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It had not been long since Persikka found his way into the Pridelands, and not only that but had been accepted into the pride as well. However he found out quickly that such a large pride require great amounts of food as well. This was not quite surprising to him, but Persikka had not quite realised how quickly he might be thrown into a hunting party. In fact the red female had even offered to have him tag along if he wanted, something he was actually quite glad of. Persikka wasn’t much of a hunter to begin with, but he had little experience hunting with others. Normally his siblings and he went separate ways, it usually ended with better results.

Persikka was not afraid to admit he felt himself a subpar hunter, in fact he pretty much stunk at it. However he was enjoying the pride, learning it’s way, and especially didn’t want to have to leave after meeting one of the most gorgeous lioness’s he had ever seen. Zimran. The name stuck in his mind, until he was snapped back to his sensed by another female voice.

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“Having an interesting daydream?” Mkali questioned with a mischievous purr. “I wonder what, or perhaps who, it was about.” She chuckled before quickening her pace. The lioness was just starting to really get on her feet as a young adult, and she was glad for the extra freedom. Finally she was getting to see some of the lands further out in the lands of her pride, as well as outside. It was not the wondrous adventure she had hoped for since she was little, but that dream had not died yet. Mkali stilled watched the horizons, wondering what lay beyond them, however this was not the time for such dreams.

Mkali had come across Persikka the day before. He was quite obviously new to the pride, so lost he seemed to be outside the normal hustle and bustle of the pride. A bright male sitting on the sidelines, staring around as if searching for what he was to do. Perhaps she felt a little sorry for the guy, but whatever the reason she offered to have him tag along on her hunt the next day, and he accepted. However she was wondering now how much help he would be if he kept drifting off to some other place in his mind. “Come on now, can’t have you off somewhere else when we have hunting to do.”

Persikka glanced away, ears burning from embarrassment. He had not meant to daydream. Mkali was right though, he couldn’t afford to do so now, not when he was trying to prove himself useful to the pride. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” He said, trying to put on his best look of concentration. He had to focus, others were counting on him. Sure, other hunting parties could probably make up for his lack of skill, but he had to try his best. Who knew, maybe he’d suddenly find he had a real knack for hunting.

Mkali nodded. He seemed willing to try and help out, so she put aside any thoughts against his usefulness for now. When they actually found some prey she’d see how he did, until then she decided not to make any quick judgements. After all he was knew, and she didn’t know much more than that and a name. “Alright then.”

It wasn’t too long before the party found tracks, scents, and finally a herd. It was a decent sized group of zebras. The hunting party crouched in the grass. In hushed voices the party quickly came up with a plan of attack. Mkali was curious to see how the new guy did, but she was also not going to be distracted from her own part.

The plan was formed, quiet voices quickly whispering out a strategy. persikka did his best to keep up, but this was all so new to him. Sure, he had hunted before, but once again that had usually been alone. There was no need for any detailed plan with no one else there. However he did his best to figure out his part. Blue eyes watched the zebra ahead. He had taken zebra down before. usually not any really big ones, but with the others surely he could at least manage to help get one. Even if he only managed a little one, and there were a few there. The thought floated on his mind for a moment before he decided against it. He didn’t quite feel right targeting the young ones.

Mkali moved slowly, body low to the ground. She inched ever closer to their prey. It took time, but rushing would do them no good. So ever closer she came, pausing every few step to watch the herd, and well as listen for any sounds that might indicate her party was making too much noise. So far so good. They would soon be in place and from there they would take the herd. Their chosen prey had been singled out already, and they would attempt to separate it from the rest of the herd, if no that specific target than at least one of them. Soon. Just a little longer to wait.

Now. As the thought came she burst from the grasses. The zebras startled, however they were cut off quickly by more of her party. Good. The herd turned and the lions closed in, circling to cut one off. Mkali was not surprised when it started to word. At least it seemed to.

Before he could really think further on it the group had started to split and move towards the herd. persikka followed suit, trying to remember what direction he was to go. How close to get. How long to wait. All these thoughts flitted through his mind as he made his way forward, trying to be quiet. it was hard. His belly kept brushing the ground as he went, and with each step he had to readjust his crouch. It was hard trying to remember the plan and keep quiet at the same time. Suddenly there was a lot of loud rustling, then the sound of the zebras startling. They made their move! He had been too slow.

Persikka burst out of the grass in time to see a zebra singled out, the other lions moving in for the kill. However just as he thought they had it the zebra managed to escape their claws. It jumped over a lioness. Oh no. It was headed his way. Now was his moment. He could do this! Persikka quickly crouched, so many thoughts racing through his mind as he did. Closer the zebra came, and Persikka made his move. Unfortunately it was a less than graceful attempt, and the large lion ended up belly flopping on the ground a foot from the zebra, who easily shied away and ran.

The party had almost circled it, but the zebra escaped. it would not have been so bad though, it was running straight at Persikka, so now was his time to prove himself. However perhaps she expected too much, for he did a rather ungraceful flop that wasn’t even close to their prey. She could hear the disappointment, and perhaps annoyance from the rest of the party, however Mkali ignored it as she came over to Persikka. “Well, we’ll have better luck next time.”

Persikka covered his face his with paws. He has blown it. Big time. And now he had a hunting party and they had nothing to bring back because of him. Mkali’s voice broke through his thoughts and he looked up at her. “Next time?” Persikka laughed nervously. “I dunno, maybe I am not so cut out for hunting.” He wondered if there was possibly anything else he could do to help out the pride. Something that would not end in him embarrassing himself in front of a large group.

“Maybe.” She said with a slight shrug. “If not then you’ll find your place in the pride, don’t worry.” Mkali tried to give as reassuring a smile as she could. “Come on, let’s head back for now.”

Persikka nodded. “I hope so.” He pulled himself up and followed Mkali, his eyes locked on the ground as they made their way back towards Pride Rock.

[Word Count: 1391]