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[PRP] Earth Shattering Kaboom (Slven + Empy)

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Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:21 am
The day outside was bright and sunny, warm sunlight streamed through the ship's canopies, a light breeze wafted through the corridors, carried through the bio-dome to the young and old relaxing inside. Tame, peacable, something that the adults craved and the young undervalued. It was also very early in the morning. Very, very early. The sun had risen only minutes-- User Image--- ago.

There was an unholy explosion of twisting metal and the sickly smell of burning carpet filling the hallway of Deck 2. A moment of silence persisted before the alarms went off and the sprinklers turned on.

Empyrean rolled through the broken doorway, covered in soot and dust, landing with an oof against the door directly across from the first science lab. He coughed a little, calmly removing the broken glasses covering his eyes and wafting smoke off his clothing. Apparently that's what it did when agitated chemicals interact-- User Image Another shot of fire and the door above him was shot from the lab, the device apparently had more than one shot in it. How intriguing. Perhaps he could do something to harness this destructive power?

Then, the sprinklers in the hallway and the room turned on. Empy wasn't getting up just yet. He was still busy considering the implications scientifically of this discovery. There were other implications, naturally, that did not even vaugely appear in his mind; primarily those of the two doors he had just blown up, the supressing foams and the blaring alarms at just past dawn--- but who cared about that when you had science!

He wiped his hands on his legs, noticing that there was a burn mark in a poor location. Well, he could always get another suit. Although... the doors might cause a small disturbance, but honestly, not a big deal, really!  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:13 am
A very deep slumber the raven had been in up until the first boom. The loud sound of twisting metal caused the amber eyed boy to turn in his bed, clutching his pillow tightly and covering his ears once the alarms started, Slven started to grit his teeth. Who was awake at this hour honestly? Slevn was normally a fairly calm and reasonable individual, or at least in his own opinion, but when it came to certain things like sleep or his twin, he was anything but.

A low growl was the answer to the smell of burning carpet, the boys feet hit the floor with a heavy thump. Toes wiggling as the raven stood wobbling for a moment. The sleepy child peered towards his door, taking one step forward pausing and going wide eye as a chuck of his door blew free and slapped against the back wall of his room, creating a rather large dent. "...Ah! " He hadn't meant to sound as frightened as he did just the flying metal caught him a little off guard. At least the surprise did well in quelling his temper..

A soft padding noise could be heard within the room before Slven poked his head out of the newly acquired hole in his door, peering around and landing on what he only could assume was the cause of this problem. ".....Did you do this?" Came the curious question as amber eyes locked on the other boy. That noise was most annoying he thought to himself about the loud blaring alarm. Hopefully Ghost would turn it off soon, or it would just go off once mother took notice of what was going on. Slven made a sound of displeasure as the sprinklers mist started to lick at his skin, still groggy and not appreciating being wet and awake.


Mysterious Kitten

Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:32 pm
Empyrean, who slept only when it was absolutely necessary (or when he passed out) slowly got to his feet, surreptitiously putting a hand over the ill-placed hole in his suit and then squirming because water was leaking down his face. The younger child had a very guilty look about him. He looked up at Slven and twisted with all the cunning of a terrible liar.

"Hum, I suppose good morning and... not precisely. The door was collateral damage of the explosion-" he pointed back to the smoking lab with a thumb. "if you want to place blame entirely, I suppose the laws of physics and motions are the true villains at fault here." Because that made everyone happier to know...

Above them the sprinkler in the hallway and room turned off, but not in the lab. The alarms died down with an annoyed beep. Mother was most likely unimpressed. That was fine. "I'm Empyrean--" there weren't a lot of other kids around, but Empyrean had a bad habit of not paying attention to those things. He was more about-- "oh, there are scorch marks on your door---" and he promptly began to examine the marks. Because well, science.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:46 pm
Guilt. The raven could see it all over the others face, yes he was the cause of the source of Slven's annoyance at the moment. Defiantly. Amber's blinked watching the transformation of the others features curiously before he spoke, hearing the others voice for the first time, it was always amusing for Slven to hear the voice of others..they never quiet looked like they belonged to the body in his opinion.

Taking in the words he couldn't help but quirk an amused smile. How clever. . annoying but clever.

