Kusimamia'Utulivu - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Tavar'urya - Das Tor

Tavar yawned as he stretched out, returning to the dens from his duty round. Ah...he was looking forward to filling his belly, then going to sleep. And then the next night...he'd see if he couldn't track down Tuli. He rather missed tormenting the male. It was so much fun getting the calm facade to crack, for the demon within to show itself. Just the thought of it made him smirk. What other things could he torment Tuli with...Of course, he never cracked the male right off the bat. No...he always steeled himself for there encounters, and Tavar had to find new cracks to pry at.

But that was part of the fun: the challenge. It kept Tavar on his toes, and gave him something his siblings never did...stimulation. Of the mental sort. Though honestly...Tuli wasn't bad to look at either.

The silver-maned demon had found himself weary this evening, quite exhausted of other lions and their moronic fights.  His blue eyes were closed as he relaxed beneath the moonlight, toes dipping into the water as he let himself breathe for a few moments.  Had he known that Tavar was on the lookout for him, he would have run like hell, and hid in his cave.  He hated it when Tavar got a hold of him, as it meant that his Demon decided he was a puppet on a string to dance with.  Tail tapped against the ground as he found himself wondering about Aisling again.  That...beautiful female....

Tavar found himself wandering by the very body of water Tuli was at and froze in his journey towards the dens. Well now! He didn't even have to wait for tomorrow. Smirking, the fire-maned lion snuck quietly towards the other, coming juuuuust within range, ready to jump back if the other swiped at him. "Why hello, Tulivu~. You look absolutely exhausted." His voice was low and breathy, his mental voice wondering how this new tone might affect the other. Experimentation...Tulivu was a wonderful subject for it.

Tulivu let out a quiver, his eyes widening as he swung around, staring at him.  Little did Tavar know that beneath his pelt, he was more crimson than his own fur.  "Ah.......Tavar...."  Dammit....He didn't want to DEAL with this tonight! "....I.....Hello..."  God, he was so shaking from the breathy voice, the quiver obvious in his knees.  That tone would drive him mad, if the other wasn't careful, "What do you want?"

Ah-ha! Already he was getting under Tuli's skin! Oh this was a good end to the night already! His smirk only grew as he moved a little closer. "Can't I simply say hello to a friend, Tulivu? Be concerned for their well-being?" Of course, he was (mostly) joking, though his voice sounded fully sincere. "As I said, you look exhausted. Being kept up during the day? Or have you finally decided to try and add to the pride's younglings?"

Tulivu sauntered back slightly, his paws touching the water as he stared at the other, triyng to hide from him, ".....A friend?  Is that what you consider us?"  He didn't believe in that, "....But I am very busy, and my visions keep me up in the day.....as for younglings...." A smile brushed his face, "I have not messed around with anyone...since I met one young female....and we....may have cubs...I hope she does."  But nonetheless, he was staring at Tavar, shaking.

Tavar blinked in surprise. A female, hm? The way he talked...it sounded like someone from outside the pride. "Perhaps I do consider us friends." He regained his smirk. "So who is this female? One of the new-blood girls? Someone perhaps...outside of the pride?" Tuli's shaking wasn't missed, and Tavar wondered what might happen if he 'tormented' the other further. "I hope you had the sense to choose a properly dark female in that case." He took a step and shifted a bit so one paw brushed against one of Tuli's.

The brush of Tavar's poaw had him JUMPING, and his bum splashed into the water, as he stuttered out, "O-outside the Pride...s-she's a d-d-dark female....a-and..."  Oh god...He'd thought he'd gotten over his attraction to males.....

Oh this was good! He vaguely wondered if Tulivu had lain with the female simply out of duty, not any real lust. If so...oh the game had just gotten sweeter. "That's good. Don't need any more demon-born Na'artu and Na'artue. Or too-pale lions claiming demonhood." He took another step forward, lowering his face to near Tuli's. "Need some help up?"

Tulivu tired to back up, especially when their noses nearly touched.  Blue eyes stared into his, and he stuttered, "....I...Uh....Y...I....c-could...g-get up.....myself......"  God dammit....This was making his heart race......

Tavar chuckled , smirking, amusement in his green eyes. "Oh really? You seem to be having trouble with it. Or do you enjoy having your a** in the water?" He could think of much nicer things for that a**. Things he had a feeling Tuli wouldn't entirely protest, not at all...

Tulivu flushed and managed to stumble to his feet, licking his paw and stepping from the water, around Tavar, "....I.....I simply had a momentary lapse of memory."  He stretched, yawning and letting his fangs show, hoping this would....dissuade Tavar for a moment.

Unfortunately for Tuli, it didn't dissaude Tavar. "Oh really. I do hope such a lapse doesn't hit you at an important moment!" Damn, this was fun! He moved to sit beside the other, leaning just enough for fur to brush against fur. "It would be a shame if you lost something important in a fight to such a moment. An eye...or perhaps something else~" The way he said the last part implied EXACTLY what he was talking about.

His throat caught, and the demon within him roared at him to do SOMETHING about this...but of course, the male lowered his eyes, ".....I do not have such lapses in a fight...."  He glanced away, "They are more rare than one would think."  Gods be damned....if the other kept touching him like this.....this was a SERIOUS issue!

Tavar chuckled darkly, smirking. "Do you have such lapses during...other activities?" Call him both curious and taunting. Because at this point...one way or another, he'd get the other for at least a day. Call him stubborn.