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guild for Sidekick Academy, a superhero b/c! Or sidekick, if you wanna see it that way... 

Tags: superhero, sidekick, breedables, dc comics, marvel 

Reply Quests and Approval [Dream hero tiem]
[CHAR||APPROVED] Bouillant // Scottie Santos

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Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:25 am
[ That's a French a** name, Scottie!

In which Seiana takes for bloody ever to find her muse again... ]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:38 am
"Let me tell you the story of a lovely ... fish."

User ImageHero alias:
Translation: This is literally just "Boiling" in French. This name may change as he stages!

Real name:
His name is rather incomprehensible to average Earthan language speakers. A teacher, in annoyance, dubbed his name to be Scottie. ...He dealt with it.
Realizing most people on this planet had something called a 'surname' led to him choosing the full name Scottie Santos.

Looks department:
Premade! --->

Paradox Manipulation, subcategory Water/Ice
Water doesn't really seem to act... normal around Scottie.

He doesn't quite have it under control yet, not really, but have you ever tried lighting a candle on fire with ice? Bouillant can do that for you, and it will emit warmth, as it should if it were actually fire, and light as if it were actually on fire. That ice? It's not melting as it should, not even in the summer, steady and not dripping as it goes. That water? That water burns, but it's not even on a stove? How could that happen?

Water only flows up if you're at the Nile, or if Scottie decided exploding the sink was a good idea ... wait, he didn't do that on purpose... oops.

Rookie: Here, he'll work mainly with hotter water--lighting candles with water, et cetera.
Sidekick: Here, he'll gain the ability to manipulate colder water, too--unfreezing ice, anyone? (How long it stays frozen will depend on the size of the ice cube, in the end. Bigger chunks will start to re-melt faster than smaller ones.)
Hero: This is when he gains directional control over water--flowing upwards, flowing inwards, et cetera

Natural from Race:
These are not powers, per se! Everyone in his race has the ability to do everything listed below!
+ Anglerfish - Developed from much time in deep water, the ____s have developed a bioluminescent antennae on their head similar to the Anglerfish of Earth. This helps them see in such darkness--as well as attracts prey.
+ Amphibious - With a planet over 85% water, they had to utilize land somehow! The race which evolved on this planet developed amphibious tendencies, living life both above and within water. This does mean Scottie here needs water rather constantly.
+ Four Eyes - Originally meant to take in more light in the low light situations he was used to, this now gives him a greater vertical sight range. Unfortunately, these eyes also take in twice as much light. He doesn't like sunny days that much.
+ Pressure Toleration - Deep water means high pressure, and, well, ____s were built for high pressure situations. Unfortunately, this means a lot of low G sickness at first for this poor boy.
+ Tail - The end of his tail is rather sharp. This is useful for stabbing things, like prey, and putting it in his mouth. Mm fish~

Which area is the character based/from:
Area 51, maybe... He's a crash landed alien!
Age upon entering academy:
His race's ages don't actually match up to humanoid ages! However, it is fair to say he is approximately the _____s' equivalent of a sixteen-year-old boy.

How did your character get their powers:
Genetic! Of his people, those who could manipulate water into forms of fire were considered the greatest of all. These people could provide them warmth in the shallower depths, effective ways to cook disease out of food, and even just a romantic "candlelit" dinner for couples! Most of the people who ever held a steady leadership position held the ability Scottie himself now holds.

Motivation for entering academy:
Crash landing on Earth didn't exactly leave him with much of a choice. He had to go somewhere where he knew people would, at the least, not try to take him in for experimentation. A place for fellow strange "humanoids" seemed to be the best place to set himself up.

