Kusimamia'Utulivu - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Tavar'urya - Das Tor

His heart had stopped, and he was lying beside Tavar, in shock as he realized what had happened.  He'd found himself lying with another male, something he'd not thought would happen.  Glancing at the other, he found it odd thathe'd not had any visions.  As the light of day filtered into his eyes, his tails flicked slightly, and he tried to stand, hoping that Tavar was asleep......

Tavar had been sleeping soundly, completely sated for the moment. He had fully succeeded in getting under Tuli's skin. And gotten him to scream all sorts of nice things~ Really, he felt rather accomplished. Maybe a little more, but...for now he wouldn't explore that. At all. He'd always been a light sleeper, so Tuli's movement roused him, getting him to grumble a bit and open an eye. "And where d'ya think you're going, hm? Leaving so soon?"

The male froze, flushing softly, and glancing at the other, ".....You want me to stay?"  That was odd.  He wouldn't have expected Tavar to be that sort.  His paws were poised to keep moving, "Did you expect me to stay longer?"  His body wanted him to, as did his Demon...his body was sated.  And as much as he hated to say it, he'd adored what had just happened between them.

Tavar chuckled, smirking. "What, did you think me the sort to screw and leave? Well...in this case, it'd be a bit around, but...eh." He shrugged. "You're not some rogue female used simply to bring new blood into the pride and avoid inbreeding. I've put too much effort into you to just want you to leave after the fact." It seemed...anti-climatic that way. "So unless you're the type to leave...I do not mind you staying." It was nice, having someone sleeping at his side that wasn't his cousin. And Umarth hadn't done that since she was halfway through her adolescence.

The male took a slow breath, at that.  Okay....that was acceptable. Moving back to Tavar's side, he glanced at him, "What did you mean, you've put effort into me?  I am not some pet project.  This was a tease, his eyes soft, "Nor is my Demon, before the thought catches your mind."

Tavar outright laughed, a deep, throaty sound. "Oh no, no." He grinned wickedly at the other. " You started as a simple challenge, a way to keep me on my toes. Now..." How did he put it without sounding...weak. Or foolish. Or anything else undemonic. Damn. It seemed Tuli had gotten under HIS skin a bit...well now.

Those blue eyes were innocent and calm, as he gazed at the other, ears twitching, "Now....?"  He was curious as to what the other was thinking, and...the fact that he was now cuddled against Tavar's side, purring happily, "Now.....what?"

Tavar hadn't been expecting the cuddle. He felt the skin under his fur flush a bit, and he tried to shove down any...MUSHY tendencies. "Now, perhaps you are more than a challenge." There. That would suffice for now, until he could better explain it.

Tuli rolled his eyes, chuckling softly and lapping at Tavar's ear once, before his head lay on his paws. "You and most other Demons I know far too well are so...silly."  He was glad that being a Tua'zan meant that he was able to relax with his emotions.

Tavar huffed, frowning. "I am not 'silly'." He lightly bit at the other's ear. "A Tirma'ath cannot afford to be 'silly'." Especially not when they survived being trained by Tuli's mother. That lioness only held back enough to not kill her students. He had plenty of scars from her training, however. Age had done nothing to curb her deadliness.

He chuckled, "Yes.  Tirma'ath have a difficult job.  Be glad my mother will know naught of what happened between you and I."  He knew that Tavar trained under his mother.  A wicked look lit those blue eyes, and he laughed, "After all......if she did know, something tells me she may.....go a lot harder on you~"

Tavar held his head up, trying to look like the Aran'shale-descendant he was. "I could handle it. I'm no cub anymore." Despite his confidence, however...he knew quite well the lioness would likely kick his a** in a fight. She never stopped fighting, so had seasons of experience on him. Hell...she'd gotten the respect of Verge'lian BEFORE she'd had those many seasons of experience! "So...we are keeping this secret?"

"That is your choice." His voice was quiet, and those blue eyes became calm, steady, "My mother and I are close, but if you wished me not to tell, I would not.  I am a Tua'zan.  I have no fear of what I do.  It is not something I will be judged for.  It also doesn't change the fact that I can also keep a secret, just as well.”

Tavar was quiet a moment, before shaking his head. "If you want to tell her, I do not mind. I shall take any consequences in stride." He smirked. "I may be, as you would put it, an a*****e, but I do not run from such things." If his former teacher felt the need to test him, he would take it in stride.

Tuli bowed his head, accepting this, "Yes.  Mother will want to know...but for this morning....I think I will stay."  He pressed his pelt closer to Tavar, enjoying the closeness.  It felt lvely, and he was adoring the sensation of being close to another who did not cause him such terrible pain of visions.  Licking the other's ear, he nuzzled the other's neck, and sighed happily.

Tavar, for his part, was rather content for the moment. Tuli felt nice against him, and...well, there was something about being near the other without barbed wits or blows being traded. Soothing, almost. Even Lashi seemed at ease for the time being. "And you are welcome." He chuckled. "I suppose I should expect your mother in the next couple of nights." He doubted that, once Tuli told her, she would wait to confront him.

"You should. My mother is quite protective of her cubs." He sighed happily and curled into the other, falling right back into a light sleep, flank rising and falling as he slipped into blissful dreamlessness.