Are you new to the guild, or been away for some time? Before you jump into any rp's, there's a few things you must do first. Our world is a complex one. You wouldn't want to anger the community with your limited knowledge of the world - after all, who wants to look like an imbecile? Don't know where to start? You've come to the right place.

Anything you need to know about our world is found in the World Fundamentals subforum.

Step-by-Step Guide for the Overwhelmed:

The History

Our first stop is the history of our world. What? You find history boring? Don't worry, there's plenty of pretty pictures. So crack open the book and take your first steps towards becoming enlightened. Even if your character is a dunce who doesn't learn history, you as a writer need to know it to understand why the races behave as they do, and why the plot develops the way it does. Whether your character realizes it or not, their life has been impacted by history and it has shaped the way they likely view other races and cultures.

The Races

Now that you've read about the history, take a moment to see the different races of our world. If nothing else, this is the most important page to understand. If your character treats a certain race in a way that is contradictory to how they normally would, they should have a backstory or reason as to why.

The Elements

This page you will likely have to refer to often. Don't worry about taking all of this in. This will come to you the longer you spend in our world. Any of the sections that are past the main 'Elements' section is knowledge privy to the more educated characters. If your character does not know the Alignments of elements, the personality of elements or more, then they should not be a master of their element.

The Guardians

This section follows directly after the elements page. If you didn't finish the elements page, this isn't going to make complete sense. Do not move on to this section until you've read about elemental realms - which is located on the elements page.

Notable Characters

Listed on this page is a collection of characters your character should be aware of - unless they are somehow not a part of society. The Kitari may have limited knowledge of the characters listed if the character belongs to a society that is not their own.

Note: If you have a character that you feel should be a famous name in our world, you may send me a PM to request it. Know that just because you ask, it does not mean it will be granted.

Create Characters

Your next step is to finally create your characters! You can create as many characters as you like. Before you create any characters though, you must visit this page.


Once you've made your character(s), the rest is up to you! You can get to know other members in The Lounge, Plot, Join/Recruit roleplays that are based in our world but are not considered part of the main guild story.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask below!