+ No Fire? No Problem! -- His people were mostly concerned with his ability to make heat from water, not so much the other subabilities that came with his paradoxical nature. As a consequence, it is easiest--not necessarily fully controllable, mind--to utilize water in a rather fiery fashion.
+ Sight -- His sight is much better than an average human's, at least vertically! He has a much higher vertical range than a human is ever capable of thanks to his two sets of eyes.
+ High Pressure -- Pressure! Pushing down on him, pushing down on you? Well, in his case, it doesn't really feel like it's pushing down per se. His race--and he himself!--are more used to the higher levels of pressure from deeper down in the sea. He can tolerate high physical pressure, as well as several G's worth of force before even beginning to become bothered.
+ Amphibious -- It's easy to learn how to swim when worrying about coming back up isn't all that big of a concern! He, like many fish and amphibious species, can breathe underwater, taking the available oxygen and filtering it through the gills under his fins.

+ ...It's out of control! -- One of the biggest problems with Scottie's ability is that he really can't... control it. Things just happen and he's not really fond of the lack of control he has over it--especially when it ends up hurting him! More than once has he gone for a cool drink and just ended up scalding his throat instead. Is this something he will eventually learn to control? With lots and lots of practice, yet! No Rookie can do that...
+ The Light! It buuuuuurns... -- Along with deep water came low light. Much like the rest of his species, he spent his life in the water, swimming from high surfaces down to deeper ones to start to find prey. His eyes, much like his race's, were built to take in as much light from these depths as possible, to help assist in prey-finding and general deep sea activity. Earth? Not so much. He's going to be hissing and staying away from sunny days for a long while yet, though a pair of sunglasses (...or two...) might help him out a bit.
+ Motion Sickness -- Everything feels very light and buoyant on this planet. It's not really something he is very much used to, and as a consequence, if he moves too fast, or on some days, even just a little bit, he can quickly get woozy and ill thanks to the high pressure changes he is suffering. This, admittedly, doesn't make him very useful in fast-paced physical fights, or, hell, physically at all...
+ Water, water, water... -- Scottie has a problem. Amphibious creatures tend to need a lot of water, and well, he's no exception. Without a rather constant source of water, even to drink, his skin, mouth, and body in general will start drying out within an hour or two. It's a very unpleasant experience for him, and if at all possible, he would prefer to avoid it.


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:14 am
"I'll crunch that, no problem!"

"One plus one can sometimes be less than two if..." -- Scottie is mentally brilliant. Make no mistake, this young Rookie knows his way around book smarts even if he may seem rather silly at first. Perhaps rather well dubbed the Smart Guy of the Aliens, Scottie will sit there and crunch numbers all day and enjoy it, advise people on matters of the mind with ease, and go into tangents all day about the minute history of everyone's peoples and find it rather fun. He's also quick to pick up any logical knowledge, anything that doesn't require him to know how to flirt with people, anyway, and can tend to put together solutions to seemingly complicated problems rather quickly. This does result in him being rather hard to socialize with; he hates small talk if it goes outside simple facts and tends to have a lot of trouble connecting to people on a more personal level. It's why he ends up clinging so hard to those he does manage to get close, well, never mind the unfamiliarity of this ridiculous place...

"...What? -- That, unfortunately, didn't necessarily give him the brilliance to deal with everyday situations. Scottie could have all the book smarts in the world, but if you set him in a normal situation he will probably flail and find the quickest way possible to retreat to his books. And, well, if he can't... he's horridly naive. Perhaps easy to trick and manipulate, Scottie couldn't navigate himself through a conversation if he had a road map, easily falling into verbal traps and suggestions without really knowing all that much better. If any rookie or sidekick ever needs a hero that might not necessarily protest anything they are about to go do, well... Scottie's the man. Smile and nod at him a few times and he'll be convinced that raiding the women's underwear and putting it on his head is the best idea they've ever had.

