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This was a strange and new life. She wasn't used to this kind of life that was for sure. She went from being a vampire to a pirate. There was no more sucking blood for her or mostly sleeping during the day. She had to get used to the light, and she was already getting used to it as the was traveling from her old pride to her new one. She left with out a word with out telling anyone. Although she would always be a vampire at heart it would be a little harder to go back there and just show up once again after just up and leaving. She didn't tell anyone she just followed the strange male back to his home.

She liked what was presented to her though. He was a handsome male one that she was attracted too one that she would be okay with. She would even be okay with having cubs for him, though it wasn't her favorite idea, she was okay with it. But it was mostly all for one reason. She was to be the queen! She was once a princess in her pride and her father treated her like one. Although it wasn't an official rank she didn't care. Her father told her that she was one, she was convinced that she was one and although that was nice she was about to become a queen. She was joining the pride that she was above all of the other females. There was one thing that she was finding out though as she settled in. She wasn't the only female that got all of pirato's attention, yet she didn't completely mind. They would all have cubs afterward and she was still pretty young, she was ready for that, if only he knew though that it was in his plans for her to have cubs too she was strong and able.

These ideas floated through her head as she went on a night time walk. Pirato was already sleeping and it was a few nights into her stay at the pride. An interesting one that was. Everyone would eat these fruits and then pass out as the sun was starting to set. It was like there was a festival every night and she didn't completely understand. The fruits didn't taste like blood but yet she was okay with that, it was close it made her feel good. Although she was hoping that she was going to be able to convince her mate to share some of his blood that is what they did in her old pride. If not she knew then that she would only be able to go by the blood of the prey that she got a hold of. It wasn't as exciting but to be a queen she had to adjust!

It was still odd, she kept thinking it over and over again. Her family wasn't here she was alone really other than her mate. There were mostly males in the pride and the ones that weren't males were females that couldn't do much. She tried to do everything that she could but she knew that it wasn't completely allowed. Some of their fur was matted from the sea salt of the water and it almost made her afraid to go into the water. She couldn't ruin her beautiful coat like that when she was the queen! that couldn't be possible.She was guessing that she was going to start getting used to all of this, getting used to all of the faces. She was a pirate now right?

She still couldn't help but to think again and again, she was a pirate now. It was different her new life was full of different and she was guessing that it was just going to be okay.

She slowed as her feet crunched on the sand of the beach. She looked out, the night sky reflecting on the sea made it almost seem darker that was until her eyes settled on the moon. that was one thing that wasn't different. Something that she knew very well other than herself. The mood was still up, the light that light up the world that she was used to, the stars, everything that came along during the night followed her. There would always be the night, there would always be the moon there would always be the dark that followed after the sun would set. That wasn't different.

She took a deep breath in, the salty air filling her lungs, it almost burned as she did.It made some of the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. She stepped forward, toward the waves that were, for the first time since she settled, waving gently back and forth almost like the watering hole that she saw every day in her old pride. It had been a few weeks now and she was almost already forgetting that familiar place. She was guessing that it just meant that she was now really part of this new pride, this was her new home and there really wasn't anything that she could do about it. She could go home but she didn't know her way back she didn't know where she was going. She was unsure about the future but yet even though she was scared and not sure of her new life there was part of her that was very happy to be here.

She didn't want to go back to her old home in a way. She knew this was her new home and she knew that she had to embrace it. Pirato treated her like a queen, although the other females were unsure at first they did too. She was starting to like the fruits, the sand, the salt in her nose, the other lions in the pride, the wild dogs, the strange markings. And as she thought about this and looked at the moon she was starting to realize how these two lives honestly worked together and almost seemed as if they were one. She had to admit the attitudes of pirates and vampires were similar, although one was louder that was okay.She could deal with this life.

A small smile curled on her lips as she found her feet dipped in the cool water of the ocean, her tail flicked behind her and she turned heading back to her new den, with her new mate and quietly she sang, her voice low and almost eerie, something that she had heard many times while wandering with the new lions of her pride.

"Yo ho, yo ho. A pirate's life for me."