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guild for Sidekick Academy, a superhero b/c! Or sidekick, if you wanna see it that way... 

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Reply Quests and Approval [Dream hero tiem]
[CRIT] - Counter Strike/Connor Ace

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Unstoppable OTP

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:45 pm
'>u> Whelp, might as well open for crits now that I got a good bit done. Crit away so I know what I need to work on better <3

Ideas for later quests:
Twilight Manipulation

Thanks to Tira for the hero name <3333

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:46 pm
Hero alias: Counter Strike
Real name: Connor Ace
Powers/abilities: Trained fighter- He was trained in Shinkendo and Aikido

Which area is the character based/from: Ronth
Age upon entering academy: Fourteen
How did your character get their powers: He was trained by his father(Liam) and his fathers best friend(Derek) starting from when he was eight. They alternately trained him in Aikido and Shinkendo for the past six years, Aikido by his father and Shinkendo by Derek.
Motivation for entering academy: To protect his close ones and farther along his training since he's learned all he could from Derek.

Connor has a drive to learn and is stubborn enough to keep trying to get what ever information he is after.
He knows how to disarm an opponent with or with out a weapon of his own. He does his best defense when unarmed himself and his best offense when armed with his bokuto (wooden sword). He has trained longer in Aikido thanks to having more access to his father then Derek so is more comfortable falling back into it's defense.
He's easily distracted by cute fluffy things when not focused enough on tasks at hand.
His body strength is not where he wants it since he's used to using his opponents strength against them thanks to his Aikido training and it hurts his sword fighting. It also hurts that he's still learning Shikendo so isn't confident with it all the time.

Personality: (WIP)
+Thinks before acting
Connor doesn't like to rush into situations with out giving some thought to the choices. Given enough time he will sit down and plan out the best way to approach what ever it is, though he's more then happy for any input from others too. Problem is when he doesn't have time to think, even if it's just a little bit of time then he gets a bit frazzled and thrown off balance for a short bit. Surprises are not his friend.

Knowledge is something he's always looking for, especially when it comes to how things work ad do what they do. He loves to push buttons metaphorically and physically speaking to find out what makes what ever has his attention at the time tick.

+Good listener
Need a quiet person to just rattle away to about something? Connor doesn't mind being that person whether it's just to bounce idea's off him or talking about problems, he'll listen. Anything told to him in confidence will be kept though if you want advice just know it will be limited.

-Lacks confidence
His mom dealt a serious blow to his confidence when she left and took his academically smarter brother with her though he wont admit it. It made him start to doubt himself and work harder in school. His slowly gaining confidence was hit big time again when his brother and he were attacked and he couldn't fully protect Kelan.

-Poor judge of character
He isn't one to look at someone and judge by their outward appearance but first meetings are everything to him. If you get off on the wrong foot then he will think ill of you but if you seem nice then he will think positive of you, eve if it is a trick. He can not see through masks, lacks the ability to tell when people are lying and continues to think well of someone even when proven they are bad.

~Video games!
Who doesn't like a good video game from time to time? He doesn't have many but the ones he does are his favorites and he plays them over and over again.

Don't ask for his sketch book as he is rather protective of it since it was giving to him by his older brother for his seventh birthday. He's pretty good at people and landscaping but horrible at animals.

His favorite sport and something he does with his dad.

Birthday: Nov. 9th
Zodiac: Scorpio
Favorite food: Swedish Meatballs
Least favorite food: Sushi
Greatest goal: To protect the ones he cares for.
Fear(s): Heights, spiders, of being left alone with out friends of family.

General backstory:

Liam Ace- He spent time in Tasea when he was younger due to college hoping with no true direction for his life and learned Aikido from the man living down the hall of the apartment he stayed. Thanks to the man he found an interest in it and went on to be a teacher himself at a dojo at master level. Connor is close with his dad and was rather clingy to him for the first two years of it just being them until Liam started to train him in Aikido. Liam had gotten the idea when Connor had refused to stay out from under foot when in the room of the house built for practicing his Aikido. He started Connor on the basics and after a while the eight year old decided he wanted to keep going. They have a habit of going out to the park and playing soccer on weekends that are nice enough.
Jessica Cooper- She is a scientist that works for a well off company. When she fell out of love with Liam due to just plain not being around the family period and working all hours she pushed for a divorce then took Kelan. She didn't plan on falling out of love with her husband and she does love both her children and tries not to let the separation ruin the rest of their family ties. Connor loves her but blames her for the split in the family so is awkward when he has to spend time with her. He gets quiet and distanced when she's around unless someone or something gets his mind off her.