"I'm A Little..." -- Scottie is homesick. Make no doubt about that. It impacts his behaviors in a way that most other things would not, making him a bit more withdrawn, a bit more depressed. Scottie tends to make attachments rather easily once he manages to socialize successfully--perhaps blame that on how gullible he is--and while he won't necessarily seem so attached, when a person disappears from his life, especially people he knew for ages, it wrecks him. This can cause a need to cling rather hard to the people he does know, but occasionally, when in completely new situations, he'll just sputter and hide awkwardly, hoping things will end up sorting themselves out and he won't lose anyone. Once he adjusts, he'll probably be back to hanging out with everyone. That he can tolerate, anyway.

He makes quite an effort to not come off as attached as he is, though, trying to be as nice as possible to those whom he would consider his friend without necessarily seeming like he needs them or anything--that would be ego damage! In consequence, people can often not realize how badly Scottie does need them, and it can hurt rather harshly if they leave... especially since he doesn't really seem to get jealous, either.

"What do You Mean, My Nose is in the Air?" -- Unfortunately--or perhaps fortunately--for others, Scottie's definitely got a bit of a ... snobbish streak. He's smart and he knows it, and no, he never falls for deception. Of course not. Why would you ever say that? It's something a bit ingrained in him from being lauded so quickly as so important to his tribe, to the kingdom, to the world even, but it's definitely there. While it is hiding at the moment due to general unknowing what to do with much of anything, as he gets more comfortable, it will rear its ugly head more, coming out in the way of him casually correcting others, snarking that he could do that easily, generally regarding people as dumber as he is, and, well... making himself generally intolerable when he gets into one of his pride fits. As nice as he can be otherwise...

Pride fits typically involve him praising himself as brilliant and downgrading others as just as worthless as plankton! He gets a certain way about him when he knows he's on to something and knows he's right, and at the moment, it's probably where his pride is most noticeable-- while he's still fairly nervous and withdrawn, if he's figured something out, he'll become loud, boisterous, and probably irritating to whomever the other party is! Watch out for that sashaying tail--it's a huge signal he might be ready to launch into another soapbox...

"I Need to Focus." -- Scottie can focus very well on things, make no doubt about that. One of the few people who can put blinders on even in busy environments and get the work done, he can do that! Once he starts something, he is able to keep his attentions on it, keep a wide attention to detail, and get it done as efficiently--and quickly--as possible. The unfortunate downside to this is that his focus is, indeed, very narrow, and trying to throw him from that focus is near impossible. He has been known to starve himself and even ignore the need for water when he gets too focused on something, hurting his health and likely hurting the throats of those who try to shout at him to go get something to bathe in...

He keeps doing it, though, and it does result in good work! He has a perfectionist streak ten miles wide and it feeds into his ego, which feeds into his perfectionism, which feeds into even further blinders ... it's a harmful, endless cycle. Hopefully he won't eventually ignore himself too long.

General backstory:
Scottie really doesn't know what he's doing here.

Well, okay, he does. He knows he was going to one of the alien academies and they crash landed on this planet, this planet with its dry air and its grass and it's loud people who only know how to use their mouths and not their gills or their throats or their song. It grates him, already, that he's in such a foreign place, and he doesn't seem to be adjusting particularly well, preferring to hide out relatively far away...

But perhaps it is because he is homesick. He misses his family back from his homeplanet--don't ask him the name, he will kindly tell anyone from Earth they probably can't pronounce it--where he had his mother, a gentle woman with a hard streak, his father, whom was a hunter, and his two little sisters, who almost seemed brighter than he was at times. They probably thought he was dead.

For his part, his abilities got him recognized rather young as someone important to their particular tribal unit, and he was escalated through the ranks rather quickly, sent to the school to train his abilities as needed so he could use them at his planet in the best way he possibly could. He hadn't seen his family in a few months when he went off on that mission on the spaceship, and now probably won't ever see them again.

Still, he is surrounded by a few people he had gotten to know fairly well while he was on the ship... right?

He wishes he was back home, though, where he didn't come off as so damn weak.

