Name: Square (cant think of a good name, and its one of my nicknames) XD
Species: Chimeric alligator, gecko, gila monster, feline (basically a big fluffy lizard)
Gender: female
Age: in her early to mid 20s
Bio: I dont really have a bio for her yet. I'm trying to keep her as my main fursona (the RP will help because it wont allow me to switch characters) Lets just say she met Larka a long time ago and they've been good friends ever since. She needed a job and Larka provided. She likes to sleep in the bathtubs and under the tables of the tavern.
Personality: She has a cat like personality at times, very independent, loves fish, and sometimes takes really long naps. Friendly personality and funny. An excellent brawler and a lover of steampunk. She likes to swim or be near water and is a bit of an artist. She also loves revolvers and pocket watches. She's not a big drinker, but she will drink on holidays or for special occasions. Because of this she doesnt know many drink types even though shes a bartender. But she'll happily make you anything if you just tell her how to make it :3 (I'll add more as it comes to me)

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