".....The morning is not so good..do you like being awoken and wet of the mornings? " He replied, tone calm though cutting. Sighing heavily as he peered to the smoking lab, pressing a hand to his door as the other got closer to examine it. Slven rolled the name around in his head before repeating it curiously, "Empyrean.." Once the sprinklers went off there was a soft sound of relief that left his lips. One annoyance was gone now there was just... "Thank you Mother..." Hummed the boy, knowing she would hear, Mother heard all right?

Mother, Ghost..would they be mad if Slven..punish-

Closing his eyes, his head tilted to the side, "that's because of the explosion, you caused...isn't it?" He reached a hand out and slapped the button next on his wall, the door slowly opening though having a bit of a hard time due to the jagged edges the hole in it held. The loud creak it made caused Slven to sigh again before narrowing his eyes on the other boy, now in full view of him. Hm....how to handle such a boy? The raven cast his eyes back to the lab and blinked, curiously. If the boy could blow a hole into his door...maybe he could...get rid of that pesky barrier outside?

"What caused the explosion? ...Did you make something?" Slven questioned turning back to Empyrean, just now bothering to give the other a good look over. He looked at Empyrean's hands, wondering why he was holding his suit like that. "....? " Stares at him questioningly, ah well he was more interested in knowing what made the explosion, this was a very strange boy.

But if he could help Slven get outside the barrier ...the raven was willing to overlook that. A grin passed over Slven's lips, "I'm Slven.. "


Mysterious Kitten

Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:32 am
The question, Empyrean garnered was rhetorical, but he answered it anyway, because even rhetorical questions should be answered to a scientist, question everything! Nothing could be left unturned. Mother had plenty of restricted sections of research, things he was too young to learn or not 'mature' enough to handle, still, he was more interested in the very notion that this was something dangerous than anything else.

"I've never experienced such an awakening so I cannot accurately judge my reaction; however I find that I shower in the morning to continue waking anyway so I can't find it too problematic." He crossed his arms over his chest, forgetting the gaping holes in his suit for the moment to look petulant.

"Well if by caused the explosion you mean the chemical reactions that forced the doors apart--- no.... but I did mix the chemicals against my better judgement."
And Mother's repeated warnings. "But I had no idea that the reaction between the two plasmaoids would be quite that... volatile." Even though Mother had told him. "But really, a little discomfort is nothing in the eyes of scientific development!" As evidenced from the fact that he hadn't slept since the day before because he was /sure/ Mother would sweep away the potentially dangerous concoction the second he closed his eyes (the fact that she probably would have...)
Empyrean shook his head. dislodging more soot. "Well Slven, I'm sorry that your door has been sacrificed in the name of science, but such sacrifices only add to the march of progress." Spoken by someone who was going to find a way to blow half the ship up at the rate he was going.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:19 am
Slven eyed the boy as he answered his obvious rhetorical question, what a curious boy. Or perhaps he was just to full of himself... Slven hadn't decided on which he thought to be true just yet. "I see...then further test should be done, I would be willing to aid you in finding out. " His tone held a bit of a warning to the other though it was hard to tell if he was teasing much less about what he was teasing on, perhaps that of he would return the favor of a cold morning wake up call ? ...Or maybe it was a response to the rather sulky almost bad-tempered look the other was giving him..

Slven didn't mind provoking after all his own mood was fluctuating at the moment as it was. Amber orbs trailed to the holes in the others suit once his arms moved, curiously eyeing the bits of exposed skin for a moment. Thoughts beyond simple curiosity were not really forming at the moment considering he was still a child but there was a hint of darker curiosity that touched the ambers eyes beyond the normal of what a child should have. "You need to change.. " Came the rather dismissive reply as he turned his attention back towards the lab room that was still rolling out smoke.

The others rambled and weaseling words amused the raven to no end. Was he trying to convince Slven this was not his fault ? The words were falling on a lost cause as no matter what the other said Slven blamed him for the damages to his door and his precious sleep. "So...you did do it, I'm a little curious of what better judgement you actually have." Considering you've yet to apologize to me the raven hissed the last part mentally, his anger working back up with all the round about he was getting from the other boy.