Scottie was pretty well-lauded for his powers and was considered to be a sort of "Shaman-In-Training." If he hadn't crash landed on Earth, that's what he would have been training for, still! It gave him a sort of religious position in his tribe instead of a ranked one, which did make him very well-loved and I suppose popular in that light, but he was revered, not necessarily chattered with or in the cool kids' club! He didn't have a love interest, either, and didn't ever plan on it--Shamen on his planet didn't typically take personal love interests.

He didn't necessarily have much of a childhood, so "fun" was out of the question--except for teasing his older little sister! It's part of why he's so naive these days; he never really had that learning of his peers, being isolated and escalated so quickly! Sure, he interacted with other Shamen-in-Training, but they had the same problem, eh?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:29 am
"Descend into the deep blue!"

Planet ____:
[ Almost completely water-based, the planet has very little dry land, but what it does have is a whole wide variety of sea creatures that not even Scottie's eye had fully known.. ]

The People:
[ Tribes organized in Kingdoms ... how much sense does that make? Probably not for people outside of his planet, but then again, he's only using these words as close approximations... ]  


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:20 am
So I decided to take this back into my hidey-hole and rework it ... think I'm brave enough for critiques now! His planet isn't ready, but I feel so bad for taking so long I wanted to prove I could do something, at least. <333

(iluguys, please don't kill me)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:59 pm
Well hello Scottie. Let's get down to business shall we !

I like the little blurb about how he got his name, that's pretty cute.

Scottie...has a lot going on and while that's not a bad thing it's a little confusing x_x;

Talking it over with another member of staff we feel like Scottie has a chance to become a little too OP. As such we are going to ask that you not only map his progression for each stage, power wise, but go ahead and narrow down what he can do with water manipulation wise.

So, we are asking that you either pick that he can direct water, heat it (turn it to fire) or cool it (use it with ice). Essentially we may consider him being able too progress into more than just doing the controlling the waters direction, or temperature/physical form. Which is why we would like you to create a map for his progression =w= b

Given he seems to have a lot going on again we would like you to be a little more specific with his powers. Like the ice comment above reads as his ice never melts, is this what you were aiming for ? If so it has been discussed that the ice will eventually need to melt. =w= b

"No Rookie can do that... "

This line confuses me at the end of his lack of control weakness lol so just wondering what that was in reference to? ow o ;

On the sensitivity to the light weakness I think that he should remain as such, I mean its not really a weakness if he's growing out of it, even if its in the near future. So my suggestion there would be to leave it as he's going to be forever sensitive to light. This isn't saying that he can't fashion some killer glasses to help himself out though.... like cyclops. -shot- =w= b

But yes these are ok just be sure that you keep a good balances with all his natural strengths =w=b

"One plus one can sometimes be less than two if..." --

A few things with this trait I will point out, this here; "Perhaps rather well dubbed the Smart Guy of the Aliens, Scottie will sit there and crunch numbers all day and enjoy it, advise people on matters of the mind with ease, and go into tangents all day about the minute history of everyone's people and find it rather fun. He's also quick to pick up any logical knowledge, anything that doesn't require him to know how to flirt with people, anyway, and can tend to put together solutions to seemingly complicated problems rather quickly. "

Mainly my concern with this overall is it makes him read a little to all knowing, while being smarty pants is perfectly fine and dandy its a little unfair if he knows all about homeworlds of other places. Unfair in that you should plot with the other aliens to talk this out ! I would be all for talking over some things about him and Violet, however Violet's people have a strict system so the most he could probably know about her homeworld would be vague.

Moving along, how is he in a competitive situation ? Does he like competition or does he think there is none on Earth for him to be challenged by? How is he when he loses or when someone tells him he is wrong? Sorry I couldn't really come up with more here but hope those questions help you out. ouo b

"...What? -- I think a little revision here would be good due to him being technically active IC close to a year now he should know a little more about things in general I think? But that doesn't mean he still can't be socially awkward ect just a little bit of adjusting here for what he should know, so in that I would say he's a little less gullible? Or is he still pretty gullible even now the same goes for how horribly naive he is.

