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Reply [IC] Bhanu'Ecchumati Lands [IC]
Mega Plot Reaction RP (Open)

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Bhanu Ecchumati

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:53 pm
- Since this took forever, I'ma just do it this way. Those who wanna respond in the Mega plot, post here... I will be replying to everyone's post with my own members. :3 -

The Beginning of the plague........

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Avani had searched for her mother, who she last remembered was in a pride. A pride which she only knew the name of, and the name of their King. She was heading where some voices of creatures had told her the lands of the pride were located. She was growing weaker, sicker as the days were going by. Thona, not aware that Moray was being searched for, nor did he know what was going to happen to his pride in the next few months to come. She was dying, and would carry a plague that would cause almost a down fall to Thona's lands.

It didn't take long before Avani found the pride, the pride she wanted to call home. Yet, knew that she couldn't. Not with her body growing weaker and weaker. She had found what she was looking for. Falling at the feet of the King. Unable to speak her mother's name, unable to ask the king where she was. Thona looked down at her, frowned. He hadn't a clue who she was. Had forgot all about the children he had with Moray. She'd never get a chance to say good-bye to her mother, to tell her she loved her. Her last breaths were taken, as she stared weakly up at the King. Who she didn't know was her father.

He pushed her aside, and told a few pride members to take her dead body away. She smelled like death, and looked even worse. He had never seen something like that before. It was repulsing for Thona. He turned away before walking away. He had no idea what he had just did. The two that had taken her away from the pride were now sick. Not right away. Soon, a plague was to wash over the pride.

- Sailormoon72491 gave permission to have Avani to die in the plot story beginning.

A few days later....
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Thona was disgusted with looking at the dead body of some.... hybrid. She looked nothing like anyone he'd seen. Or that he'd seen that mattered. Her image had stuck into his mind, and he didn't know why. Something about her death was unsettling. He had noticed a few of his pride members were a little under the weather as of late, but he he thought he was just over working them with hunting. It was the winter months, and it was hard to come by food, so he made hunters work harder to find stuff to keep the pride a float.

He couldn't sleep well, at least not since that day. The leopon's face kept creeping up in his dreams waking him up. It wasn't something that he was use to.. He wasn't frightened, or perhaps he was. He'd never seen a disease kill someone. He assumed it was a disease, since it was a young leopon. Something kept eating at him in the back of his mind.

Not an ounce of fear was placed into his pride member's eyes that day, or at least none that he could see. He had made his pride well. Showing fear was showing weakness. Weakness wasn't accepted, unless, of course you were a female. Hardly any of the females in his pride showed any side of fright, at least he didn't think so. He wasn't look at them, only the males.

He finally stretched and got out of his sleeping area. It was time to look about the pride. Something was eating at him... Telling him to look around... Trying to piece together what this all meant. He frowned as started to walk around. He noticed he wasn't feeling too great either... He figured it was just from lack of sleep... but something told him it was something else.

(The sickness is a fast plague, so you can rp your Bhanu being sick and what not... Maybe some freaking out over those who are super sick.)  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:37 pm
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Rahu had been restless ever since the hybrid female had come onto the lands and had quickly died of something unknown at Thona's feet. he was at the moment laid out on his favorite rock with his head upon his paws and just stared out into the distance with a blank stare. his mind was going over that day and wondering if he should bother with being worried about it since the hybrid female had died from something unknown that could affect them. a soft growl was giving at no one as he was only causing himself stress by continuing to dwell on what happened that day. there really was nothing he could do about it and all he really could do was keep an eye out for anything weird going on around the pride with the other members. giving a big yawn, he grumbling a little to himself and continued to stare at nothing in particular as he allowed him mind to wander.  

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

Bhanu Ecchumati

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:47 am
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Nicki moved slowly around a huge rock. She knew exactly who was on it, but today she didn't stop to give conversations to Rahu. She felt horrible, something was wrong. She didn't know what was wrong, but something was. She let out a sneeze just below where Rahu was, and then collapsed. She didn't want to move anymore. Though, she wasn't as sick as some she had seen today.

It was crazy, how did everyone get sick? She wasn't there when the leopon had showed up, but she was hearing it from everyone around the pride. Was she the reason they were now sick? She didn't like it, not one bit. But what could she do? She had no knowledge of this. She sighed and let out another sneeze. She'd sit here until Thantos came for her. She didn't want to get up. Her head spun, and she couldn't see straight. What was going on?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:52 pm
Rahu snarled as Nicki collapsed below him and started sneezing. he was not pleased to be interrupted in his thoughts and on top of it she seemed a little ill with all the sneezing. which he was going to try to avoid getting sick if he could help it. " what is wrong with you?" he was now sitting up and staring down at her, almost feeling trapped on his rock since he didn't want to get too close. tail lashing about, he flicked his ears back as he glanced around to see if Thantos was around. if anythign he was going to force Thantos to deal with Nicki since it wasn't his job to help some female he didn't care about even if they were in the same pride. though if it was Aruna that was a different story entirely.

