Her muscles felt like fire. She had been running and hiding for days. She had trusted no one, except for a handful that had stopped to direct her to the grove of trees of where she wanted to take refuge. She was feeling hungry than usual, a feeling that was rather odd for the female. She normally ate like a bird, but she supposed it was the inate fear that drove her to need such food.

Her paw pads were cracked and bleeding, her breath was a ragged mess of air. It was obvious she had seen better days.. The wounds that Vol had given her during his taking of her, were beginning to turn into pink puffy scars, and were lacking the crimson hue they had shed days before. Thank goodness infection hadnt set in.

The grove of trees werent far now. She could see their green even in the dark of night. She had taken to only traveling at night since that attack..She felt she could blend better in the blue hue of the moon.

Taking deep breaths, she pushed herself forward. The trip seemed even harder to her than someone of good health. It didnt take as long as she thought, but once she reached the trees, she leaned against one of the bigger ones to breath.

Syrena was half-asleep in one of the trees in the forest she had taken temporary residence in. She had requested some time to herself, away from her huntresses and her warriors, away from Kat and her other sisters looking for males. She needed some time to herself where she could hunt alone. And still she hadn't found a male suitable to her needs. And a male she needed. The plague had been devestating to her beloved pride, to both her sisters and the males that lived on their island alike. They needed new blood, strengthened by the survivors.

A sound below her shook her out of her doze.
Brown eyes scanned the ground until she saw a lioness leaning up against another tree. She looked hurt. Syrena had always dreamed of leading her pride, of commanding and making the decisions that made her home a safe and happy one for all of her sisters. But to be queen was a right given only to one, and while she had been hoping for the time when she could try in the Trials, she had taken to the healing arts. Not a medicine-maker, but one who applied it. It was only out of habit that she kept a small pouch of herbs with her, herbs that when mixed with water could make a healing salve.

Slowly she made her way down, quiet as she went.
"Sister? Are you well?" she asked softly, remaining carefully on the lowest of branches, still hidden from sight.

She hadnt expected anyone to be near, and in fact she nearly shrieked when she heard the voice. She backed away from the tree, only to back straight into another one. She yelped, and put a paw to her mouth. It was obvious she was exhausted, her small form shuddering with each movement.

"Who are you? Dont hurt me." She started crying, curling into her body and trying to hide her eyes with her paws.

Syrena finally left the tree, her face the epitome of compassion.
"Don't be afraid, sister, I won't hurt you," she promised, walking into a patch of moonlight. She wore no crown, though stories from the mainland often told of royals wearing them. Instead she had a collar around her throat, silver set with beautiful shell pieces. On a hunting trip it was all she wore, besides the small pouch hanging lower around her neck. She was an average-sized lioness, nothing in her bearing to be feared.

"I want to help." It broke her heart to see this lioness so distraught. It was just another reason her pride existed. Her ancestors wanted a place of safety, where lionesses didn't have to be afraid.

Sir'Bia tried to ignore the voice. Tried to tell herself that everything would be okay and the other would dissappear. But when she didnt, she opened her emerald orbs and looked over to the soft voice. She saw her climb down from the tree, and slowly pad over to her. Her eyes fixated on the silver jewelry that adorned her throat. It was beautiful, and she perked her head a bit to look at it. Surely no one so beautiful was mean. She gulped, taking a deep breath and calming her nerves.

"You-You do?"

Syrena smiled in a very motherly fashion. No, she wasn't a nanny, she would never be a true mother, but it was almost like she was mother to all of the pride. She was their queen, their guardian. Her sisters' lives were in her paws when she delegated.
A motherly, guardian nature was one of the requirements of the job.

"I do," she said, her voice remaining soft.
"I come from a place where sisters help one another to live happily and free from fear. Seeing you so frightened makes me want to help if I can."