A little discomfort is nothing in the eyes of scientific development, Slven turned his eyes back to the other boy at these words, something a little sinister touching said eyes at the thought. ".....Really.." Was his only reply for the moment, a few things stirring about in his head that well would probably make one a little squeamishness if spoken aloud. So Empyrean didn't mind discomfort if in the name of science...good to know.

Good to know a way around getting in trouble for punishing Empyrean later. A smirk stretched over his thin pink lips at the sorry. "Of course...Say.. " Slven took a step towards the other boy and glanced back to the lab, "what exactly were you mixing..? " He wanted to know what could cause that explosion given he could try to use it to open the barrier outside. "Do you have anything else you are working on ? " He ask softer trying to keep the anger and revenge from his tone, seeming curious about the other, " I suppose you are of science affinity ..." Slven eyed the other coolly.


Mysterious Kitten

Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:24 am
Empyrean was oblivious to the look he was getting, he was concentrating on his best, most innocent face (Mother would not have bought it, but Empy was sure she was still pissed about the laser torch on that bulk-head ((how was he to know it had delicate wires inside!)) but he had repaired that... eventually) which was hard when he was almost literally red handed.

"Oh, you have an interest in science, too?"
He did not pick up on the warning tone of the other boy and Empyrean slid closer, ready to explain and go on a long, unfocused rant about the true magic of the universe that would make even a force-user start to wonder if there was some sort of religious tilt to the deep exotic arts of science. But luckily he was only up to opening his mouth when Slven pointed out his wardrobe malfunction.

Empyrean blushed, covering his exposed bits with his hands. "I suppose I'm lucky it was just my clothing..." And not, say, his head.

"Mother is my better judgement. I find it best to turn her warnings on mute if I want to actually get any work done, however.
" So no, no he did not have better judgement. "She does warn about potential... uh... mishaps, but I think the best part of science is in the doing. Oh, I've been attempting to make a bio-gel that contains explosive nanites. Uh, but so far I've come up with an exploding paste, and a health-gel that works on burns. Complete failures, I admit. I was adjusting the chemical reactive interfaces with the nanites when..." he motioned to the path of destruction behind him. Eager to boast about his failures as much as his successes, as famous human scientists said 'I have not failed to make the light-bulb 200 times, I have found 200 ways not to make a lightbulb.' Even though it had been a human, Empyrean thought they were wise, wise words. Also, it was encouraging in times when there was a door on the ground and an explanation demanded.

"Oh, I just finished another project a few hours ago--- oh no! The explosion!"
He turned back to the lab and hurried inside, still talking. "It's a very sensitive... oh good." He picked up a strange device, about the size of an egg. "This is my masterpiece! A force-user puzzle box! I made it so that in a fight, you can throw this at their head and they have to solve the puzzle while you can flee!" He pressed the button on the side and it gave a whirl then began smoking as something inside it broke. "Uh... still has a few kinks I need to work out."

Inside the lab it was not as badly destroyed as the robotic fire-supressing arms might have led one to believe. The majority of the bench nearest the door had taken the explosion, glass and smoking gel on the ground slowly being sucked up by a cleaning bot that looked like it might grow arms and throttle the messy scientist, if it could. The lab was a mess in other areas, every surface had been taken by half-destroyed or created projects, and the monitors were either flashing angry messages from Mother or seemed to have been set to display complex arrays of chemical and mechanical designs.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:23 pm
"Oh, you have an interest in science, too?" Slven shifted and gave a half smirk to the other boy murmuring as he peered to the lab in interest, " an interest..but... I have interest in lots of things. " When Empyrean blushed as he did at the pointing out of his outfit a light bulb of sorts flickered in Slven's head. Well at least the blabbermouth had some shame to him it would seem. That could be a useful thing, very useful. Blinking slowly at the other his smirk dropped to a sort of bored and annoyed look.

At least it had only been his clothing. "Mhm it could have been your door...or your head...wouldn't that be a shame" Slven gave a small laugh after his reply. Was that a tease? Or annoyed pointing out that he was still not forgiving the other for the large hole in his door.

