Johari's joining rp

Tsopa felt better after meeting his 'sister' Chaka. The older female was not one of the fosterling litter, but one of Queen Asali's own daughters, but she and Tsopa were fast friends and considered themselves adoptive siblings. Meeting her out here, when she'd been gone so long on her name quest, had lightened his heart. It was good to know Chaka was doing well out here and was on her way to finding her name and purpose in life.
It was with a spring in his step and a hummed little song he sought Johari out. He'd not seen is travelling companion since yesterday.

Johari had wandered a few miles west from where Tsopa had left her. She had spent most of the day lazing around and trying to convince herself that she could hunt on her own. That she didn't need to wait for someone to have their share and then leave the rest of the carcass for the vultures. Then again, she had never been hunting on her own and had already failed many times

"Johari?" Tsopa called, after padding along for a while. "Jooo?"
Having spent time with Chaka, he'd talked about the brown female with her and they'd even offered a sacrifice to the spirits to see if they could offer any help. Tsopa wanted her to be happy and feel safe, and the spirits were wise... but they had seen fit to give him a vision that seemed more about himself than about Johari. So Tsopa had decided he was worrying to much for her and needed to think about his adult name more.
Didn't mean he hadn't missed her company however.

Jo's ears twitched lightly as she heard a familiar voice. She turned to see Tsopa in the distance. A smile came across her face as she hopped to her feet and ran up to meet him. He was earlier than she expected, but she wouldn't say anything about it. "Hey Tsopa, how is your sister?" She had been working on her small stuttering problem, and her voice was a little more confident.

"Well - thanks for waiting for me." The Swamp lion had let her know of his unexpected meeting with his sister before vanishing for a night of course, and wondered how she'd been doing while he'd been gone. "Did your hunting go well?"

She looked back out to the herd. She could swear they were mocking her. "Not too well." She sighed lightly, "When I think I can finally do it, my legs tighten up and I can't move them."

"You just need a little more practise, Jo." Tsopa encouraged.
He'd eaten with Chaka and so wouldn't really want much, but if they went after some small antelope rather than a larger kill, they could always try hunting together. With success came confidence and with practice came skill, after all.
"If you want, we could go out and try our luck together?"

She shook her head lightly, "That's alright, I had some pickings early today." True she may not have had the best meat on the animal, but to her it was a five course meal compared to what she had as a cub.

"Alright. Do you want to hit the trail then or just hang around here for a while?" He stratched behind one ear briefly with a paw and looked around, at the herds and the long grass. It wasn't a bad spot and he really didn't mind if they stayed or went. He was in an easy, good mood.

She shrugged lightly, "Whatever would be best for you."
She gave him a light smile. She had to constantly remind herself that she was just tagging along, that he was on a mission and she was just keeping him company. "Whatever would be productive in your case, I don't mind." She had always thought of herself as a follower.

"I don't really have anything I need to do..." He was puzzled for a second. "You mean for my name quest, right?"
He pondered the idea. There was no set way to take your name quest really. You went out into the world, travelled, and came back to announce your true name triumphantly. You found yourself in your own way. He was kind of logical however and was touched she cared he was on a 'mission', so he made a suggestion.
"I suppose we could knock around a few ideas why we'd relax if you'd like? For my name. Since I'm unsure."

She blinked a few times before she smiled and tilted her head to the side lightly. "Sure." She had to admit that she was being more open with her actions and feelings. Maybe all she needed was to get to know someone like him. Maybe that was all she really needed, someone to talk to, who would understand her. "Hmm... what would be a good name for you.." She said as she sat back down on her haunches and looked up to the sky.

He studied his paws a minute, glad she was going to help, more than he let on with a curious little smile. Johari was...well, he really /did/ like her. And as Chaka had suggested, maybe the spirits had intended that they meet, that he help her - and maybe she was supposed to help him! But it felt so personal, getting her help with his true name...
"Well, Tsopa means 'clay'. Cub names and true names aren't always related but its a start I suppose."

She looked back down to him, "Clay.." she repeated and thought for a moment, "But that's more a name on appearance." She said as she looked him up and down. "Shouldn't your true name be based on who you are and not what you are?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side again

"...nice point." He looked at her with eyes crinkled by a wider smile. She was amazing sometimes. Pity she didn't seem to realise.
"I think I was given that name because of my colour but it sort of suited me as a cub. The prides traditions and religion very much shaped who I am."