Thantos was not far since he wanted to make sure his children and mate were not affected by whatever it was going around. he was glad when he found were Nicki had wander to and was quick to go over to her. though he was not pleased that rahu was sitting there doing nothing but there was nothing he could do about what rahu did. after all rahu was basicly Thona's right hand man and was not one to mess with just like Thona was not one to mess with ether. " you ok Nicki?" he shot Rahu a glare as he went and sat next to Nicki who did not look good at all which worried him.  

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat


Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:32 pm
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[Note: My replies will be slow, but I will try my best to keep up. -Might need a poke every now and then-]

The whole pride has seemed to be in a large tizzy ever since that poor hybrid female died in front of Thona. It soon escalated to a large amount of the pride getting sick... and fast. During the time, Funanya was far too busy comforting the cubs of the pride and assuring them that they and everything else would be okay.

She kept her spirits up in front of the cubs to prevent them from worrying, but rather quickly, she found herself more and more not wanting to leave her sleeping area, more lethargic, lacking more energy. For the sakes of the cubs though, she managed to pull herself up onto her feet and take care of her nanny duties.
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:52 pm
Nicki was shivering, but trying not to. Thantos was there, and she didn't want him to worry, She tried to sit up, but it was difficult. Her body ached. "I'm... I'm okay." She lied trying to get to her feet, but decided it was best to just sit down and give him a weak smile. She ignored Rahu, as that's what she always did. He wasn't someone who she needed any attention from. She didn't want trouble.

"I'm just cold, that's all" She realized she was very cold, colder then she should be in this area. The heat was normally high, and hardly ever low at this time. She smiled at him. "I'll be fine."

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The pride was weakening, or at least that's how Rhindani saw it. Her chance was coming soon. She'd be able to over throw Thona if he didn't have anyone to back him up. Things were going better than she had hoped. She wasn't sick, and everyone else around her was. Well, she supposed not everyone. She figured if she was going to get sick, she would have already. She smirked as she moved around.

She didn't want to look too pleased about it, but she couldn't help it. The sound of sickness, the smell of sickness, it was almost as if the gods wished her to over throw this lands. What she could do with the power of controlling them all. Of course, she wasn't as feared as Thona, she figured most would leave after he was dead. Or maybe, they'd fear her after all? She didn't know. Nor did she care. She flicked her tail and eyed Rahu, then moved to the couple below the rock. Well, this seemed promising, if Rahu got sick too, then she wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Bhanu Ecchumati

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:44 pm
Thantos frowned and curled up to Nicki to try to make her warmer. he was now very worried about his mate and could not bare to think of anything happening to her. " ok, but i will be staying right here with you." he tried his best to ignore Rahu snarling in annoyance, since he didn't want to start a fight with Nicki right here all weak. though he was quick to give a low warning growl when Rhindani came over since he didn't want anyone messing with Nicki. " what do you need Rhindani."

Rahu was not pleased with this gathering and was about ready to smack Thantos around for the glare. snarling he did not move from his perch and wasn't going to unless he had to seeing as one of them was sick which could make him sick just from being around them. " this spot is getting a bit too crowed for my taste." standing up, he shot Rhindani a look that said she was a unwelcome and unneeded. though he wouldn't mind her getting rid of Thantos and Nicki for him but it seemed he was going to be forced to find somewhere else to be. but better yet he should go find thona to talk to about what was going on as it would be a better use of his time as he was worried that he or his mate Aruna could get infected too.  
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:16 am
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Nzambi drags her sick-riddled body toward the shade of the trees and a cough shook her body, causing her to sway back and forth before she collapses under the shade of tree. Gritting her teeth, the cheetah bites back a groan of pain as it throbs throughout her body and the black spots dances in front of her eyes while she struggles to stay conscious. She takes in a deep breath as she feels another wave of nausea and pain cresting up, threatening to overwhelm her; she groans little bit as she curses the fact that she caught the illness that have been spreading around but she is too stubborn to die.

Laying on her side, Nzambi pants as she watches the pride members mills around confusedly, some trying to tend to the ones that fell to the plague and some are fighting among each other. She knows she's alone when it comes to this pride and Thona only comes to her when he needs something from her so nobody will be taking care of her. She will have to fight this illness off and survive so she could personally rip Thona's throat out for not being there or making sure she's ok. But again, she knew that Thona doesn't care for her as long as she hunts with other hunters and offers herself up for Thona's pleasure, but that doesn't mean she won't go after him because she definitely will when she recovers. Her eyes lands on one of the most amusing mate pairs but her heart almost lurched as she sees the sign of desperation in the brown leopard, Kiume's movements as he tries to rouse his mate.