"Turning deaf ear isn't the smartest of options I hope you learn from your mistakes, Empyrean..wouldn't want something bad to happen to you..." Of course he didn't have better judgement, funny Slven was under the impression science affiany should be smarter than this. His attention caught on the other eyes wrinkling at the corner in mirth for the long-winded explanation, there was an odd sort of hilarity in this. "Complete failures? " They didn't sound like complete failures, however his own dabbling in science things were limited but he did know some thanks to bored reading after his training practice. "If they are complete failures to you, then you have no use for them? " Slven asked curiously before adding, "if that's the case feel free to stick them in the hole in my door as payment." Yes he was demanding retribution in someway aside from later punishment for now and why not with things the other finds no use in? Healing gels and exploding gels could be useful, someway, somewhere.

When the other turned back to the lab and hurried inside, Slven followed after him. Leaning against the singed door frame he eyed the strange device. Curious. What was this device he wondered closing in on the other boy with a tilt of his head. A puzzle box? Was he assuming force-users were stupid enough to not ignore such a thing? An irritation flickered in his eyes as he asked, "you can't be serious. . could one not simply slice this in half with a blade or knock it away and ignore it, you realize force-users are not all simple-minded?" Slven gave him a stern look and leaned back on his heels. He was one said force-user, his mind was fairly sharp in his own opinion and thank to a book he had picked up Slven was ...learning a very interesting mental skill. Blinking as the device whirled then started to smoke he had to snort a low, "impressive.." pausing he lifted a brow to the other and challenged, "well then when you've worked them out bring it to show me." Slven wasn't one to ask, he demanded or played on others to get what he wanted such as the challenge.

Turning from the other he peered around the lab, it wasn't like he hadn't been in here before considering he roomed right across from it, just he had never seen it this messy. Slven's nose wrinkled in annoyance for the smell of smoke and hard tellings what, "it stinks in here.." The raven said casually heading over to one of the tables that hadn't been caught in the explosion to examine one of the half-created projects. Amber orbs curiously rolled over the object before flickering to one of the flashing angry messages from Mother, "seems you've angered more than one person today." Pity. Turning he leaned on the work bench and tilted his head at the genome in red, "can you make anything that works...like stronger weapons ?" A bored sigh and look followed his questioning.


Mysterious Kitten

Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:48 am
Empyrean shrugged lightly at the offer to take his failures off his hands. Since they were in a different direction to what he had intended for them. Still he was secretly proud that even his failures garnered interest. That was the importance of science in this place! Sure, they might be on an alien planet with strange, unnatural things lurking in the wide outside world, but with the right application of scientific method all problems could be overcome. Logical thinking, analytical practices... or was it analytical thinking, logical practices... he was behind on some of his theory studies. He didn't mind reading, so long as it lead to actual exploitation of methodology.

The failure of the force-user net made him groan. "Great Mother, six days of work all gone because of a miscalculation." He plucked the device from Slven's hands, shaking his head. "No, no; it was designed that with a small charge, it would deploy a force-net, only escapable by the careful application of psychic intrusion to six weak nodes in the structure. I only needed an infusion and it would have worked... probably. I still had a problem with the placement of the nodes. Now, I'll have to... gaahh-" He continued speaking as he took a small micro-screwdriver to the contraption and began to open it, pulling out a few melted wires. "The blue wires are so hard to find."

Empyrean glanced up eagerly at the older boy and fiddled with his screwdriver in one hand. "You'd really want to see my completed works? I mean, I have some... uh... but nothing... well, polished." He waved at the havoc that was his workspace, a constant disarray of half-formed projects and started ideas, dirty blueprints and half-finished codes. Clearly, he had trouble focusing.

"Stronger weapons? Are we talking structural strength or damage... what sort of... wait, I have a data pad around here somewhere." He pulled out a mostly undamaged pad from under two thick metal pipes and pulled out the specs on the basic ship-based artillery. "Okay, so, what sort of enhancement are we talking about?" Not even a thought for if it would cause him trouble or if making stronger weapons was morally questionable.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:42 pm
"Hmm..." A hum of disappointed sounded as the device was plucked from his hands. Cold pools of amber watched with less than mild curiosity as the other began to tinker with the contraption. Leaning back on the table he lowered his gaze on the other raven before looking around the area again. Appearing as if he was ignoring him purposefully. Listening as Empyrean blabbed on it took all that was in him to not roll his eyes and simply leave. No he was going to give retribution along with get use out of this one. There was a high penalty when you crossed him and Empyrean would find his out be it obvious or not.

