It was a good hunt, if she did say so herself (which of course she did). It wasn't really anything big, just a hunt to feed herself, actually, but it was rewarding all the same. The lioness gave a satisfied stretch before comfortably sprawling across a different part of the rock, one that was now the sun baked in place of the cooled one she'd just been lazing on. A nap sounded like a good idea before she made her way back to Pride Rock to see if the lead huntresses had any assignments, or if she could accompany her grandmother on one of her scout patrols.

Before that, though, something red and dull caught her eye: It seemed like she'd missed a spot on one of her forepaws. Shifting back onto her stomach again she set to fixing that, grooming in silence. On a gorgeous day like this one the possibilities seemed limitless, and she intended to take full advantage of the chances to be had.

Eshe was living the life, as in, he did what he could to provide for the Pridelands, and then spent the rest of his day doing absolutely nothing. One would think his family would have inserted some drive into the young male lion, but rather growing up so sheltered had left him a little stagnant in his life. He was known to still play with cubs as if he were one... since he'd rather do that then go out hunting. Doubtlessly, this frustrated his friends and family, who thought Eshe needed a good shove in the right direction.

Perhaps that was why his best friend was ignoring him until he actually got a successful hunt accomplished. He could understand his friends wanting him to try and achieve for something, but this was ridiculous. The young male sighed and trudged forward, hoping to find something already dead so he wouldn't have to give into his friend's 'demands' and hunt. He'd much rather hunt for other things like - oh. He'd hunt that all day.

The sight of a spotted lioness thusly stopped him from accomplishing anything. He stared at her for a few long moments, as if deciding his chances with the female. She looked comfortable, which meant she was in no hurry, and could easily be distracted. But, was she easy? Shamelessly, he eyed her again as this question rolled through his thoughts. He probably wouldn't be that lucky today, but Eshe was never one to pass up an opportunity.

"Such a fine lioness as yourself deserves to be laying on a bed of flowers, rather than dirt," he greeted, already think he was suave and that she was fine. Nothing could go wrong!

Ask Katiti how she thought the rest of her day would go. Surely she'd mention anything but being hit on by would-be cassanovas wandering through the Pridelands. Had she been her mother's daughter, truly, she would have simply seized up in a fit of embarrassment at such a bold compliment.

Instead she found herself stopping miid-lick, and pulled her tongue back into her mouth so that she could give the other a skeptical, unimpressed look.

"... Doesn't sound very comfortable, then I'd just reek of flowers all the time. How's a lioness supposed to hunt if she smells like daisies? Not to mention some flowers have thorns."

Was it wrong for her to take amusement out of that? Probably, didn't stop the corners of her lips from twitching anyway.

That she wasn't immediately swooning for him took the wind out of his sails, so to speak. He knew what that look was, and lesser lions would certainly back down. Eshe, however, would presevere. If he didn't try at all, he stood no chance. Sure, right now his chances seemed to be in the negative, but he still considered that a step above not even trying. Boldly, he approached her, only stopping when he could look down at her with ease. Now was not the time to make another shameless sweep of her body with his eyes, and so he avoided it.

"I think, during a hunt, it would be better to smell of flowers rather than of, you know, lion. I must admit though, you smell so nice that I think you'd fool any prey, let alone other lions." If this lioness was a flower, she'd definitely have thorns. Eshe could barely get over the biting edge to her voice, but well, her looks won out. It likely didn't bode so well for Katiti herself, since that meant she was suddenly stuck being verbally assaulted by a young lion who fashioned himself to be a casanova.

"I am Eshe," he introduced himself, leaving off the long-winded part of his name. It really was only spoken when he was in trouble, and that only happened when he was a cub. "And may I inquire as to what your name is, miss?" Look at him, being polite! Ladies loved polite lions.

He was in luck, to some degree at least. Most females would probably have rolled their eyes and left-- and that wasn't to say she was definitely going to stay either but --instead of indulging him this much, the way she saw it. She just snorted, waving a paw dismissively. Polite smalite, all that mattered to her was respect, a nice even trade. As long as he didn't talk down to her then he could be as casual as he wanted. What she was looking for in associates was how sincere they were, or weren't. Yeah, she'd much rather they be sincere.

"Katiti-bia. And I'd rather smell of dirt and grass, at least that can be found almost everywhere around here. It would be hard to miss the scent of flowers on the move. So, what, did someone put you up to this?"

She wasn't exactly the type of girl that was used to getting suitors. If males gave her so much as a second glance she couldn't claim to notice.

See? His plan was evidently working, since she wasn't turning away from him, and was in fact giving him her name. That was a far better reaction than he had estimated, given the look she had sent his way. It was implanting false hope in him, and even worse, the delusion that his pick up lines were working. He sat down, content that she was staying, and thus there was no reason for him to stand. It wasn't like he was going to chase after her if she did suddenly decide to get up and leave.

"You never know, the smell of flowers may attract your prey closer. It's the perfect game of cat and mouse. At least their death would be handed to them by a vision of beauty." He spoke with a flourish that should have been charming, if he had any actual skill. Rather, his voice sounded a little rehearsed, if not honest. He was trying, it was just that his attempts at flirtation were piss poor. Not even an ugly lioness would be charmed by his attempts at seduction.

He was honestly startled when Katiti seemed to think that... someone had encouraged him to hit on her as some sort of mean joke. He arched a brow, so taken aback that he fell out of his normal flirtatious endeavor. "No. Why would someone? You're very pretty, I don't think anyone would blame me for trying..." Well, he was probably ruining his chances accidentally.