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Nia lowered herself in the grass and watched the herd of antelope with intensity. Each one was observed by her until she could successfully pick out the weakest. There. With a satisfied purr Nia turned her gaze away. It was fine to let the herd alone a moment longer. Already the image of the older stag with the gray stripe down the side was in her skull.

"Can we do it?" Kamau whispered beside of his mother as he watched her turn away from the herd. This was his first real hunt - all those hares and small skirmishes didn't count compared to this. Real prey was in front of him and he was going to bring it down. With his mother's help of course - he wasn't any where near being an adult yet after all.

"I picked the weakest." Nia looked at her son with a flicker of amusement, "Surely you can handle that." Her mouth turned up into a grin as Kamau rolled his eyes. "What is it?" She asked softly as she looked at him in interest. Why was he looking so disappointed like that?

"I want to be proud of my first true kill." Muttered the young leopard, "Can't we go for a stronger one? That ole timer is nothing. I mean it looks like a faint breeze would kill him any second now!" His hiss made some antelopes look up and Kamau slunk back into the tall grasses with a sheepish look.

"Need I even to argue with you?" Asked Nia with a faint purr of amusement. Even though her cub was the youngest she knew that he worked to be the top. Brave, strong, cunning... Though he really was still a cub at heart - that as his mother she felt. Still, maybe she should let him learn the hard way? Tracking an animal was easy, but bringing it down no matter how old or young they were was a different story.

"If you insist though. I'll let you decide on our target this time, Kamau."

"Re-really mother?" Kamau grinned up at Nia who gave him a nod of encouragement before gazing over all the other antelope. There were quite a good few. He realized as he studied them. But he didn't want the biggest or the oldest...oh! There in the middle was a nice looking male who looked like he would give quite the fight. "Let's get that one."

"Alright. Go for it. I'll follow you." Whispered Nia as she slunk even further down in the grass. Kamau looked nervous before nodding one last time and moving on ahead. Proudly Nia watched how he disappeared with ease beneath the tall grass. That showed good promise for his future. Especially the silent way that he walked. Nia smiled. As a rogue she had to perfect it and it seemed that her cub had been seriously watching how she quietly moved all this time.

Alright. Kamau clawed the earth beneath his paws in anticipation as the stag that he had chosen made its way closer. The young leopard held his breath before building up strength in his hind legs and jumping. "Hah!" His claws met the hind leg of the antelope before it started to kick and bolt. With a growl Kamau bit down and try to hold on for his dear life as the prey started to fight back.

"Kamau!" Nia hissed in disbelief as her son attacked directly like that. She would have to move fast if she wanted to save him from a skull bashing. With a roar the leopardess revealed herself to the scattering herd and ran at the stag. Which in turn forgot the nuisance beneath its hooves and start to try running away from the vengeful leopard.

Pain filled Kamau's head as he went flying back. That kick had hurt! With a curse the young leopard watched his mother race towards them. Oh no. He couldn't leave it like this. Kamau just knew that the prey would get away if he sat there. Already it was bolting with his mother too far away to truly be able to catch it. Or at least without help she couldn't. His attack had hurt the antelope, but not enough to down it like he had planned."I'm not losing this yet."

Nia watched in disbelief as Kamau rose from the ground with a roar and started to run after his prey. Hadn't he been kicked in the ribs? She started to call after him before shaking her head and giving chase as well. What a stubborn fool! If he survived, she would make sure that he wouldn't forget this mistake. That or make sure that he didn't live to repeat it. Growling she went after the two.

Kamau didn't mind the stinging pain in his body. All he cared for was the prey. How it ran, how close he was getting, and how the scent of its dripping blood exhilarated him. Soon a path of stones littered his way and the leopard watched with glee as the antelope started stumbling over loose rocks. This prey was his. With a growl the leopard leapt and latched onto the antelope's back.

She really was going to kill him. Why was he so direct? What had she told him about wearing down the prey after using surprise? Though she had to admit a small bloom of pride was there beneath the worry. For a fool he was pretty brave and thoughtful. For Kamau had somehow chased the antelope into a trap of stones. All that he had to do was to finish it with a bite or slash to the neck since the antelope couldn't run away anymore. After all a wall of stone blocked it's escape along with her behind them.

Kamau grinned proudly as he followed his mother towards the pride. Both were dragging the carcass back for supper and he couldn't wait to show it off to his siblings. "That was great! I can't believe we trapped it like that. And then you ran in there and made it go down and I got the throat, it was awesome!" He purred loudly and grinned over at his mother before freezing.

"Gloat now, Kamau." Warned Nia, "But your ribs are hurt and I get to doctor you. No leaving the den for at least three days, plus it looks like I'll have to get some of those herbs..." She smiled sweetly, "Those delicious ones that make anyone gag. Plus, when you're better I'll make sure you remember next time to listen to mother dearest. How about it?"

Kamau just gulped fearfully as his mother grinned secretly to herself. Nothing else was spoken the whole journey home, though the young leopard had to admit later that night after a full belly and some stinging herbs that really had been worth it.