Name: Zeren
Age: Unknown. While being of this world for only several years, fragments of his former life leads him to believe he may be hundreds of years old.
Race: Ascended Incubus.
Weight: 156 lbs.
Height: 6' 2"
Orientation: Bisexual. And a total slut.
Build: Slender frame, with very little fat.

Race bio: Ascended is the term given to demons that have either willingly allowed themselves to be purified by the Light or have succumbed to it. No longer driven solely by evil, they walk amongst the rest of sapientkind in the physical plane, unable to return to their dark birthplace. Many actually become upstanding citizens while some, deeply conflicted by their new nature, live on the lawless fringes of society.

Character Bio: After being accidentally summoned by a cabal of mages, they "saved" and allowed him to live among the cabal. While no longer evil, Zeren was still plagued by a constant, often overwhelming urge to mate. Thus, he had to reign in his seductive powers early in his new life. He made up for his amorous nature by putting his ingenious mind to work for the cabal, studying arcane sciences and creating invention many would consider eons ahead of it's time. Soon, his craft was sought after many throughout the region, and some scholars believe his inventions help lead the land into an eventual renaissance. Nowadays, he travels city to city, plying his wares from his steam-powered stagecoach.

Appearance: Similar to a gargoyle, only somewhat handsomer. A black beak and stripes stand out of his snowy white skin, his deep red eyes framed by long, white hair.

Personality: Friendly and affectionate. Rather naive, but can be fairly suave when he wants to. Likes to talk and being an incubus, still enjoys a good flirting, although he practices restraint on strangers to avoid offending sensibilities... Except when he's selling his wares, in which he'll use his seductive powers with abandon.

Powers and abilites:

Seductive aura- Ascended incubuses are nowhere near as powerful as their evil counterparts. Around a tight radius of Zeren, he can produce an aura that can make either a willing victim or a neutral person fall deeply in love with him. It doesn't always work, as in if the victim is agitated or hostile, they will not be effected by it. Even if willing, some of the more magically inclined races may be immune to the area of effect. This is a passive ability that has little application in battle, but is frequently used when he's selling his wares or sating his amorous urges.

Inventive genius- He has gadgets and tools for just about any situation, not to mention some of the most advanced weaponry on the field. Due to their experimental nature, they can be prone to failure or as he calls it, "blowing up in your face".