I thinks some examples to help get a better idea of how he is kind of not good with things would be good to add in here, so maybe add in a few of the 'normal situations' and how he would react, like other than being just withdrawn and not understanding about flirting as previously mentioned. Poor Scottie, he's probably not the best at small talk is he? How does this effect him making friends, in classes? Like the awkwardness coupled with being a bit of a snob I bet it takes some work to actually get past this to make friends with him ? ouo b

"I'm A Little..." --
-pets Scottie- Poor little Alien. <333 Homesick that's cuute but sad <333 ; - ;
Given that you said it wrecks him when people he's known for a while leave, how does he pull from those instances? I'm a little confused as you say both that Scottie clings to people rather hard, but that he also won't necessarily seem so attached. That seems a little round about lol to me I'm all...so is he clingy? ouoa oor...is he like....not? Cause if he is clingy, that's going to make him seem attached. I feel like a little more should be added in here as such here are a few questions to consider; Since he is so easily to attach to people does he get jealous when others also become attach too this person? Like in that he feels they will steal the person from him? Does he have a fear developed because of how he is wrecked into depression from people walking away from him? ouo Like has he got a hidden insecurity because of his attachment issues that he tends to treat those he makes friends with really well in attempts to keep them at all? How far would he go to keep those he is attached to on that ? ou o

"What do You Mean, My Nose is in the Air?" -- Again here I am going to suggest you think of the IC timeline and kind of play up more in here about how he is snobby since now he would be use to things and this would be more in the open yes? owo b I do like this negative trait for him and think that the last few lines are great in describing it, just again ouo Ic he has been around for a year tech so he should be out in the open with this I would like to think. <333 Ok I have to ask ...what are his 'pride fits' cause I'm all the curious about what those would entail xD <33

"I Need to Focus." -- Has he ever had a time when he seriously injured himself by being too focused on something and in turn too neglectful to himself? While being so dedicated and getting things done quickly and well is good I'm sure with how much of the rest of the world he neglects let alone himself, he gets a hint of irresponsibility pegged on to him because of this? Would you consider him a bit of a perfectionist because of this trait and if so to what level? ou o

Background information::

I felt like other than the information about his sister, mother and father I didn't really get much...background information. It was really more of how he feels now about being at the school, which you should probably take into account the IC time again since he has arrived <3 So you could also not only add in past life before he was on Earth but maybe a little bit about what he has been up to in the year since he's been here uwu b

But here ouo I would really just like for more past information, like what did he exactly do in his tribe? What kinds of things was he responsible for ect, what did he use to do for fun before having to head off to school? Did he get long with his sisters, have a love interest, was he popular on his home-world thanks to his gifts?

What are these ranks he went up through ? uwu all the curious there <3

Also a few notes, he likely had just left his family since the Academy was starting a new year of school so that's something too note, I mean likely it might have been a month I would say at the most but lolol just something to note.

Here is the Nova Information Thread to give a bit of a refresh. uw u b

-touches world information- I'm excited to see what you do here ! o uo I know what helped me out with just kind of basic things for Vi's home world was this place here. That site has a lot of useless things, picking at it can help out alot!

You have a good start here, just iron out a few things and I can't wait to see Scottie in action.

Edit: -tired rereads - :I I just realized how much I might of broken record babbled the IC time. OTL <33 apologies I blame late late night and pain pills from tooth pain.


Mysterious Kitten


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:25 am
Scottie...has a lot going on and while that's not a bad thing it's a little confusing x_x;

Talking it over with another member of staff we feel like Scottie has a chance to become a little too OP. As such we are going to ask that you not only map his progression for each stage, power wise, but go ahead and narrow down what he can do with water manipulation wise.

