Name: Zarene (Zah-ren-nay), answers to Rene, Nene, Zazza/Zazzi
Age: unknown, child-like disposition alternates with a sage serenity that makes her seem ancient
Race: shapeshifter, prefers canid forms
Bio: escaped from testing facility with shattered memories and wariness about strange humans
Habitat: entrances to her gigantic burrow can be found in dark, seldom stirred places. it contains mainly socks, books and large mineral deposits which are harvested whenever she exits
Powers(if any): changing her form, with limitations, she cannot exceed her own mass without taking in a large amount of water or sand to make up the difference. when certain minerals are used up and she cannot compensate with a different chemical reaction, she needs to replenish her supply.
Appearance: we is a fuzzie that sometimes has paws, a tail, and fuzzly pointed ears. mostly our fuzzlyness is just a poof of fur that likes to bounce and roll around the ankles of whoever is nearby. can change exterior to appear like a solid object, but may relax into most familiar form when tickled.
Weapon of choice: claws or fangs reinforced with mineral coatings or purely magical, solar-powered "sleepytime mallet" which induces slumber in targeted organisms for a time dictated by the power setting.
Anything else: we gots a slightly fragmented personality here...