Kelan Cooper- Kelan is the first born child of Liam and Jessica and is two years older then Connor. He gets along fairly well with his younger brother but doesn't get to see him much thanks to their parents being divorced. The divorce happened when he was eight and Connor six, their dad got custody of Connor while their mom got Kelan so they only got to see each other every other weekend and later at an elementary school they were both enrolled in, though they both ended up at separate schools later on when Connor was 11. Kelan is also the more brainy one of the brothers, focusing on the sciences mainly, and isn't a very physical person other then being moderate at running. The bothers hardly fight but it happens from time to time and usually it's over who won the last round of video games Kelan brought or when ones teasing gets too much for the other.

Derek Brooks- Derek isn't around much, only a handful of weeks at a time thanks to his work, but Connor thinks of him as a favored uncle and calls him such. He didn't start getting training from Derek other then some tips on meditation until about three years into his martial arts training after a small accident with a decorative short sword that had been on the wall. Unfortunately Derek hasn't learned all of the Shinkendo style himself so he can't keep up Connor's training if he wants to go above a certain level.

Recent history:
About three months before he joined the academy, Connor was with his brother going to the movies. They got jumped by a couple of older teenagers, that knew Kelan at school and resented him for dating one of the popular girls, in the side parking lot when they had cut through to head towards one of the side doors to the building. Connor was able to keep them way at first with a bit of help here and there from Kelan but when one hot head brought out a knife he got distracted focusing on disarming him long enough that another one of the boys surprised Kelan and broke his wrist. Security got there after that and broke things up with out anymore injuries but Connor blames himself for not being strong enough to protect his brother.

Looks department:
Eyes: Blue, slightly wide
Hair: Dark red, cut short and frames his face
Height: 5'2
Weight: 132lb
Body type: Slender but with some toned muscle thanks to training
Skin: Pale/lightly tan depending on how much sun he gets

Civilian clothes: He prefers sleeveless shirts, jean pants, and sneakers but also has a dark blue hoodie he can be seen in regularly. Every so often you can catch him wearing a necklace with a small playing card, though the symbol on it changes from ace of hearts to ace of spades every other time so you know he had two.

Black t-s**t with a dark red stripe running down from his right shoulder to the bottom of his shirt, black pants lose enough to move comfortably with one blue stripes on each side facing outward going from top to bottom, black ankle boots and a dark blue eye mask


Possible future ideas:

Possible grown up Counter Strike & two

Possible teen Counter Strike (only with his hair color)  


Unstoppable OTP


PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:10 pm
Hi there.

Okay, so down to crit.
Currently I just have a lot of questions on his back story, since the personality is still a WIP.

But. A few things about his parents, why did his mom fall out of love with his father? I think it'd be interesting if you also elaborated some more on Conner's relationship with her, how did she treat him and such.

Also the bit about his dad being in Tasea for a bit to learn aikido, why was he in Tasea? Why's he a soccer coach at a high school if he's really good at aikido? (These two things seem to be unrelated, which is why I'm wondering.) Is he a master at aikido? Why did he learn it if he was going to coach soccer? Etc, the two things just need more explanation I think if you're going to work with it.

@Kelan, how much older is he than Conner? And when they were getting attacked, how come Kelan couldn't defend himself at all it seems? How does Kelan treat his brother? I think if you explain their relationship more, it'll strengthen Conner's reason of wanting to protect people for entering SA.

Sorry if I'm bombarding you! 8D;;
Curious about the details...  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:16 pm
Hi <3 Thanks for taking the time to crit =3

She fell out of love with him because she 'married her job' after a while and can do.

I wasn't too sure on those details because at the time I was just trying to figure out how his dad learned Aikido. I was toying with the idea of what his dad could do for a living when I had remembered that i had already had the idea of him and Connor playing soccer so I tossed in soccer teacher more as a place holder then anything and hadn't really planned on keeping it. But you're right, they don't really fit =3 I think I'll just change it to him being a Aikido teacher in a dojo and the reason he was in Tasea was to go to college over there. He didn't have any true plans of what he wanted to do as a job so was trying out different things before his neighbor got him interested in Aikido.

Kelan is two years older then Connor at 16. He isn't a physical person, taking after their mom in the long run, but he did attempt to fight, I just apparently left that part out on accident =3 He treats Connor as his sometimes annoying, little brother that he plays video games with and sees as his responsibility to both help him in what ever way possible and give him some good natured teasing now and then.