User ImageKiume paces around as he watches Zavannah whom is laying nearby, seeming to be lethargic and he is not sure what to do. He have grown to love this female but he will deny it if anyone calls him out on it and he will die for his mate if it calls for it. "Zavannah.." He murmurs as he moves closer to his mate whom is curled up in a tight ball and nuzzles her body lightly. "Zavannah.... are you ok?" He keeps his voice neutral but his mate could tell that he's worried about her. When his mate didn't budge from the tight ball position or respond to his calls, the panic lodges in his throat as he began to nuzzle her face, trying to wake her up. "Zavannah..... woman, you better wake up right now because this is not the time to die." He tries to sound arrogant since he knows that it will provoke his lovely mate's ire but his voice shook little bit.

As Zavannah stirs little bit and growls at him to leave her alone so she could sleep, Kiume was beside himself with relief and to his horror, he felt tears forming in his eyes. He suddenly wiped his face against his front leg because its not usual for him to show any "weak" emotions and he takes in a shaky breath while he immediately laid down with his body wrapped around Zavannah's curled up body. "You gave me a scare, woman. Don't do that again." He orders his mate but in more lighter tone than usual.

User Image Zavannah caught the illness but fortunately it was a mild case so she is not suffering as much as some of their pride members. Kiume have been ushering her to the far corner of the pridelands away from others to ensure that she won't get sick even more but the issue is that she doesn't have energy to move around a lot and this is one of those moments. She struggled to continue walking because she knows they are almost to the spot where Kiume would want them to stay until the plague clears out but lethargy seems to win out often. She stumbles toward one huge boulder and immediately laid down in curled position without saying a word to Kiume because it is becoming a routine for her to lay down and go to sleep or rest without any warning.

The second she closes her eyes, she was completely out to the point where she wouldn't hear or feel anything because she would be in deep sleep, trying to restore her energy again. After few minutes of floating around in the darkness, she felt herself shake and muzzle nuzzling her while voice ordering her not to die on him and she slowly opens her eyes irritatedly, annoyed with her mate for disturbing her nap. She growls as she gives him a irritated glare while grumbling, "Leave me alone and let me sleep. I am fine. I swear." She closes her eyes once again, feeling her mate wrap his body against hers in tight snuggling position and she allows herself to sink back into that peaceful darkness and warmth of her mate.

User Image Nichola have been extremely careful not to get in contact with any pride members except for her family and to her dismay, her mother have fallen to the plague. Her tail flicks back and forth anxiously as she follows her parents to the rock from the safe distance because she didn't want to risk getting sick but at same time, she is torn between wanting to be with her mother or not getting infected. Her love for her mother and father won over her self-perseverance and she slowly makes her way over to her parents, eyeing the female that looks almost like Thona but with red spots warily.

"Hey mama..." The leopardess says softly as her eyes flicks toward her parents curled up together then back at the female before she puts herself between her parents and the female, sitting on her hunches with her tail draped over her mother's body. "Who are you?" Nichola says quietly as she watches the female with guarded expression. "From my father's reaction, you aren't welcome. I would recommend that you leave so we.wouldn't have any problems here" She murmurs lightly, her voice is gentle but there is a ice steel underlying the words.

(I will include Theron in the next few posts)  

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:36 pm
The nightmare had only started, Thona realized. Sickness was ripping threw his lands, and he couldn't control it. How dare this happen. How dare he have to put his members through this. He needed a strong healthy army to over come the world, but instead he was getting a group of pathetic sick bastards. Though, it had become worse than he ever imagined, a few already too sick to walk, his mate sick as well. Everything was spiraling out of control. He could feel his muscles becoming weak, but he refused to admit he was sick as well, no. He couldn't show any weakness. This was the time he needed to appear strong, and he would. Though sickness was upon his face, he still stood strong, and made no notice of it.

He would have to speak out... He would have to address his people soon. Before it was too late. No one could leave, he could see this now. No one could be found outside of the pride until this was handled. He moved towards a rock that was high up in the air. The pride was small, but he wanted to make sure everyone could hear him. He wanted to make sure they could see him and know that he was strong, and not effected by this. Perhaps that'd give a little hope to them. He wasn't big on this stuff, but it was something he must do.

Rhindani ignored the young leopardess child of Nicolieus. She was surprised that one didn't know who she was, but no matter. It wasn't something of her concern, She needed to plot. She needed to plan her next move. Something no one would expect, and she'd have to weed out those who would help her. She'd find the perfect couple of felines to help her. This was perfect. She'd rule and things would change for the better. She was power hungry, and for the first time she was going to make it work. For the first time, females would rule over the males.

