There is someone that needs are prayers. She goes by Yusuki and Yuzufruits on Deniant Art.

I met here last year in an add for a cosplay buddy, but she changed her mind for a cosplay buddy and stayed solo. We talked a bit on deviant art. Then, after reading some of her comments on here own photos, it came to me she has realy low self-asteem. Please pray for her self-asteem and that God can give here His peace and what ever the Lord impresses on your heart.

She commented later, in here journal, that she was having a hard time lately. Then in September of last year, she posted a journal intry that said she's leaving deviant art and becoming a hirmit. She also said, in this new post, she wasn't having a good time with life, family, and friends.

Please pray for here. She only gets on deviant art once in a while. She needs God and its hard to communicat with here now.

If you want to see her deviant art page or leave a comment, its here .

Thank you soo much.