A cub had called her old. Not one of her cubs (as she currently had none), and certainly not out of malice, but that made Avani feel like doing silly things. Like climb a tree!

The trees in the swamp weren't always very large and sturdy, or have comfortable branched to perch on, but she had managed to find one. It was, admittedly, a ridiculous idea but Avani went with it, and made her way up the tree. The climb was easy, and this pleased her immensely! So take that, age. She wasn't even that old, despite having grown up children. And grandchildren. Look at this, this feat of physical prowess! Hah!

Now, about getting down. She had managed to get a little high up, and was having trouble thinking the logistics of getting down. Hmph. Well, she would figure it out. Maybe she should just wait for someone to show up, just in case she needed help or something. But as a last resort! Avani knew she would get down juuust fine. Meanwhile, she would just try to enjoy the height.