeping an eye upon the Mist ninja even as the regular forces accept their assistance. Nothing less was expected of course. -

-Seraph heads back into the village and dropps off Blue at her home within his route.-

Draco Silverlight
Vice Captain

Hallowed Inquisitor


Beloved Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:20 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Hikari Shizuko
Location: Village Gates
Person(s) with: Jaisyn and Akio
Attack: 2 /Defense: 3 /Speed: 3 /Intellect: 4 /Stamina: 3 (+1)
Chakra: None

The trio reached the Village Gates and Hikari paused for a moment as she looked out at the vast desert that they had to cross. It was never easy getting out or trying to get back to the village, but she has taken this route so many times before for this exact same task for years now. Leaving Jaisyn to hold the cart railing, she goes to the very edge of the opening of the gate. Looking up along the wall where there were no names written, and there flapping in the wind high above anyone's heads were two pieces of cloth attached to two separate kuni knives. Written on the clothes were the names of Hikari's parents. The young woman pulled out her own kuni knife, a yellow ribbon tied to the handle, and threw it up for it to land embedded in the stone next to her parent's. It was a long standing family tradition that whenever one of them left their village they would leave a kuni at the gate, something of theirs tied to it. It was like leaving a piece of them home so that their return would be absolute, a good luck charm in a way. Those kuni knives were one of the few things that Hikari and her uncle brought with them that was from their home village. Once she was sure that her kuni was stuck in the stone, she went back to the cart, taking it from Jaisyn, and started to walk into the dessert. "Let's go."

Post Number: 29
Word Count: 256
Word Total: 5372
Exp Gained: 2560
Exp Total: 53720

- Hi hyōji no ken

Takeshi Kami

Kaosujin Ryu
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:39 pm
Takeshi Kami


User Image
"Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyari." -- 'Death holds no fear for me'

Jaisyn Uzumaki
Chakra Pool: 158/165
Attack: 7
Defense: 9
Speed: 6
Intellect: 4
Stamina: 5

Jaisyn chuckled, tilting his head slightly at Hikari's traditional movement though he tugged the cart forward a bit to see the hilts of two other kunai that had a crimson ribbon with navy fringes and a navy ribbon with crimson fringes respectively. He sighed, recognizing the kanji on them as the names of his parents, whom were most likely forgotten by now. His gaze hardened as he drew out a kunai that had a deep gray fringe with silvery flames on the ribbon trailing from the hilt before he hurled it at high speed, the narrow two millimeter gap that ran down the center of the blade and stopped just short of the hilt causing it to produce a low whining sound that sounded faintly like a moan.

He shifted his weight as the kunai hit and sank into the stone a few inches to the left of Hikari's kunai, just below the ones his parents had obviously left behind before their final mission that he'd found they never returned from. "Death comes to us all, we can only choose how to face it when it greets us," he whispered.

He felt a slight nudge in his mind and paused momentarily, glancing down at the ring he never removed, even in the shower. He blinked upon noticing it had a deep navy-teal flame burning in the gemstone, black markings flickering and fading constantly in the flame. No way... rumors said the Bijū were sealed within rings that were lost when the Empire fell... but.... he thought as he heard a rumbling purr and shifted, unaware as he did so his outward gaze glazed over as he materialized in his subconscious, staring at a massive feline made of navy, blue, and teal flames with deep golden amber eyes that grinned at him, purring again as it lightly nudged him, knocking him out of his subconscious and back into reality as his eyes cleared. He blinked twice, sighing before he blinked, darting after Hikari.

Post Number: 25
Pouch Items -
10x Kunai, 10x shuriken, Kougetsui - twenty inch broadsword, 1 'Bakūtama'

Jutsu Used -
Chakra Nature - Katon, Raiton

# of Words: 336
Experience gained: 3360
Total Experience: 36060


Kaosujin Ryu

Eternal Senshi

13,550 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Divine Donator 100

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