So, we are asking that you either pick that he can direct water, heat it (turn it to fire) or cool it (use it with ice). Essentially we may consider him being able too progress into more than just doing the controlling the waters direction, or temperature/physical form. Which is why we would like you to create a map for his progression =w= b

Given he seems to have a lot going on again we would like you to be a little more specific with his powers. Like the ice comment above reads as his ice never melts, is this what you were aiming for ? If so it has been discussed that the ice will eventually need to melt. =w= b

The point of his power is essentially he's making water do the opposite of what it should be doing, and that was what my description was trying to get across. So he can make ice seem warm or not melt, warmer water seem cooler to the touch, et cetera. I'm sorry if that didn't come across well!

Mapping his progression, though? Well, considering his rookie name is "Bouillant," I think I'd like to start making water unnecessarily warm--like being able to light a candle with water.

Sidekick stage would be dealing primarily with cold water manipulation.

And Hero stage would be full on water direction manipulation. Make water in a cup flow up for hot ice cubes to the face? Haha :3

"No Rookie can do that... "

This line confuses me at the end of his lack of control weakness lol so just wondering what that was in reference to? ow o ;

On the sensitivity to the light weakness I think that he should remain as such, I mean its not really a weakness if he's growing out of it, even if its in the near future. So my suggestion there would be to leave it as he's going to be forever sensitive to light. This isn't saying that he can't fashion some killer glasses to help himself out though.... like cyclops. -shot- =w= b

But yes these are ok just be sure that you keep a good balances with all his natural strengths =w=b

I was just saying as a rookie, there's no way he'll gain the ability to control his abilities. :3

I was saying he would eventually adjust to the light as most people do--people are biologically adaptive and he would be as well. XD But if he can't be, fine, he'll just fashion some sunglasses.

Thank you!

"One plus one can sometimes be less than two if..." --

Mainly my concern with this overall is it makes him read a little to all knowing, while being smarty pants is perfectly fine and dandy its a little unfair if he knows all about homeworlds of other places. Unfair in that you should plot with the other aliens to talk this out ! I would be all for talking over some things about him and Violet, however Violet's people have a strict system so the most he could probably know about her homeworld would be vague.

Moving along, how is he in a competitive situation ? Does he like competition or does he think there is none on Earth for him to be challenged by? How is he when he loses or when someone tells him he is wrong? Sorry I couldn't really come up with more here but hope those questions help you out. ouo b

He'll only go into the minute history of the peoples he would have known in the first place, not people who didn't share. XD I was admittedly also talking about Earth, here--he would immediately set to finding out more about all the different places in the library to get used to his situation! Though I would definitely love if he could know more about Violet's people, too. He'd definitely be interested!--he likes anything intellectual, really. But even then, he'd probably babble about what he did know, as little as that was.

That ego factors into him thinking Earth isn't really a challenge and, in fact, is just annoying. Who would want to live on this dry a** planet anyway? It's also in part his own physical weakness here, but he doesn't really compete much on Earth. He doesn't like losing, though, and will distinctly avoid it.

"...What? -- I think a little revision here would be good due to him being technically active IC close to a year now he should know a little more about things in general I think? But that doesn't mean he still can't be socially awkward ect just a little bit of adjusting here for what he should know, so in that I would say he's a little less gullible? Or is he still pretty gullible even now the same goes for how horribly naive he is.

I thinks some examples to help get a better idea of how he is kind of not good with things would be good to add in here, so maybe add in a few of the 'normal situations' and how he would react, like other than being just withdrawn and not understanding about flirting as previously mentioned. Poor Scottie, he's probably not the best at small talk is he? How does this effect him making friends, in classes? Like the awkwardness coupled with being a bit of a snob I bet it takes some work to actually get past this to make friends with him ? ouo b

Unfortunately, he's lived in his own society for a long time, and he's very set in his ways! He's a lot like that old lady who still doesn't quite understand computers despite being around them for years, and will probably never get better with it! So yes, unfortunately, he still comes off as horribly naive despite having what seems to be plenty of random trivia under his belt...

