A cool breeze blew across the ground, fluffing the grass and floating spores and pollen into the night sky. It danced through the world, flying and wafting through thermals and gusts of the warm summer night breeze. It was a calming atmosphere that didn't harbor any of the turmoil that had once been it's predecessor on this night. Many nights before there had been an earthquake that took out many living on that area of Savannah.

This was where the large black and white wild dog was headed, back to his family and his home. Though it was true that both of his parents were long since gone, Kidendi knew that he had some friends that still existed.

Still his mind was stuck on one name... Yildun.

What was this nagging in his head? Kidendi tilted his head to one side and shook it slightly in his confusion. The dog was still running, breaking it up with the occasional spat of walking to keep himself on his feet. Ever since the bird that had told him of their plight, Kidendi had stayed moving. Never once had he stopped.

When the sun came up, he walked and tried to keep his body heat down the best that he could, trying not to exhaust himself. It had been two days since that time. It was close, the large dog knew it. His former pack was very close.

The stars had spoken to him in whispers in the night, urging him forward despite his deep burning exhaustion. Still questioning that name that surged forth in his head.


"Is she out there? If so... is she still with the old pack?" Kidendi whispered to himself as he picked up running again.

Fireflies danced across the grass and floated, whisps of white sparks hit the ground and kicked up pollen and puffs of dirt that looked like sparks.

Kidendi headed home all the faster.