Name: Celestia. No last name.

Age: 41

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 141 lbs.

Appearance: Not unlike Arthur, except female. Fleece is dulled from corruption, has red eyes.

Personality: Emotionally abrasive and haughty. Values little besides her reign and her "pet", Relis.

Bio: The specifics of what exactly caused her to become the way she is isn't exactly known, as the internal affairs of spirits are not widely discussed. But what Arthur will tell you is that she's become corrupted, a state which spirits succumb to their darkest desires. He refers to her as "big sister", where Celestia calls him "little brother", even though it's highly doubtful that either of them share blood. Where Arthur would never use his hypnotic gaze without consent unless under extreme duress, Celestia has used her powers with wild abandon, raising an entire army of mindless minions ready to die for their mistress. What she seeks besides total reign isn't entirely known as well.