Sir'bia sniffled a bit, and sat up, wiping her eyes with her paw before clearing her throat. "I-Im sorry. Really." She said. She hoped she hadnt offended this female. She was really the kindest lioness she had ever met. She had never had such kindness in awhile.

"My name is Sir'Bia.. Bia, for short." She said, introducing herself and bowing her head a bit. This place sounded magical. And best of

Syrena reached out and gently touched her paw to the other lioness' shoulder.
"It's okay, don't be sorry," she replied, nodding slowly. She looked the other lioness, Bia, she looked her over and frowned in concern. Even in the night she could see the wounds.

"Oh, sister, what happened to you?" She shouldn't have asked. She knew it almost as soon as she said it. It was too personal a question and by the look of her Syrena could easily guess it was part of why Bia was so afraid. But the words were out and there was nothing more she could to to take them back than she could change the tides.

She wasn't even sure why it had happened, but she clearly remembered the ordeal. Though she had tried hard to think of other things. She wasnt sure she wanted to admit it just yet but the female burst into tears and leaned into the other female.

"This...this lion.. He hurt me, because he could.." She said, and her sobs stopped and she was left sniffling and trying her bsest to stay composed.

Syrena sat down and wrapped one paw around the other lioness' shoulders.
"It's okay, Bia, it's over now," she cooed, trying to be comforting. It was no where near as good as a nanny might have been, but she was all that Bia had right now.
She could change that, though.

"Bia, come back to my pride with me and my sisters. We'll be on the mainland for several more moons, but when that time is over, we'll return to our island. We don't allow males into our territory, ever. They have their own land. Our way of life allows us to be whatever we want to be with no other obligations. No mates or cubs to take care of, no hunting or fighting, unless that's what you wish to do with your life. You'll be surrounded by sisters who care for you and help you in anything you might need."

It was for lionesses like Bia that her pride existed. So that lionesses could live safe lives free of obligations. Nothing to get in the way of their dreams and living up to their full potential.

She looked hopefully up at the other female, standing on weak paws. With a small smile she approached the other and almost hugged her, but instead she just put her head under the others chin. She stifled her whimpering, and sighed.

"Id love to follow you..I mean, if you think Id fit. Im not very strong." She said softly.

"You don't have to be strong, sister," Syrena replied, letting her chin rest on Bia's head. She wrapped a comforting paw around Bia's shoulders and gave her a small squeeze.
"I'm not a strong lioness, but I have my own place in the pride, a place that I excel in. That is what our pride is for. We can find our true calling and devote our lives to that alone without ever having to worry about other duties."

She closed her eyes in thought. She considered mentioning the only other duty a lioness was allowed to take on, on top of her chosen profession, but the state Bia was in and what Syrena could guess the male had done to her... No, she would let Bia know another time that the only other duty a lioness could take on was the choice to make new life for the pride. No lioness was forced to make that choice, but it was one that few declined.
Even she, the queen, was off of her precious island, looking for a male strong enough to create the next generation of sisters.

Little did the female know that she would suffer pregnancy. She was hoping she never had to deal with it. Not after what she went through. She smiles hopefully and her voice soothed as she did. "Youre very kind Syrena. I owe you my life." She said and bowes at the Queens paws. Looking up at her with her emerald orbs she smiled. "I..I think I want to follow you. I want to find my place."

Syrena's smile was both regal and motherly as the lioness agreed to come with her. She knew this would be good for her, a place where Bia would be happy and protected.
"You shall find your passion," she gently corrected. For that was what they stood for. Syrena loved to lead and counsel, it was her passion in life. And she knew that someday soon Bia would decide what hers was and revel in the opportunity to live her life the way she wanted.

"Come, sister, let's go back to our little camp and I can introduce you to some of your new sisters," she said and turned to leave, to head back to where some of the others would be waiting.

She smiled feeling a sense of happiness. She felt that something was finally going right. It was the best feeling in the world. And she would be safe. That was what appealed to her the most. She was ready to start her new life.