Mother had taught her well. If there was anything she was getting better at, it was proving her worth to her mother. Jezebeth had a rough time with the pride, between figuring out if she wanted to stay or venture out and see more of the world. But venturing sounded dangerous and as brave as the little lioness was, she wasn’t brave enough to welcome death. She was growing up, and no doubt Flye’Leefe had been noticing. Her sons were beginning to grow their thick full manes, and her daughters were lithe and graceful as she had been as a cub. She really couldn’t have been prouder.. Even Roth had taken interest in the cubs though it was only because they bore not a speck of white against them. He had ordered his own white son killed from Flye’s litter.. Wanted him killed and gone from sight. Tuc hadn’t been able to do it, and Flye had found that out. The white cub lived and grew healthy alongside relatives of her mothers. Why Tuc actually had the desire to help the cub Flye still didn’t understand. Last time she saw her mother, she wanted to make sure she never ran into her again.
But Jez, she didn’t mind either way who she was around. So long as someone was giving her attention. She was a bit needy in her ways, needing the affection, and the socialization. She was a smart a**, keen cub who knew what she wanted and did what she had to do to get it. She was a lot like Flye had been. Though to Flye that was more of a worry rather than something to be proud of. Flye hadn’t been the worlds best daughter, and she certainly wasn’t going to win any citizenship awards. But Flye had made her life simpler, and she only desired to have more cubs to bear alongside her others. Kosoro was on her mind once again, her thoughts running in her head of what might come from their meetings. He was a handsome, strong male who was as dark minded as she was. She had hit the jackpot.
Jez on the other hand didn’t like the idea of mother having more cubs. She looked at her as she looked at her reflection in the water and she just scoffed. Mother could get so into these things, and it was painful for Jezebeth to watch. She hated, absolutely hated, the idea of her mother having more cubs. She liked being one of the few in momma’s family. If mother had more cubs, she would easily be pushed to the side. Whats worse is they would –expect- her to do it. She took a deep breath, and stretched out her paws. Mother was in over her head again and one look at her would prove it. Jez had to do something about it, and quick, before mothers belly became full and round.
“Momma, you wont ever replace me will you?” She asked, looking to her ebony mother with a raised eyebrow. Her tone was less of a question, more of a demand but she tried to play it off as best she could.
Flye looked up from her reflection, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked to her daughter. Ruby gems glittered under her eyelids and she waited for a moment before speaking.
“Darling you couldn’t ever be replaced.” The female responded. Though that wasn’t answer enough for Jezebeth. That had left things way too open and she was going to keep pushing.
“No, I mean.. Would you ever go and produce more b*****d children and forget me..?” She asked, more direct this time and to the point. Standing, Flye approached her daughter with a bit of mal intent. She wasn’t going to be bullied by Jezebeth and she knew where this conversation was going.
“How many times have I told you that I will be bringing more blood into this pride? I will be offering myself up to make the pride a better place and when you are of age you will do the same. Pridal numbers are everything, and I wont be the one to forget them.” She replied, eyes a bit dark as she towered over her smaller daughter. Jezebeth was small, and even to Flye. Flye had been a very average lioness. She didn’t have much bulk to her but she was tall, and lithe. Her body having every right curve in the right place and that’s all that mattered to her. But Jez, she was –small-.
Jezebeths scowl took over her face and her brows followed her mother and knitted together. It was amusing how much she looked like Roth when she gave that look. It was weird, but Flye was always caught smiling at the thought. No wonder Roth liked her best o ut of all his children. Flye had produced the best cubs out of the others. Hell even her brother was a waste. Roth always had his e yes open for him now. Ready to kill him for abandoning what it was he promised to stay true to. Roth had a temper, and once crossed, he planned on never letting the grudge go until blood was underneath his claws.
Flye shook the thought out of her head and her eyes rested on that scowling face once more. “Jezebeth we wont be having this conversation again. Will we?” She commanded more than asked. She was tired of explaining her ways to her daughter. She had better get used to it, as she would follow the same pawprints that her mother left before her.
Jezebeth glared back at Flye, and then looked down at the ground and kicked out with her paw in irritation. Her paw caught a rock, which sent the rock soaring to the side and she was forced to sit and brood.
“Fine.” She responded, her voice thick with venom for the idea. She was clearly not okay with it, but if mother said to drop it, she would.
“But don’t you expect me to like them. If I hate them, I hate them. If I want to kill them, I should be given the right.” She growled, lifting her lip in irritation. Flye rolled her eyes, pushing her daughter over with one well placed paw.
“Oh shut up Jezebeth. You’ll do no such thing.” She chuckled, and with that turned to go back towards home. “Do not be out after dark.” She called, and then disappeared into the shadows.