She nodded, and then went back to thinking. "Well lets see..." She blinked, "What are your amiable qualities? You should probably pick a name that shows who you truly are." She gave him another smile, "Like, honest, helpful, loyal... Something like that."

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush." He said, jokingly, but with some truth behind it. It was nice to know she thought well of him. "Honestly, I just try to do the right thing, whatever that seems to be. I'm not really a noteworthy character..."

She shook her head lightly, her ears flopping along the sides of her head. "I see it as a very redeeming quality. I mean, you could have been like any other guy out there and try to take advantage of me." She said as she looked down to her paws, "But instead you were very kind, and helped me. You listend."

"I'd never try to take advantage of you Johari and I swear, no one else will while you're traveling with me - I'd stop them." He said, in ernest, as soon as she'd said that. Tsopa really meant it and had said it before when they first met...but now it seemed more important than ever she knew that. "I'll worry about you when I've found my name and I go back home. I'm not saying I don't think you can take care of yourself now, but I'd worry."
He paused, sheepishly adding. "I'd miss you."

She couldn't help but blush at his last comment. She looked into his eyes with hope when she realized that she was only kidding herself. After all, he was leaving. She had been thinking that she would be able to go with him. But he had never invited her to go, and what he just said made those words burn. She would not go with him. "I...I'll miss you too..." She tried to make her voice sound cheery, but it cracked in the end, and with the crack came a flinch, realizing that her emotions could be read all over her body.

He caught his lip with a fang nervously, studying the lioness. She'd become one of his best friends, as dear to him as good old Shu...he really would miss her terribly when he went back to the Swamps.
She'd been slowly regaining her confidence with him around and was blossoming into someone Tsopa admired. Surely, if she wanted, she'd be able to learn the prides ways. She was strong enough and smart enough!
"You could erm....stop by and see me...maybe even y'know...stay. Join the pride. I mean you've heard me waffle on about it for so long, you know what its like and if you wanted..."

Her ears perked up, and she looked up to him with wide tear filled eyes. "Join?" She repeated. No one had ever asked her if she ever wanted her to join anything, let alone a pride. " think it would be possible?" Her voice was soft again, and she started to stutter like she used to.
The thought of loosing him was just causing her to erase the progress she had made with him.

"I think so, yes!" His voice was almost imploring now, hoping and praying to the gods and spirits this was the right thing to do. All he ever meant to do was the right thing, by his pride and by the creatures he met. "I can teach you our ways properly and if you agree with them...if it actually feels right to you, like it could be a true home, not just because I'm there...."
"I'd love to have you come home with me and find a home there." He said after a pause, moving a paw towards her, offering it.

She smiled lightly, and reached out her own paw to meet his. She hatted to admit it, knowing that he would disapprove, but no where would be home without him there to protect her. Sure half of her thought she was overreacting, but the other half knew the endless amount of love she felt for him. How could anywhere be home if he wasn't there?

"Well then..." The second she took his paw he felt more like doing a backflip (though he had no idea what a backflip was so maybe the feeling was more akin to playing leap-frog over an elephant) that getting back to talking about things. She was no longer the damaged and skittish creature really, she was going to be a Jini'msemi in fact....he could let himself love her without feeling like a creep...
"I'd better actually explain the vijini and the gods to you, and some of our rituals. Lesson number one." His own true name was forgotton at the prospect of Johari coming to live in the Swamplands.
"Our queen Asali will not find you wanting with me as your teacher." He hoped.

She nodded as she took on this new information. "Asali.." She noted. She then gasped. "But, what if she doesn't like me... what if I do something wrong?" She started to panic. Never before had she had to present herself to anyone.

"You'll be fine. I'll be there alongside you, just like now, helping you and guiding you...if this is the path you've chosen I'll walk it with you." He reassured her, as he'd done since the day the pair had met. Though his nerves were jittery as well. If she failed it'd be the worst thing in the world. And one day she might wonder just why he cared so much about keeping her with him - Tsopa wasn't sure she'd love him like that, not knowing those seeds had already been sown in her heart as well.