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Keo had found herself walking in unknown territory. It frightened her, though she must walk on. Her mate had disappeared on her, and she had no clue what to do other then search for him. Sadness had overwhelmed her at first. She couldn't help it, though now she was determined to find him. Alive or dead. Though she really wished for the alive part more. All her children had grown and moved on, some even making families of their own. Life was just starting to get better. And then, this..... She felt her head lower as she moved threw the lands, she had smelled that she passed a pride, but she didn't seem to care.

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Thona had been following the leopardess for quite some time, ever since she entered his lands. She seemed troubled, this made things easy for Thona. So easy, that it was almost a sin to take advantage. Which made it all more the fun. He grinned as he moved towards her. He could smell the fear and sadness on her. Or at least he imagined he could smell the sadness on her. He decided he was gonna play the mr.sensitive part. Listen to her problems and then seduce her. They were the easiest pray that way.

He decided it was his time to make himself known. He cleared his voice and moved faster. He changed his look to something more concerned and peaceful. "Excuse me miss." He said in the most gentle voice. He was good at acting, it was probably one of his best traits, that and fighting. "But I couldn't help noticing, is something wrong?" Good, play it the good guy. He knew that rule well. It was what most females liked.

Keo's ears perked up when she heard someone. At first she couldn't hear the voice, but knew someone was talking to her. At first she had hoped with all her heart it was Ganix... When she turned, it wasn't him. But it was another leopard. She did feel more comfortable around other leopards then anything. She gave him a soft smile. "Oh, hi." She spoke to him with a sigh. She had stopped moving and turned towards him completely.

He looked concerned for her. Was it that obvious something was wrong? "I've lost someone very dear to me." She told him with a sad face. Her ears went back down. "perhaps you have seen him?" She asked. She described as best she could what Ganix had looked like She didn't know what else to do. But just maybe he could help. She hoped.

He shook his head. Even if he had seen him, he'd still have shook his head. Of course, he had no intention of helping her, but she didn't need to know that. "no, I'm afraid not." He had told her. He was slightly relieved that she didn't ask him about his accessories, though he could easily lie. That was never a problem with him. Though, she was looking for a male. That'd be a bit of a problem. Unless she had no hope in finding him, or if he was perhaps her son...

"I'm sorry." He lied. "You do look as if you need a small break though." Oh he'd give her a break... well, no not really. He wanted her to trust him, then he'd rip it away when he was done with her.

She frowned at his response. Of course he hadn't. Ganix probably would have never come this way... She didn't to think about anything bad for the moment. She smiled at him kindly. She was getting almost too old for this traveling bit. "Thanks, anyways." She said with gentle voice. She nodded at his great hospitality. These lands must be his, the smell was all over him. Though, she didn't want to be rude and ask.

"That, I think, would be best." She said as she sat down. She didn't know if he was going to invite her to stay a while, or just rest with her here until she was to leave. She had no clue about this place, and didn't want to intrude at all.

Excellent, she was falling for it. He smiled most innocent at her, but not too innocent. She seemed older and perhaps a bit more wise then most. That didn't bother him, a challenge made things even better. She was pretty, that was another good thing. He watched her sit down, though, he wanted her close to the pride. Not too close though. "I can show you a nice shaded area" He told her with another smile.

"It'll keep you out of the sun, and has a small drinking place" It wasn't the huge oasis where he had the main part of the pride, but it was a big enough water hole for a small bit to rest when hunting. It was his main area he took females when he wanted to seduce them. It worked well.

She felt relieved, she didn't want to stay in the sun any longer. It almost made her want to cry, and if she cried she knew she had lost it. Lost it big time. And she didn't want to admit that, not yet. "That would be wonderful, if you don't mind." She asked him with another smile. Oh, he was a savior in this wasteland paradise.

She stood up, ready for any movement towards where he was going to go. She didn't want to be left out here, not now. She needed to be with someone. To touch someone. To be listened too. Though, she didn't want to be with this male, but it was what she had. She couldn't be too picky. Not in the time of need. A longing for someone to help her, in one way or another.

He smiled, both mentally and physically. Though his mental smile was twisted and evil. His plan was falling perfectly into place. Like it normally did. Rarely did things go badly for him. At least for the moment. Everything just seemed to go smooth. Some would say too smooth. He flicked his tail. "Of course, This way my lady." he didn't exchange names, for she hadn't said hers. It wasn't needed, though he'd simply use one of his made up names. He loved doing that.

"It's really not that far, just over by those rocks up a head." He said with looking back at her as he started to walk. He knew she'd be quickly behind him. She did get up horribly fast. He wondered if she was thirsty, tired, or just wanted to get out of the hot afternoon heat. It did get almost unbelievably hot out here. He hardly noticed... It was nice.

She followed him. "You're very kind' She told him as she followed. He had no reason to be kind to her, yet he was. She'd never met someone like him before, at least not in a long, long time. It was refreshing. She felt safe with him. At least for the moment. He didn't seem at all to mind her, and seemed to want to share a bit of his land with her. Which was good.

"It's much more warm than I'm use to." she spoke. Wanting to keep the silence from coming. She needed noise, needed to know she wasn't alone for the moment. All hope was slipping away from her. She didn't want it to. Anything that took her mind away from it. "So what is out here anyways?" She asked she could smell what seemed like a lot of leopards and lions and possibly something else that she couldn't make out."

He didn't reply to her kindness remark. Almost like he must have not heard it, but he did. He didn't want to accidentally say something that might hinder her thoughts and trusts of him. He was able to smile now, without her seeing him. Smile the way he had been in his mind. He couldn't help it, things were looking positive for him.

"It can get warm, but I suppose I'm use to it." He spoke with a nod. Hiding any of his twisted thoughts away. He had to keep that under control, be professional like he always was. "Just a pride, but it's not really interesting." he told her. "A bunch of those who are outcasted." He said. "For being different" He added. "Hybrids mostly." He added again. A lie. There were more leopards than anything in his pride, but that didn't matter. No, she wouldn't get close enough to see any of them.

"Here we are" He spoke as they reached the area. He would make himself comfortable and stay with her until she would leave. Mostly because he has plans for her. Ones she didn't know of, and wouldn't until it was too later. After she agreed to it.

So they were. It was wonderful and peaceful. She didn't want to be around too many others, so she dropped the conversation of a pride, or whatever it was. A gathering, or something. It was nice to be with just one other soul. Too many could have her overwhelmed, plus, she didn't want to be around... hybrids, was it? They didn't sound like something she wanted to know about. at least for now.

She yawned. It was time for her to relax for a bit.

"Relax for a while, I'll be back in a few. I'll just go grab some food for you." He left. He'd be back, but in a bit. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't be bothered by any of the pride members. Simply telling them not to go near his "usual" Spot. He slipped away quickly and disappeared towards the pride. He knew she'd stay there.

She didn't want him to leave, but she was horribly hungry. There wasn't much out here. She lapped up some water, and would wait for him to return. She'd have starved to death, or died of thirst if it wasn't for him. She owed him, but what? -end-