Not at all <3 I'm glad 100% when people ask for details because my brain sometimes doesn't want to put things in perspective until someone asks lol
Hope this helped clear things up and that I got everything <3 Thanks again =3  


Unstoppable OTP


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:33 am
Hey there neko-kko ko ko sorry this has taken so long. =w= b Most of this looks good to me~ so basically what I have to go on is the traits that are wip so <33 bare with me and hope this helps !

Thinks before acts;

How is this a good trait for him other than the obvious of not rushing in ? Like Does his ability to sit down and think mean he has decent grades, makes him more patient? How are surprises not his friend, because it throws him off more? Does he get mad when people surprise him or ? What happens other than being frazzled, is this to say that in a pinch you likely couldn't relay on Conner ? Does he tend to look at all the options available then if he likes to think before acting or is he simply thinking only about one or two options out of the four present? Is he just taking his sweet time or does he end up making very well educated decisions?

I'm sure people in groups with him have not be to fond of all the time he wants to take to get things done, would you see him as more of a loner then by that, considering he might be under the impression that he would be just holding up a hero team if one asked him to join? Esp with his lack of confidence ?

Someone that tends to lack confidence and yet is a thinker strikes me as odd, one because I have to think does he take his time then second guess himself on the answer to something or plan to something due to his lack of confidence in himself? How would he even make a decision if that was the case?

Moving right along :

* poor judge of character has a typing error at - even -

Poor judge of character

How gullible is this boy? Hah I mean to be proven that someone is bad and still not believe them and to not be able to see past tricks, makes me think that he is fairly easy to fool then as long as you get on his good side from the start?

What if you get on his bad side at first, will he give second chances or is his view there as set in stone as his view of those that are 'good ' ? Is there no way at all even if it meant the person hurting him for him to see past things and realize that he was wrong about then? Or would he make up an alterative motive for them to tell himself ?

Given the description it makes me think that getting on his good side would be fairly easy? Which then makes me ask has he ever been taken advantaged of? Is he still considering even if he found out you say he wouldn't believe it ?

How does his thinking before he acts play into this, considering someone that thinks before they act you would imagine made fairly educated guess on things, however this trait makes me think that he wouldn't even pause to think about things perhaps rumors on another person or other things before he just dived into a friendship with them, just so long as they seemed good to him? Which really wouldn't be thinking before he acted o x o :

I feel like his poor judgement of character could possibly be a side effect of his mother leaving him as well maybe, since maybe after that he just wants to latch onto people and in turn has became a lot more forgiving or willing to overlook their faults ?

Moving right along ! o u o

Lacks confidence;

There were a few questions above about confidence but lets get a few more.

So before his mother left and took his brother with her what he a lot more confident in his own abilities? How exactly does he lack confidence if he is working harder on his grades ect? Like, even though he's working harder does he still doubt himself? I'm sure this puts a good deal of stress on him, how does lacking confidence put him in a social situation, like is he more quite now than he might of been in the past out of fear of turning someone away from him?

Are school and his own physical ability the only places he lacks confidence? How does this effect him in his study of Shinkendo and Aikido, does it make him work alot harder there as well, does it perhaps keep him from being a show off? Does it even keep him from entering things like competitions? In other words how more does this trait hinder him other than by making him doubt himself? How does it help him, I'm sure he's not much of a show off because of it?

Moving right along o uo !

Good Listener;
How exactly is his advice limited, is that something like he's not sure enough in things to give out much advise due to his lack of confidence? What are his limits to listening, as in do certain topics annoy him to the point where he doesn't want to listen? How flexible is he with topics he'll listen to, what's he comfortable with and what's he not in other words? Would he ever break someones trust and tell their secrets being as kind of gullible as he sounds?

I'm sure being the shoulder to cry on has its perks as in he likely has gained a fair amount of trust from his peers/friends?

Moving right along! o uo


you have a typo here at - how things work ad do what they do - and * <3

What types of things does he try to seek knowledge in? What things is he less likely to be curious about ? Do people tend to get offended by his inquisitiveness? As in can he take things to far or does he know when to back off? How long does he spend on one topic when curious about it ? Does his curiosity lead him into trouble at times? How is this a positive thing for him other than finding out about different things ?

I think that covers most of the things I can think of :Ia considering I think that most other parts of the profile are fairly solid =w =b So I hope this helps you out Neko~

Quests and Approval [Dream hero tiem]

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