He hates small talk, haha. He can talk for days about facts but if anyone asks him how he is, he'll tend to sputter out! And he doesn't have many friends at all--admittedly, that also explains why he's seemed so quiet for a year, eh? :3

"I'm A Little..." --
-pets Scottie- Poor little Alien. <333 Homesick that's cuute but sad <333 ; - ;
Given that you said it wrecks him when people he's known for a while leave, how does he pull from those instances? I'm a little confused as you say both that Scottie clings to people rather hard, but that he also won't necessarily seem so attached. That seems a little round about lol to me I'm all...so is he clingy? ouoa oor...is he like....not? Cause if he is clingy, that's going to make him seem attached. I feel like a little more should be added in here as such here are a few questions to consider; Since he is so easily to attach to people does he get jealous when others also become attach too this person? Like in that he feels they will steal the person from him? Does he have a fear developed because of how he is wrecked into depression from people walking away from him? ouo Like has he got a hidden insecurity because of his attachment issues that he tends to treat those he makes friends with really well in attempts to keep them at all? How far would he go to keep those he is attached to on that ? ou o

He's clingy to what he has left, but he makes a lot of efforts to not come off that way. He doesn't want to seem dependent on others; that bothers his ego!
Why would he ever want people to know that... >> But he won't get jealous if people get attached to others so long as they don't end up abandoning him at the same time. And he is a bit fearful of people leaving him! Once someone is friends with him, he might tend to be a little over nice in an attempt to keep them around, especially since he has so little familiarity with anything anymore ... when can he go home?

"What do You Mean, My Nose is in the Air?" -- Again here I am going to suggest you think of the IC timeline and kind of play up more in here about how he is snobby since now he would be use to things and this would be more in the open yes? owo b I do like this negative trait for him and think that the last few lines are great in describing it, just again ouo Ic he has been around for a year tech so he should be out in the open with this I would like to think. <333 Ok I have to ask ...what are his 'pride fits' cause I'm all the curious about what those would entail xD <33

Again, see above, he really isn't used to everything and probably never will be. But he is a little more open with things than he was before, and eventually this will start becoming more obvious. It is helpful that he's been here for a year because this might become more obvious sooner! At the moment, it is probably mainly noticeable in said pride fits--getting haughty, speaking as if the other is stupid plankton in the sea, casually correcting the others and strutting off with his nose up in the sky... His tail also tends to sway a lot when he thinks he's onto something and knows it! Think of it as a little tick at least the aliens might've noticed.

"I Need to Focus." -- Has he ever had a time when he seriously injured himself by being too focused on something and in turn too neglectful to himself? While being so dedicated and getting things done quickly and well is good I'm sure with how much of the rest of the world he neglects let alone himself, he gets a hint of irresponsibility pegged on to him because of this? Would you consider him a bit of a perfectionist because of this trait and if so to what level? ou o

He has--that's why I mention the need for water! And I'm not sure if he would seem irresponsible--I suppose that would depend on others. The work he gets done is definitely perfect, though. He's a damn perfectionist, and seeing the praise for his work does feed into that ego, there.

Background information::

I felt like other than the information about his sister, mother and father I didn't really get much...background information. It was really more of how he feels now about being at the school, which you should probably take into account the IC time again since he has arrived <3 So you could also not only add in past life before he was on Earth but maybe a little bit about what he has been up to in the year since he's been here uwu b

But here ouo I would really just like for more past information, like what did he exactly do in his tribe? What kinds of things was he responsible for ect, what did he use to do for fun before having to head off to school? Did he get long with his sisters, have a love interest, was he popular on his home-world thanks to his gifts?

What are these ranks he went up through ? uwu all the curious there <3

Also a few notes, he likely had just left his family since the Academy was starting a new year of school so that's something too note, I mean likely it might have been a month I would say at the most but lolol just something to note.