Glancing back he caught the eager look in the younger boys eyes and smirked with a lazy grin. "That's what I said wasn't it?" A smirk took place of the grin at the reply of not having many polished projects to show." ...I'm beginning to from a hypothesis. I'll give you a hint to it, it's not in your favor of being a very skilled scientist. It's a shame since I was starting to get just a little impressed.." The challenging purr in his voice was openly evident as he spoke, letting his educated assumption of the other be known as he eyed each half-finished project in sight. Empyrean could stand for a little taking down in his honest opinion and for that matter Slven found that others tended to work better when challenged or when pressured.

Each of which he intended to implement on Empyrean, his amber eyes trailed back to the other boy at the talk of weapons.

Giving a nod he leaned further back on the bench and tilted his head, black locks swooped to the side of his face as he watched the other boy silently for a moment gathering what best to say in response. "Mhm." The bored look remained on his face as he slipped up form the bench to move to the others side. Leaning over him and into Empyrean's personal space Slven peered over the data pad in his hand curiously watching as the specs on the basic ship-based artillery came into view. "Interesting little device..." Peering up to the other he offered before turning his eyes down to the pad and pointing out the metal sword. "Sword enhancements...strength would be a good start.." Start, the word was emphasized letting the other know that if he managed to pull it off Slven would return for more.

"The question being, could you fashion something stronger that is durable and easy to handle?" Slven would never openly admit but learning to wield the metal sword was already an issue as such he really didn't need the sword to be enhanced only to not be able to lift it.


Mysterious Kitten

Auric Halcyon

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:20 pm
Empyrean didn't seem to notice the remark that he was a doomed scientist, it was as though his domestic hearing simply clicked in, or he didn't realize his mad skills had just been challenged, or dissed. "I'm sure."

At the note that Empyrean's devices weren't impressive, however, he frowned. "You've just caught me on a bad day. I'm..." experiencing a number of catastrophic experiments...? "-in the middle of some breakthroughs in so many areas, it's hard to comit to just one field of study."

Empyrean didn't notice the invasion of his personal space, he was, afterall, holding a datapad that wasn't the biggest device in the world. He leaned a little so the other boy could see the screen better. "Strength enhancements, eh? Well are we talking about damage output or the strength of the blade itself? I mean, you could attach a pressurized canister to the core of a force-blade and enhance its vibration and cutting strength by.... uh.... well 'hot knife through butter' levels. But you mean a metal sword... I suppose I could rig some kind of sonic frequencies to the resonance of the blade; although the backlash that might cause...."

He paused in his hypothesis, "Well, of course I /could/ make such a weapon. I can make anything, really. I mean, since its for science, I'm morally obligated to make it, aren't I?"

Of course there was the small matter of trying to get some weapons to enhance.... Mother had a habit of locking him out of the cabinets with sharp objects.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:43 am
"Oh of course.... I'm sure." A somewhat teasing smile parted his lips at the answer of he was just focused in many areas and not just one. Scatterbrain. This one was surely so Slven thought while eyeing Empyrean, something of a trait he could use against him later if needed very nice. Looking over the data pad he rose a brow this thing could be useful to 'borrow' later.

Making the note the boy shifted back on his heels and yawned softly as Empyrean started into his little science rant. Once the other raven had settled down and posed the question Slven's head nodded softly, "yes, strength enhancements. Both are possible correct?" The challenge in his tone was once again present as he eye'd the other boy, why should he settle when the other clearly owed him.

Circling the other he smirked then shrugged offering with a casual ease to his tone,"Good then I'll allow you to use my sword and myself to test such an experiment. However...if you mess it up...." His words trailed off but a silent threat flickered to life in his dark amber eyes. Just as silently Slven shook his head and moved back towards the entrance of the lab, pausing he looked back at Empyrean and rose a brow, "well come on, its in my room...if you don't hurry I'll make you use the hole to get in." Smirking he turned and headed towards his door leaving it unclear by features or tone if he was in fact kidding about making the other use the hole in the door if he missed Slven opening it.


Mysterious Kitten

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