Once she had thought this was all a silly dream, and would have easily put it behind her, but now... now it was too good of an opportunity to turn away. Something was calling to her for it to happen. Calling her to do what needed to be done, and she was going to answer to it. She was going to rise above everyone. All she needed was to prepare things perfectly. She moved away from the others, she had lots of planning to do. Slipping off without too much notice.

Nicolieus couldn't talk, she was exhausted, she put a paw upon her daughter's and gave her a sweet smile. Such a sweet girl, she was going far. Well, sweet girl for this pride. She knew a few of her children weren't exactly what she had hoped to be, but she didn't expect anything less. She knew some would be like everyone else in the pride, she was even beginning to be like them. It was only a matter of time before she was off doing the same things that they were doing. It wasn't a happy thought, but it was what happened when you lived somewhere too long.

She looked to Thantos. Hopefully he'd be able to do something, to take this pain away. She didn't want to be sick, she hated seeing their worried faces. She tried to stand again, but couldn't. This time she decide to just stay. It would all just pass. She didn't think she was that sick, she just needed some rest. Yes... Sleep.

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Rupesh watched in silence, he didn't know what to do about anything, and he knew he'd only get in the way. He sat down close to where his siblings were, waiting. Maybe this was just some bad dream, and he'd wake up soon. He knew better than that, however. He had lived in a harsh place, and now he was seeing the harshest parts come to life. He'd never realize how good he had it until know. Strange as it was, but it was true.

samus x


Caitlyn Hellstorm
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:20 am
A movement caught Nzambi's eyes and she spotted Thona moving toward somewhere so she forced her body to support the weight while she tries to stalk toward the dratted leopard but she stumbles every few steps with a soft groan when her body shrieked at her in pain. Only thing that caused her to successfully get in Thona's path is sheer determination as she glowers at the leopard in annoyance. "So... tell me this...." Her voice sounds little shaky as she stood in front of the leopard, concentrating on not falling over while speaking to Thona. "What will happen to this pride? That hybrid...." She coughs as she trembles little bit. "Who was she?" She glares up at him, noticing that he was one of many that is suffering from this plague.


Nichola refused to move her eyes away from the daughter of Thona, she just made the connection while she looked the female over but she kept her mouth shut because there is no reason for her to mention the obvious thing. The leopardess knows that something is up because there is almost a shifty look on Rhindani's expression and that caused her hackles to raise little bit but before she could comment or react, the female moved away from her and her parents and she sighs little bit, letting the tension leak out of her body.

Feeling her mother's paw on hers, she turns toward her mother with a tired yet worried look on her face and she nuzzles her lightly. "How are you doing, mama?" She softly says, knowing that she might won't get a response back but as long as her mama rest up and get better, she will take the silence over the chatter. When her mother tried to stand up but couldn't, Nichola had to bite back a sob because it is tearing her apart to see her sweet and doting mother so weak and frail when she doesn't even deserve to be hit with this plague. "Rest, mama....I am here.. so is papa..." She murmurs lightly as she lays down on other side with her body pressed against her mother, trying to provide some heat as possible.


User ImageTheron prowls grimly around the pridelands, helping his father out to see which ones are ill and which ones aren't and to his dismay, majority of the pride have fallen under the plague's control so that means this pride is ripe for pickings if anyone decides to try to take over because almost everyone is too weak to do anything. Trotting back to the spot where his siblings have agreed to meet so they could help each other, Theron considers himself a leader of his 'batch' of siblings so he tries to assert the control over them whenever he can. Spotting Rupesh there but not others, Theron's pink eyes narrows little bit as he approaches his brother.

"Only way we can escape this nightmare is to escape to our dreams and sleep..." Theron murmurs as he knows that Rupesh is stunned about this event and he sits next to his brother. "But ... the sleep won't last, we all will wake up to this terrible reality." He looks at his brother. "We need to patrol soon, brother. We need to make sure there are no intruders trying to get in and take over the pride." He stands up as he flicks his tail little bit. "Do you think you can handle the patrol?" He says with a slight growl in his voice.


Kiume sighs lightly in relief as he curls up in a tight snuggling position around Zavannah, letting her slip back into that darkness which scares him because he will never know if she will wake up again or if her eyes will snap open lifelessly. "You better be fine, woman. I swear, I will find a way to bring you back to life just to beat you up for scaring me." He growls near Zavannah's ear whom caused his mate to sink one of her claws into his paw in annoyance. He growls as he grimaces at the claw being imbedded in his paw but he didn't move because he was relieved that his mate is still fiery and still have that spark of life inside him. His eyes flickers toward Thona and Nzambi as the cheetah female is standing in his way for some reason.

"Foolish female..." He mutters as he rests his head on top of Zavannah's neck and watches the scene since they are still within the sight range of the pride. His tail twines together with Zavannah as he tries to keep his mate warm and stop the shivering that contiunes to wracks her body.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

[IC] Bhanu'Ecchumati Lands [IC]

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