Here is the Nova Information Thread to give a bit of a refresh. uw u b

Well, Scottie had actually been attending the school for more than just a year--take into account here I intended for him to be a bit older than the other aliens. So he technically has been away from his family longer, even if he had recently seen them, and that's important. If he hadn't been, he would probably be even less able to ever manage on Earth!

Scottie was pretty well-lauded for his powers and was considered to be a sort of "Shaman-In-Training." If he hadn't crash landed on Earth, that's what he would have been training for, still! It gave him a sort of religious position in his tribe instead of a ranked one, which did make him very well-loved and I suppose popular in that light, but he was revered, not necessarily chattered with or in the cool kids' club! He didn't have a love interest, either, and didn't ever plan on it--Shamen on his planet didn't typically take personal love interests.

He didn't necessarily have much of a childhood, so "fun" was out of the question--except for teasing his older little sister! It's part of why he's so naive these days; he never really had that learning of his peers, being isolated and escalated so quickly! Sure, he interacted with other Shamen-in-Training, but they had the same problem, eh?

-touches world information- I'm excited to see what you do here ! o uo I know what helped me out with just kind of basic things for Vi's home world was this place here. That site has a lot of useless things, picking at it can help out alot!

You have a good start here, just iron out a few things and I can't wait to see Scottie in action.

Edit: -tired rereads - :I I just realized how much I might of broken record babbled the IC time. OTL <33 apologies I blame late late night and pain pills from tooth pain.

Hehe, yeah. XD I have some ideas in my head but I'm having trouble spitting them out is the problem, but I'll be working on it later. :3 Thanks for the tip!

And it was a bit broken, haha! But that's okay, I understand how pain pills can be hard to work through ... >>; Thank you for the critique!  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:22 am
hey Sei! You seem to have taken most of Cheekie's crit into account, which is good! I just have a couple of things i need to ask for my own curiosity

his burning water, HOW does he do it? does he need to have contact with the water? how much water can he affect at once? a small puddle or a sinkful or a whole ocean? (not the whole ocean ok = v= ) does he have to consciously make an effort to make the water burn? or does it just happen spontaneously without him even having to think or lift a finger?

how would he light a candle with the water exactly? does he have the water in a cup and he dips the candle wick into it and voila, flame?

and directional manipulation, how does that work? is it like, moses parting the red sea? or water bending a la Avatar The Last Airbender?  



Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:40 pm
hey Sei! You seem to have taken most of Cheekie's crit into account, which is good! I just have a couple of things i need to ask for my own curiosity

his burning water, HOW does he do it? does he need to have contact with the water? how much water can he affect at once? a small puddle or a sinkful or a whole ocean? (not the whole ocean ok = v= ) does he have to consciously make an effort to make the water burn? or does it just happen spontaneously without him even having to think or lift a finger?

Contact with the water isn't necessary, though he does need to be in close proximity of it--5 feet or so. Sinkful I think is about accurate to what he can control at maximum, though he'd probably need to focus for that! A lot of his powers, though, happen beyond his control at this stage and that's ... part of the problem, really! He can concentrate very hard to make it happen, and that's when it's most effective, but it usually just happens beyond his control. He ends up burning himself sometimes while he's in the water, even if the water had been chilly before...

how would he light a candle with the water exactly? does he have the water in a cup and he dips the candle wick into it and voila, flame?

Basically, yes XD It would look as so!

and directional manipulation, how does that work? is it like, moses parting the red sea? or water bending a la Avatar The Last Airbender?

I guess it's something like waterbending?? I didn't really think of it as either way but rather him just moving his eyes or arms or something to direct the water up or sideways or whatever it isn't typically supposed to be doing! He's a paradox causer, after all. x3  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:03 am
alright smartypants scottie here you go


just a note tho, his cert will reflect just water instead of water/ice for now yeah? u vub  



Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:09 am
alright smartypants scottie here you go


just a note tho, his cert will reflect just water instead of water/ice for now yeah? u vub

Scottie struts by ~

And that's fine -- Water Paradoxes would be a pretty good way to put him actually!
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