【✦Forgotten Dreamers of Crystal Chambers✦】
“Everyone has a purpose. Everyone has a fate. Everyone has to meet their destiny.”


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Floating in a deep space, with no memory… Not sure if you are dead… or dreaming… You float for what seems for hours upon hours… until a light in the distance calls you.

“Where am I?”
“Come closer… and find out.”

Without thinking, your hand reaches for the light, but your body floats away… Now desperate, you reach harder and harder… the light becomes smaller… almost as if it was disappearing. As a cry to have it come back, you fall. You fall down into a darker part of your deep space. Not sure if you are falling, or imagining things, you cry. You are scared and alone… No one can hear you… No one can find you… You are… forgotten.
You closed your eyes, but then you suddenly feel different. Your feet… they are touching something. You opened your eyes.

Houses, trees, grass, sidewalks, roads, streets, signs, street lights, blue skies, white clouds… solid ground…

Could this be… your reality? Is this real? Are you really home? Where you dreaming?

Still confused… you are approached by an odd looking person. You can’t tell if that person was a girl… or a boy. Before you could react, it disappeared into thin air.

You are still dreaming.

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Did you enjoy the intro?
Did you imagine what it all looked like?
Did you feel all of the emotion you would feel if that was happening to you?
Hopefully, you replied YES to all three of my questions!
If that is what you experienced, then you probably want to find out more!

Okay, okay! Keep your calm! I’ll tell you all the good detail!

✦Story Detail✦

You don’t remember ANYTHING. Why? Well… you are in a crystallized coma. By crystallized coma, I mean you are in a giant crystal sleeping. You don’t know exactly your real name, perhaps a fraction of your last name… You have no clue that you signed up to be the Guinea Pig in this science experiment that the government is having. Did I mention it is Top Secret? Yeah, and if you hesitated at the last minute after volunteering… they crystallized you anyways. So much for your love for your government… Oh, and they told your families and loved ones that you did great honor on serving your country, and that they should be proud of the sacrifice you did. Then… they delete you from all of the records. Yeah, they erased you. Bad times for you… I think you really want to know the science experiment is about… I had a flier… somewhere… Oh! Here it is:

"Are you between the ages 16-21?
Are you in perfect health?
Are you above average intelligents?
Are you willing to find a cure?
Are you proud of your country?
Then you might be the ONE."

Catchy, right? Sorry… the bottom part of it was burned… But, I can give you a complete answer off of my memory. You signed up to see if it is possible to crystallize a human being and then later un-crystallize and to see if you are still the same when you where before. They hope for no ageing, no weight loss, no loss in hearing, no loss in brain cells, and no loss in memory. Of course… they don’t have the technology to un-crystallize you… but in 10 to 100 years from now, they might… or you might just stay in a giant crystal till the end of the planet, or humanity. But we don’t know. So you wait… along with all of the other crystallized coma test subjects!

As you all wait… you end up dreaming! At first it was your favorite dreams… but then you wanted to wake up… but you couldn’t… so then, your dream world soon became a false reality. And then somehow you all share a similar dream. Could this cluster of a dream be the last dream and then you wake up? Or will you remain as the forgotten dreamers? It is up to you, making friends, and going through odd trials!

Are you going to wake up?



1. Follow TOS

2. Follow our Guild's Rules

3. No Role Player Left Behind! This means, don't keep on posting until everyone has posted!

4. Use anime photographs only. (I'm not going to get in trouble for you using a photograph of someone who didn't give you permission)

5. Minimum of 1 paragraph per post! If you don't know what a paragraph is... then shame on you. It is 5 sentences long and flows together.


Profile Layout:
( PM me the Profile )

(insert photograph here)
Character's Full Name:
Part of Character's name remembered:
Character's Age:
Character's Background (Country, Family, School/Work, etc.):
About Character:
Character's Personality:
